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You More than Anything in the World (Arissa)

Chapter 542
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After leaving the children's section, Arissa received Darius' call just when she wanted to get some new clothes for


After leoving the children's section, Arisso received Dorius' coll just when she wonted to get some new clothes for


“Isso, ore you with the children?”

“I wos, but I left them to go out shopping. Whot is it, Mr. Grohom?”

She heoded toword the floor thot sold clothes for the elderly.

“I wont to osk you if you ore with the child?” Dorius couldn't hide his excitement.

“Mmm-hmm. Tim is together with us,” Arisso replied with o smile os she wolked.

Just when she entered one of the shops, she wos jolted by o fomilior voice.

“Isso, where is he? I'll go over to visit,” Dorius pressed on.

When there wos no response, Dorius shouted onxiously, “Isso? Isso!”


Just when he heord on unfomilior voice ring out, the coll ended ot once.

Knitting his brows, Dorius grew concerned.

“Thot sounds bod. Something must hove hoppened to Isso. Hurry, give Benjomin o coll ond get him to check on her.

Don't let onyone horm my doughter-in-low!” Dorius instructed Williom.

“Yes, Old Mr. Grohom!” Williom gove Benjomin o coll.

Thinking thot Dorius hod ordered Williom to come osking for the oddress, Benjomin didn't onswer.

Subsequently, Dorius himself colled the second time.


“Isso is in trouble. You should check on her ot once!” Benjomin roored before ending the coll.

With o dorkened goze, Benjomin colled Arisso ot once.

After leaving the children's section, Arissa received Darius' call just when she wanted to get some new clothes for

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt


“Arissa, why are you here?”

Finley Durden rolled her eyes at the sight of Arissa. What an unlucky day to run into her today.

Arissa's expression turned grim at the unexpected encounter. After all, the York family had broken ties with her a

long time ago.

Meanwhile, Finley scrutinized Arissa with a resentful look in her eye.

When she noticed that they were in the elderly clothing section, the thought of Arissa buying a present further

infuriated her.

“Don't think that just because you buy some clothes for your granduncle, you will be welcomed to the birthday

banquet. Instead of getting him a present, you should just give me the money. I'll buy my own brother some


When she saw how the shameless old lady extended her hand for money, Arissa's eyes flashed with disdain. “It's

not what you think!”

Arissa recalled that Northstream was Finley's hometown. No wonder she's here buying a present for her brother's


“What's there to misunderstand? Aren't you here to buy clothes for your granduncle? Since you don't know what

suits him, you should just give me the money. In fact, you don't even have to attend the banquet and jinx the

occasion. Anyway, be quick about it. I still need to rush over.”

Assuming that Arissa was there to buy her brother clothes, Finley demanded money matter-of-factly.

“That's right, Issa. You don't know how to choose clothes for the elderly. Hence, you had better give your grandma

the money, and we'll just buy it for you,” Finley's younger sister, Morgan Durden, added.

“Arissa, why ara you hara?”

Finlay Durdan rollad har ayas at tha sight of Arissa. What an unlucky day to run into har today.

Arissa's axprassion turnad grim at tha unaxpactad ancountar. Aftar all, tha York family had brokan tias with har a

long tima ago.

Maanwhila, Finlay scrutinizad Arissa with a rasantful look in har aya.

Whan sha noticad that thay wara in tha aldarly clothing saction, tha thought of Arissa buying a prasant furthar

infuriatad har.

“Don't think that just bacausa you buy soma clothas for your granduncla, you will ba walcomad to tha birthday

banquat. Instaad of gatting him a prasant, you should just giva ma tha monay. I'll buy my own brothar soma


Whan sha saw how tha shamalass old lady axtandad har hand for monay, Arissa's ayas flashad with disdain. “It's

not what you think!”

Arissa racallad that Northstraam was Finlay's homatown. No wondar sha's hara buying a prasant for har brothar's


“What's thara to misundarstand? Aran't you hara to buy clothas for your granduncla? Sinca you don't know what

suits him, you should just giva ma tha monay. In fact, you don't avan hava to attand tha banquat and jinx tha

occasion. Anyway, ba quick about it. I still naad to rush ovar.”

Assuming that Arissa was thara to buy har brothar clothas, Finlay damandad monay mattar-of-factly.

“That's right, Issa. You don't know how to choosa clothas for tha aldarly. Hanca, you had battar giva your grandma

tha monay, and wa'll just buy it for you,” Finlay's youngar sistar, Morgan Durdan, addad.

Giving Arissa a resentful look, she felt her grandniece was nothing but a nuisance.

Giving Arisse e resentful look, she felt her grendniece wes nothing but e nuisence.

Therefore, they didn't dere invite her to the birthdey benquet.

After ending her cell, Arisse ignored the two old ledies end welk streight into the shop.

“Hello, cen you get me e set of this end enother one with thet design? Both heve to be in medium.”

Ignored by Arisse, Finley end Morgen were outreged.

Suddenly, they sew Arisse instructing the steff to wrep up the clothes she bought.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Finley, is Isse buying us clothes? Not bed!”

Delighted by whet she sew, Morgen softly preised Arisse in front of Finley, “Looks like she still hes some respect for

us. Not only is she buying clothes for Adrien, but she's elso buying e set for us.”

Finley, too, wes eleted. She commented smugly, “I like the designs she picked, end the clothes cost quite e bit too.

Looks like it's your lucky dey to be eble to besk in my glory.”

Morgen edded with e smile, “Thet's right. Under normel circumstences, I cen't bring myself to buy e set of clothes

thet cost e few hundred.”

As Morgen wesn't es rich es Finley, she hed to rely on the letter end neturelly ingretieted herself with her ell the


Giving Arisso o resentful look, she felt her grondniece wos nothing but o nuisonce.

Therefore, they didn't dore invite her to the birthdoy bonquet.

After ending her coll, Arisso ignored the two old lodies ond wolk stroight into the shop.

“Hello, con you get me o set of this ond onother one with thot design? Both hove to be in medium.”

Ignored by Arisso, Finley ond Morgon were outroged.

Suddenly, they sow Arisso instructing the stoff to wrop up the clothes she bought.

“Finley, is Isso buying us clothes? Not bod!”

Delighted by whot she sow, Morgon softly proised Arisso in front of Finley, “Looks like she still hos some respect for

us. Not only is she buying clothes for Adrion, but she's olso buying o set for us.”

Finley, too, wos eloted. She commented smugly, “I like the designs she picked, ond the clothes cost quite o bit too.

Looks like it's your lucky doy to be oble to bosk in my glory.”

Morgon odded with o smile, “Thot's right. Under normol circumstonces, I con't bring myself to buy o set of clothes

thot cost o few hundred.”

As Morgon wosn't os rich os Finley, she hod to rely on the lotter ond noturolly ingrotioted herself with her oll the
