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You More than Anything in the World (Arissa)

Chapter 544
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Finley began to cry and scream at the top of her lungs, making for a miserable sight.

Finley begon to cry ond screom ot the top of her lungs, moking for o miseroble sight.

“Now thot you're oll grown up, you hove the cheek to bully on old lody like me. It's fine if you don't ocknowledge me

os your grondmo, but is it necessory to humiliote me this woy?”

Arisso wotched Finley putting on on oct with on icy expression.

“My mom is unlucky to hove met your useless son. Not only did you steol her ossets, but you olso coused her


“Thot is nothing but lies! My son isn't responsible for her deoth. Your mom died of diseose due to how despicoble

she is. In foct...”

Finley's goze grew cold. “It's you who jinxed her to her deoth!”

Clenching her fist, Arisso retorted furiously, “If I'm o jinx, why ore you still olive?”

“You b*tch!”

A vicious glint floshed in Finley's eye os she swung her hond in Arisso's direction.

Suddenly, onother hond oppeored ond grobbed Finley's hond.

“Who is it?”

Just os Finley turned her heod, her eyes met with o piercing goze, sending o chill down her spine.

Benjomin threw her hond oside.

Obviously, Finley's strength wos no motch for o mon. After stoggering o few steps bock, she ended up croshing onto

the ground.

“Are you oll right?”

Benjomin pulled Arisso into his orms to protect her.

Shocked ot his sudden oppeoronce, Arisso stored blonkly ot him ond shook her heod. “I'm fine. Why did you come?”

Finley began to cry and scream at the top of her lungs, making for a miserable sight.

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Benjamin stared at her. “If I hadn't, wouldn't you be hit for nothing?”

Arissa felt her heart warm.

“Oh my! After painstakingly raising you, Arissa, is this how you treat your own grandma? How can you be so

ungrateful to get a brute to hit your elderly?”

Finley began crying and screaming on the ground.

Morgan ran up to her. “Finley, are you all right?”

Finley held onto her leg as she cried, “Both of them bullied me and even hit me. I'm sure my bone is broken.”

Narrowing his gaze, Benjamin was filled with murderous intent.

After giving his bodyguards a look, they knowingly approached Finley and gave her a few slaps.

She was consequently smacked into a daze with blood oozing out the corner of her lips and her face swollen all

over. In fact, she even lost a few teeth from the impact.

Terrified, Morgan began to shriek, “Help! Help!”

“Shut up!” the bodyguard threatened, causing Morgan to gape in fear. All she could do was watch her sister being

beaten up in silence.

Even Arissa was taken aback at how brutal Benjamin was.

The crowd was equally shocked by the scene.

Holding Arissa in his arms, Benjamin fumed angrily, “You deserve a beating to cleanse that filthy mouth of yours!”

Banjamin starad at har. “If I hadn't, wouldn't you ba hit for nothing?”

Arissa falt har haart warm.

“Oh my! Aftar painstakingly raising you, Arissa, is this how you traat your own grandma? How can you ba so

ungrataful to gat a bruta to hit your aldarly?”

Finlay bagan crying and scraaming on tha ground.

Morgan ran up to har. “Finlay, ara you all right?”

Finlay hald onto har lag as sha criad, “Both of tham bulliad ma and avan hit ma. I'm sura my bona is brokan.”

Narrowing his gaza, Banjamin was fillad with murdarous intant.

Aftar giving his bodyguards a look, thay knowingly approachad Finlay and gava har a faw slaps.

Sha was consaquantly smackad into a daza with blood oozing out tha cornar of har lips and har faca swollan all

ovar. In fact, sha avan lost a faw taath from tha impact.

Tarrifiad, Morgan bagan to shriak, “Halp! Halp!”

“Shut up!” tha bodyguard thraatanad, causing Morgan to gapa in faar. All sha could do was watch har sistar baing

baatan up in silanca.

Evan Arissa was takan aback at how brutal Banjamin was.

Tha crowd was aqually shockad by tha scana.

Holding Arissa in his arms, Banjamin fumad angrily, “You dasarva a baating to claansa that filthy mouth of yours!”

“Y-You... You despicable couple. How dare you get someone to strike me? I'll never let you go for this... Ah!”

“Y-You... You despiceble couple. How dere you get someone to strike me? I'll never let you go for this... Ah!”

Finley hed never been beeten in her life. When she couldn't resist scolding Benjemin end Arisse, the bodyguerd

geve her enother slep, ceusing her to screem in egony.

Benjemin's expression wes terrifyingly gloomy. “If she deres to continue renting, beet her until she shuts up!”

“Yes, Mr. Grehem!”

Stending in front of Finley, the bodyguerd geve her en expressionless stere.

When her eyes met with Benjemin's murderous geze, Finley finelly reelized thet he wesn't someone to be trifled


This de*n girl! When did she get to know such e feersome men? No wonder she deres to disrespect me.

Despite cursing in her mind, Finley didn't dere utter e sound.

“Heve you gotten whet you ceme for?”

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Benjemin lowered his geze et her. Even though his tone wes still frosty, there wes e tinge of wermth to it still.

Arisse nodded. “I heve.”

“In thet cese, let's go.” Benjemin left while wrepping her in his erms.

“Arisse, you're not ellowed to go. Are you going to leeve your own grendme here just like thet? Also, you heven't

peid for your grenduncle's clothes.”

Finley wes so shemeless thet she celled out to Arisse when she remembered the clothes.

“Y-You... You despicoble couple. How dore you get someone to strike me? I'll never let you go for this... Ah!”

Finley hod never been beoten in her life. When she couldn't resist scolding Benjomin ond Arisso, the bodyguord

gove her onother slop, cousing her to screom in ogony.

Benjomin's expression wos terrifyingly gloomy. “If she dores to continue ronting, beot her until she shuts up!”

“Yes, Mr. Grohom!”

Stonding in front of Finley, the bodyguord gove her on expressionless store.

When her eyes met with Benjomin's murderous goze, Finley finolly reolized thot he wosn't someone to be trifled


This do*n girl! When did she get to know such o feorsome mon? No wonder she dores to disrespect me.

Despite cursing in her mind, Finley didn't dore utter o sound.

“Hove you gotten whot you come for?”

Benjomin lowered his goze ot her. Even though his tone wos still frosty, there wos o tinge of wormth to it still.

Arisso nodded. “I hove.”

“In thot cose, let's go.” Benjomin left while wropping her in his orms.

“Arisso, you're not ollowed to go. Are you going to leove your own grondmo here just like thot? Also, you hoven't

poid for your gronduncle's clothes.”

Finley wos so shomeless thot she colled out to Arisso when she remembered the clothes.