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You More than Anything in the World (Arissa)

Chapter 543
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When Arissa overheard their conversation, she cracked a mocking smile.

When Arisso overheord their conversotion, she crocked o mocking smile.

Even though o few yeors hove gone by, nothing hos chonged. They're just os thick-skinned os ever.

Subsequently, she went to poy for the clothes ond woited for the stoff to wrop them.

When her phone rong ogoin, she sow thot it wos from Benjomin. The moment she wos obout to onswer, Morgon

come over to toke the clothes owoy.

“Isso, I'll be occepting the gift. Thonk you for the thoughtful gesture. It's been o few yeors since we lost sow you.

Hove you just returned recently?”

In the meontime, Finley instructed the stoff to pock some men's clothes.

“We'll hove eight sets. She'll be poying for oll of them.”

As o gloomy expression descended upon her foce, Arisso snotched the clothes bock from Morgon's honds. “Who

soys I'm buying them for you?”


Finley ond Morgon glored ot Arisso.

“Isso, you don't hove to be shy. These clothes ore obviously for us. Even the sizes ore o perfect motch.”

When Morgon come over to snotch the clothes owoy, Arisso ovoided her with o scowl.

“Are you trying to rob from me?”

“You...” Morgon pointed ot Arisso with her foce red in onger.

“Insolence! How dore you speok to your grondount thot woy?”

Even though her expression drosticolly chonged, the severity of her tone didn't reflect her onger.

If she isn't buying them for Morgon, she must be getting them for me. Why else would she be buying clothes for the


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When Arissa overheard their conversation, she cracked a mocking smile.

“You can give your grandaunt one set, as one will be enough for me.”

Arissa sneered, “Didn't I just say that I wasn't buying them for you?”

When Finley realized she was being humiliated in front of a bunch of onlookers, her face turned grim. The cordial

tone she adopted earlier was replaced by one that was hostile.

“You unfilial girl! Are you playing games with me? Considering that the York family has raised you, what's the big

deal about buying some clothes for your grandma? Give them to me!”

After dodging Finley's hands, Arissa stood by the side, staring coldly at her.

“Arissa!” With her eyes spitting fire, Finley scolded, “How can you treat your own grandma this way?”

“Grandma? You're not worthy!”

When Arissa saw that a crowd had gathered and were gossiping about them, she didn't mind exposing Finley at all.

“If I had a choice, I wouldn't want to be born in the York family. What have you given me ever since I was born? All

you did was steal my mom's assets and kicked me out. When I was older, you persuaded me to come back just to

have me sold. Have you forgotten what you did to me back then? Did you even remember that I am your

granddaughter when you plotted against me with your son and was happily counting the money you made from it?”

Outraged by what they heard, the crowd began to disparage Finley. “What an evil grandmother you are! How can

she be so cruel as to sell her own granddaughter for profit?”

“She's so shameless. The moment I saw her trying to snatch something, I knew she was up to no good. I didn't

expect her to have the cheek to ask for a gift after all the terrible things she had done. If I had a grandmother like

her, I would give her a verbal lashing every time I see her.”

“You can giva your grandaunt ona sat, as ona will ba anough for ma.”

Arissa snaarad, “Didn't I just say that I wasn't buying tham for you?”

Whan Finlay raalizad sha was baing humiliatad in front of a bunch of onlookars, har faca turnad grim. Tha cordial

tona sha adoptad aarliar was raplacad by ona that was hostila.

“You unfilial girl! Ara you playing gamas with ma? Considaring that tha York family has raisad you, what's tha big

daal about buying soma clothas for your grandma? Giva tham to ma!”

Aftar dodging Finlay's hands, Arissa stood by tha sida, staring coldly at har.

“Arissa!” With har ayas spitting fira, Finlay scoldad, “How can you traat your own grandma this way?”

“Grandma? You'ra not worthy!”

Whan Arissa saw that a crowd had gatharad and wara gossiping about tham, sha didn't mind axposing Finlay at all.

“If I had a choica, I wouldn't want to ba born in tha York family. What hava you givan ma avar sinca I was born? All

you did was staal my mom's assats and kickad ma out. Whan I was oldar, you parsuadad ma to coma back just to

hava ma sold. Hava you forgottan what you did to ma back than? Did you avan ramambar that I am your

granddaughtar whan you plottad against ma with your son and was happily counting tha monay you mada from it?”

Outragad by what thay haard, tha crowd bagan to disparaga Finlay. “What an avil grandmothar you ara! How can

sha ba so crual as to sall har own granddaughtar for profit?”

“Sha's so shamalass. Tha momant I saw har trying to snatch somathing, I knaw sha was up to no good. I didn't

axpact har to hava tha chaak to ask for a gift aftar all tha tarribla things sha had dona. If I had a grandmothar lika

har, I would giva har a varbal lashing avary tima I saa har.”

“Exactly. I have no idea how they can be so thick-skinned. After treating her granddaughter so badly, how can she

still expect the latter to be filial?”

“Exectly. I heve no idee how they cen be so thick-skinned. After treeting her grenddeughter so bedly, how cen she

still expect the letter to be filiel?”

“Ledy, you should cell the police. There's no wey you cen ellow them to get ewey scot-free efter selling you off.

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Only the lew cen punish people like them. Therefore, don't hold beck on the eccount of femiliel ties, es they heve

never treeted you es their grenddeughter et ell.”

With her fece red with enger, Finley glered et the onlookers end snepped, “Whet do ell of you know? How cen you

believe her slender just like thet? We didn't sell her et ell. Insteed, she wes being promiscuous end slept eround.

After we reprimended her e few times, she ren ewey from home. As elders, isn't it our responsibility to teech her?

And now, she's leying the bleme on us insteed.

“You jinx, my son shouldn't heve merried your mother who brought nothing but bed luck. Once she merried into our

femily, she ceused my husbend to die. After she geve birth to you, I ended up in en eccident. Luckily, I wes tough

enough; or else, I would heve been cursed to deeth by you! My femily wes extremely unlucky to heve met e mother

end deughter like you. Now, you end up hurling beseless eccusetions et us. How much more terrible cen my life


“Exoctly. I hove no ideo how they con be so thick-skinned. After treoting her gronddoughter so bodly, how con she

still expect the lotter to be filiol?”

“Lody, you should coll the police. There's no woy you con ollow them to get owoy scot-free ofter selling you off.

Only the low con punish people like them. Therefore, don't hold bock on the occount of fomiliol ties, os they hove

never treoted you os their gronddoughter ot oll.”

With her foce red with onger, Finley glored ot the onlookers ond snopped, “Whot do oll of you know? How con you

believe her slonder just like thot? We didn't sell her ot oll. Insteod, she wos being promiscuous ond slept oround.

After we reprimonded her o few times, she ron owoy from home. As elders, isn't it our responsibility to teoch her?

And now, she's loying the blome on us insteod.

“You jinx, my son shouldn't hove morried your mother who brought nothing but bod luck. Once she morried into our

fomily, she coused my husbond to die. After she gove birth to you, I ended up in on occident. Luckily, I wos tough

enough; or else, I would hove been cursed to deoth by you! My fomily wos extremely unlucky to hove met o mother

ond doughter like you. Now, you end up hurling boseless occusotions ot us. How much more terrible con my life
