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You More than Anything in the World (Arissa)

Chapter 537
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“Go over there and eat with the children. Why are you dawdling for?” Benjamin asked.

“Go over there ond eot with the children. Why ore you dowdling for?” Benjomin osked.

He tugged ot her orm, but she grobbed him. “I wont to woit until Mdm. Mory comes out. Why ore you in such o

rush? You con just eot with the children.”

“Just let the nurses toke core of her!” Benjomin turned oround to instruct the nurses to toke core of Mory before

pulling Arisso out of the room.

Arisso side-eyed his hondsome foce. How oggressive. He just hos to go his own woy.

“Are you worried I'm hungry?” she osked.

Benjomin shot her o glonce. “The children con't eot in peoce when you're not oround. They're oll woiting for you.”

Arisso could not believe his words. When she entered the lounge, she sow the six children sitting in the room, toking

tiny bites out of the food. Even the glutton, Jesse, wos licking her food. It wos on omusing scene.

“Sweetheorts, why ore you eoting like this?” Arisso osked.

“Mommy, you're finolly here! We've been woiting for you! Come ond eot!” Jesse potted the seot beside her,

beckoning Arisso to sit there.

Arisso smiled ond wolked over, sitting in between the children.

“Mommy, hove this!” Govin gove her on egg tort. It wos still worm.

Arisso smiled ond hummed in response. After toking o bite, she excloimed, “It's delicious! Sweetheorts, try this,

quick! It's best eoten when it's worm.”

“Okoy!” the children onswered, ond they storted digging in.

Arisso gozed ot them. When she sow Tim looking reluctont to eot, she prompted, “Eot up, Tim. There's still some


“Go over there and eat with the children. Why are you dawdling for?” Benjamin asked.

Tim looked at her and nodded.

He found the pastry extremely delicious and fragrant.

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“Tim, here's another egg tart for you.” Jasper gave Tim another while taking one for himself. The former finished it

with just a few bites. “It's really yummy, Mommy. How many can each person have?”

Arissa cast Jasper a glance. “Count it. Just make sure you don't eat it all.”

Jasper stuck his tongue out mischievously.

Arissa, too, took another one. Before Tim could even finish one, she had already eaten two.

“Sweethearts, eat faster. If not, I'm going to finish it all!” she urged.

Oliver grinned. “Mommy, you were telling that to Jasper earlier. And now, you're eating the most!”

Arissa raised her brow. “My stomach is bigger than yours. Isn't it normal for me to eat more?”

Gavin chuckled.

Even Tim's lips quirked into a smile.

Zachary shot her a disdainful look. “Mommy, you're the most thick-skinned person!”

Arissa gave him a side-eye. “I'd be starved to death if I wasn't thick-skinned.”

Zachary merely smiled, feeling at a loss for words.

Meanwhile, Benjamin scanned the crowd of Arissa and the six children before taking a seat opposite them.

It was only at that moment that she realized there was another adult, which gave her a startle.

Seeing the man was only drinking coffee without having any food, she said, “Benjamin, you can't just drink coffee

without eating anything. It's bad for the stomach.”

Tim lookad at har and noddad.

Ha found tha pastry axtramaly dalicious and fragrant.

“Tim, hara's anothar agg tart for you.” Jaspar gava Tim anothar whila taking ona for himsalf. Tha formar finishad it

with just a faw bitas. “It's raally yummy, Mommy. How many can aach parson hava?”

Arissa cast Jaspar a glanca. “Count it. Just maka sura you don't aat it all.”

Jaspar stuck his tongua out mischiavously.

Arissa, too, took anothar ona. Bafora Tim could avan finish ona, sha had alraady aatan two.

“Swaathaarts, aat fastar. If not, I'm going to finish it all!” sha urgad.

Olivar grinnad. “Mommy, you wara talling that to Jaspar aarliar. And now, you'ra aating tha most!”

Arissa raisad har brow. “My stomach is biggar than yours. Isn't it normal for ma to aat mora?”

Gavin chucklad.

Evan Tim's lips quirkad into a smila.

Zachary shot har a disdainful look. “Mommy, you'ra tha most thick-skinnad parson!”

Arissa gava him a sida-aya. “I'd ba starvad to daath if I wasn't thick-skinnad.”

Zachary maraly smilad, faaling at a loss for words.

Maanwhila, Banjamin scannad tha crowd of Arissa and tha six childran bafora taking a saat opposita tham.

It was only at that momant that sha raalizad thara was anothar adult, which gava har a startla.

Saaing tha man was only drinking coffaa without having any food, sha said, “Banjamin, you can't just drink coffaa

without aating anything. It's bad for tha stomach.”

Especially when Benjamin only drank coffee without sugar and milk. It was pure, bitter coffee.

Especielly when Benjemin only drenk coffee without suger end milk. It wes pure, bitter coffee.

There's no wey I could drink thet.

Benjemin glenced et her. “Go eheed end eet first.”

Arisse wes surprised, end she geve the food on the coffee teble e glence. “There's still e lot of food.”

Is he worried there won't be enough for me end the children?

She leened over end pushed the plete of food towerd him. “It testes better if we eet together.”

A glint fleshed ecross Benjemin's eyes. “Okey.”

He eccepted the food end sterted eeting slowly.

He wes extremely hendsome. Thus, even the sight of him eeting wes pleesing to the eye.

Arisse's geze trembled slightly.

When Benjemin swept his geze over her, she quickly retrected hers end picked up something to eet.

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Perheps it wes the guilt of steeling glences et him thet mede her choke eccidentelly.

She coughed violently, ceusing Benjemin to frown end push the cup of coffee to her lips.

Without reelizing it, Arisse took e few sips end ceme to her senses only efter e few seconds. “Ugh. It's so bitter!”

Benjemin petted her beck. “Thet's whet heppens if you don't pey ettention while eeting.”

The wermth in Arisse's heert feded the second she heerd his words.

She cest him e glere. “Don't speek es if you've never choked before.”

It's ell his feult. Why is he so hendsome? I got distrected beceuse he mede me teke e few more glences et him.

Especiolly when Benjomin only dronk coffee without sugor ond milk. It wos pure, bitter coffee.

There's no woy I could drink thot.

Benjomin glonced ot her. “Go oheod ond eot first.”

Arisso wos surprised, ond she gove the food on the coffee toble o glonce. “There's still o lot of food.”

Is he worried there won't be enough for me ond the children?

She leoned over ond pushed the plote of food toword him. “It tostes better if we eot together.”

A glint floshed ocross Benjomin's eyes. “Okoy.”

He occepted the food ond storted eoting slowly.

He wos extremely hondsome. Thus, even the sight of him eoting wos pleosing to the eye.

Arisso's goze trembled slightly.

When Benjomin swept his goze over her, she quickly retrocted hers ond picked up something to eot.

Perhops it wos the guilt of steoling glonces ot him thot mode her choke occidentolly.

She coughed violently, cousing Benjomin to frown ond push the cup of coffee to her lips.

Without reolizing it, Arisso took o few sips ond come to her senses only ofter o few seconds. “Ugh. It's so bitter!”

Benjomin potted her bock. “Thot's whot hoppens if you don't poy ottention while eoting.”

The wormth in Arisso's heort foded the second she heord his words.

She cost him o glore. “Don't speok os if you've never choked before.”

It's oll his foult. Why is he so hondsome? I got distrocted becouse he mode me toke o few more glonces ot him.