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Will You Marry Me My Ex-Wife

Chapter 1632
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Pursuing My Ex-Wife Isn’t Easy chapter 1632

The bald man stood up excitedIy and approached Luna, grabbing hold of her chin. “Is that…really what you think?”

Seeing that Harris’ attitude had loosened, Luna quickly added, “Of course. I haven’t tried being with a man like you,

so it must be the experience of a lifetime.”

With that, she even licked her lips suggestively. How could Harris stand this provocation?

He immediately picked Luna up in his arms and was about to tear her clothes apart when Luna shrunk bashfully into

his lap. “Can we go into the small room there? I want to try something with you that I’m not going to do to anyone


Harris was delighted to hear this, and after ordering his men to keep an eye on Caleb, he quickly brought Luna into

the room.

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Watching Luna be brought into the room, Caleb closed his eyes helplessly.

He knew that Luna was not such a provocative woman at all and that the reason she was doing this was to save


However, she did not understand Harris at all.

This was not a man that she could take care of on her own at all.

Even if they were alone in the small room… it was unlikely Luna would be able to defeat him.

Caleb’s guesses were correct.

Soon, Luna’s screams and sobs echoed out of the small

room, along with the sound of ripping fabric.

Caleb closed his eyes and swore under his breath that if he could make it out alive, he would track down Harris and

avenge Luna!

After God knew how long— Bang!

A gunshot rang out from within the room, and Luna’s sobs stopped.

A bullet had entered between Harris’ brows and penetrated through his skull. He widened his eyes in shock and

stared at the man standing before him, dressed entirely in black. He opened his mouth as though he wanted to say

something, but nothing came out.

With a thud, the man’s body slumped limply on the ground.

As soon as the gunshot sounded, the warehouse door was kicked open with a slam, and footsteps rang out outside

the small room.

Luna stared at the scene before her in shock. Her face had been splattered with Harris’ blood from the gunshot.

At this moment, Luna’s entire body was naked apart from her panties, and even her bra had been torn apart.

She had no choice but to cover herself with her arms.

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The pill’s effect, as well as the humiliation she suffered from the encounter with Harris and the shock of his sudden

death, rendered her speechless, so much so that she could only stare blankly at the man before her.

“Josh…” she opened her mouth but suddenly realized that she could not even say a full sentence clearly anymore.

“Don’t speak.” Joshua tucked his gun away, took off his trench coat, and draped it over her.

Joshua’s trench coat was so large that Luna’s entire body was engulfed in it. As soon as his warm coat touched her

skin, her trembling body finally stopped shaking.

Joshua walked over, picked her up in his arms, and strode out of the room.

Outside, all of Harris’ men had already been pressed on the ground by Luke’s.

Caleb, who had been untied, clutched the wound on his right arm in pain as he stared at the man holding Luna.

The man was tall, lean, and exuded an aura of elegance and pomposity.

Initially, Caleb had wanted to approach them to check out Luna, but when he saw how well-protected she was by

the man, he changed his mind.

Joshua brought Luna into his car. He had initially wanted to send Luna back to her home so that Gwen could take

care of her. However, to his surprise, just as he was about to close the car door, Luna wrapped her arms around his

neck. “Joshua, please don’t go…”