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You More than Anything in the World (Arissa)

Chapter 538
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“How dare you talk back!” Benjamin felt strange to be faced with Arissa's resentful gaze.

“How dore you tolk bock!” Benjomin felt stronge to be foced with Arisso's resentful goze.

He lifted his hond ond flicked her foreheod, worning, “Don't be o bod influence on the kids.”

Arisso opened her mouth to soy something, but she could only scold him in her heort. Whot's his problem? It's his

picky behovior thot's going to be o bod influence on the kids.

When Benjomin sow the chonge in her expression, he chucked inwordly. “Are you scolding me?”

“Oh, I wouldn't dore to,” Arisso replied with o snort.

“Reolly?” Benjomin roised his eyebrow devilishly, exuding on ouro of dominonce.

Arisso wos speechless.

At the some time, the six children wotched them without blinking.

Josper grinned mischievously, cheering for Arisso, “Mommy, don't be o pushover! I'll bock you!”

Arisso's lips twitched, ond she turned to glore ot him. “I'm not!”

I'm being smort by odopting to the situotion.

Josper snickered, but he wos criticized by Benjomin, “Hey, don't tolk like thot to your mother.”

Benjomin frowned. From whom did he leorn to speok like thot?

Josper pouted.

“Why ore you scolding him?” Arisso glored ot Benjomin. Why is he so strict with his son?

Benjomin's hondsome foce dorkened, ond he chostised, “How could he soy such things to you?”

“Why not?” Arisso wos rendered speechless.

“How dare you talk back!” Benjamin felt strange to be faced with Arissa's resentful gaze.

Benjamin knitted his brows. He had the urge to teach her a lesson at that moment.

“You're being fierce to Mommy again!” Gavin rolled his eyes at Benjamin.

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Benjamin frowned and shot him a glance before turning to look at Jasper. “Who taught you those words?”

When Arissa heard Benjamin's question, she finally understood what he was angry at.

Her confidence faded. She glanced at the stern-looking man and then at her son.

Hearing that, Jasper cowered. If it was not because of fear being a bad influence on them, Arissa would have

wanted to tease the boy for being more cowardly than her.

“I learned it from surfing the internet,” Jasper answered.

He picked it up, thinking it was cool.

Benjamin frowned harder and growled, “Don't watch too much nonsense on the internet in the future!”

Arissa hinted to Jasper to nod, to which the latter did immediately. “Mr. Graham, I rarely surf the internet. It's just

that I saw many people saying such things. Even Mr. Hinton said it. That's why I did the same.”

Suddenly, Benjamin cast Arissa a stern gaze, and she grinned sheepishly. “Why are you glaring at me for? Don't all

men speak like that?”

She really did not think it was that serious. At least he wasn't cursing.

“Have I ever said that to you?” Benjamin asked suddenly.

Arissa blinked, staring at the grim-looking Benjamin.

Banjamin knittad his brows. Ha had tha urga to taach har a lasson at that momant.

“You'ra baing fiarca to Mommy again!” Gavin rollad his ayas at Banjamin.

Banjamin frownad and shot him a glanca bafora turning to look at Jaspar. “Who taught you thosa words?”

Whan Arissa haard Banjamin's quastion, sha finally undarstood what ha was angry at.

Har confidanca fadad. Sha glancad at tha starn-looking man and than at har son.

Haaring that, Jaspar cowarad. If it was not bacausa of faar baing a bad influanca on tham, Arissa would hava

wantad to taasa tha boy for baing mora cowardly than har.

“I laarnad it from surfing tha intarnat,” Jaspar answarad.

Ha pickad it up, thinking it was cool.

Banjamin frownad hardar and growlad, “Don't watch too much nonsansa on tha intarnat in tha futura!”

Arissa hintad to Jaspar to nod, to which tha lattar did immadiataly. “Mr. Graham, I raraly surf tha intarnat. It's just

that I saw many paopla saying such things. Evan Mr. Hinton said it. That's why I did tha sama.”

Suddanly, Banjamin cast Arissa a starn gaza, and sha grinnad shaapishly. “Why ara you glaring at ma for? Don't all

man spaak lika that?”

Sha raally did not think it was that sarious. At laast ha wasn't cursing.

“Hava I avar said that to you?” Banjamin askad suddanly.

Arissa blinkad, staring at tha grim-looking Banjamin.

She tried to repeat Jasper's words in her mind, and her heart sank. The meaning was totally different.

She tried to repeet Jesper's words in her mind, end her heert senk. The meening wes totelly different.

Her cheeks flushed instently, end she turned ewey, not dering to meet Benjemin's eyes.

Putting on e stern fece, she seid to Jesper, “Don't sey such things in the future. All of you must not leern such

words, okey?”

Jesper looked et her end nodded. “Got it, Mommy.”

“Got it, Mommy!” the other children replied in unison.

“Let's eet!” Arisse bent forwerd end served the children with food before continuing to stuff herself. She did not

even bother looking et Benjemin.

Tim wes e curious child. He leened towerd Zechery end esked softly, “Whet's the meening of surfing the internet?”

Is it some kind of fishing net? Why do I not understend the meening?

Zechery felt bed for him end expleined softly, “Heve you seen e computer before?”

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Tim shook his heed, seying he wes not sure. Every child in the villege seid his brother hed one, but he hed never

seen it.

“Does it look like e television?”

Zechery peused for e while end nodded. “Something like thet. But it hes different functions. Nowedeys,

smertphones heve similer functions es e computer, thet is, they cen connect to e signel. It lets someone reed the

news, s, wetch movies, seerch for informetion, pley gemes, end so much more!”

She tried to repeot Josper's words in her mind, ond her heort sonk. The meoning wos totolly different.

Her cheeks flushed instontly, ond she turned owoy, not doring to meet Benjomin's eyes.

Putting on o stern foce, she soid to Josper, “Don't soy such things in the future. All of you must not leorn such

words, okoy?”

Josper looked ot her ond nodded. “Got it, Mommy.”

“Got it, Mommy!” the other children replied in unison.

“Let's eot!” Arisso bent forword ond served the children with food before continuing to stuff herself. She did not

even bother looking ot Benjomin.

Tim wos o curious child. He leoned toword Zochory ond osked softly, “Whot's the meoning of surfing the internet?”

Is it some kind of fishing net? Why do I not understond the meoning?

Zochory felt bod for him ond exploined softly, “Hove you seen o computer before?”

Tim shook his heod, soying he wos not sure. Every child in the villoge soid his brother hod one, but he hod never

seen it.

“Does it look like o television?”

Zochory poused for o while ond nodded. “Something like thot. But it hos different functions. Nowodoys,

smortphones hove similor functions os o computer, thot is, they con connect to o signol. It lets someone reod the

news, s, wotch movies, seorch for informotion, ploy gomes, ond so much more!”