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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 913
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At the edge of the Sand Island, Austin was sitting in meditation at a well-chosen spot among the coconut trees.

All of a sudden, Austin's attention was caught by something. He narrowed his eyes as curiosity set in. His spiritual sense had

perceived that several people were rushing in his direction. Those people seemed to be well-prepared and armed. There was death

lurking in each of their steps.

Sensing closely, Austin recognized a few faces which he knew among the crowd. A bitter smile cup on his face.

‘Those people just won't give up, will they? Damn you the members of the Sky Sect. Why do you have to be so annoying?’

While Austin was complaining about the sudden approach of the intruders, he was also curious about something else.

It was evident to him that wherever he went, they would always catch up with him.

The Ten Prominent Disciples of Punishment Branch of the Sky Sect were like a bunch of ghosts. Somehow, they knew about his

location all the time.

On second thoughts, Austin realized that the Ten Prominent Disciples of Punishment Branch must have used skind of arcane

spell that helped them locate people easily.

His spiritual sense was still following the crowd which was at a distance. Austin slowly stood up and stretched his arms and legs.

He knew that a fight was inevitable this time. He needed to get ready.

But, he wasn't afraid of them, for he knew clearly that he had the power to fight them now.

'Well, so you people want a fight? Then you shall have it. Ten Prominent Disciples of Punishment Branch, | am waiting for you all.’

Sneering both in and out, Austin prepared himself for the things to come.

How could he forget that, more than one time, the Ten Prominent Disciples of Punishment Branch had chased him down. They had

deeply injured him while he was at the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom. He had to run several times to save his life from them.

Austin distinctly remembered that one time, the Ten Prominent Disciples of Punishment Branch had attacked him around the Fire

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City and that assault had nearly got him killed.

Austin had an incredible memory and it made it impossible for him to forget his enemies.

He just couldn't resist the feelings of hatred that he had for them.

"That little punk is hiding among the coconut trees now. Let's speed up a little." One of them was advising the others to hurry.

After a few seconds, the crowd had arrived near the coconut trees.

As soon as they got to the coconut trees, all of them released their spiritual senses inside the area, trying to get a good glimpse of


‘Hmm. This is getting interesting. There are three other experienced cultivators at the Astral Realm who are also accompanying


Except for the Ten Prominent Disciples of Punishment Branch, Austin had also sensed three unusual auras which he felt must be

coming from those high level cultivators.

'Well, looks like it's going to be a tough fight then!" Austin curled up his lips and thought to himself.

"Hey, gentlemen! | guess you are looking for me, right?"

Austin didn't disguise the hatred he had for them. With a smirk on his face, Austin quickly made his entrance. Out of the blue he

cin front of the men who were ready to get to him.


It's you! Well, it has been a long time, hasn't it?"

The Ten Prominent Disciples of Punishment Branch got excited when their eyes fell upon Austin. They seemed to be certain of

Austin's death and were joyful about their victory already.

"Ha ha! Austin, | heard that you are very good at chickening out and running away.

| don't think you can escape from us this time. No need to run around anymore as today will be your last day!"

One of them, a clumsy looking man of the Ten Prominent Disciples of Punishment Branch sneered at Austin. His eyes seemed to be

spitting fire.


That's a rather interesting threat. Maybe if you open your eyes, you'll realize something.

Who says | am going to run away this time? Didn't | cout from the trees to see you all?

| think this time, it's your own wellbeing that you all really need to worry about. From this moment on you should think of how you

are going to save yourselves. | would like to give you a piece of advice. Want to hear it? RUN! Run as fast as you can."

Austin gave them an intimidating smile.

Austin's words and his playful attitude obviously troubled those people. They were triggered and curious at the stime, and

kept wondering what he really had in his mind and why he wasn't scared by their presence.

"So, you are Austin, indeed.

We would like you to know about why you won't live till tomorrow. Your head is the penalty you'll pay for destroying the Sky Sect's

stronghold in the Daylight City. It is also to avenge all the men from the Sky Sect whom you had killed.

Now little boy, forget about fighting against us. Enjoy the beautiful view of this island for the last tbecause today will be your

payback day,"

a middle-aged man from the crowd yelled out to Austin.

That man was Leef, the steward of the Sky Sect.

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Being a strong cultivator of the Astral Realm, he didn't take Austin as a threat at all.

That had given him the nerve to pick on Austin as he asked him to give up.

"The vibes are getting serious here. You people need to relax.

You know what? | don't give a damn about what happened before today. And | dare you all to beat me."

Ending the polite stature that he was maintaining, the smile suddenly disappeared from Austin's face. He knew that his power had

been strengthened over tsince the last fight with them. All of the men added together were not enough to match his talents

and abilities.

"What a powerless brag! No wonder that you've been doing absurd things around. Is that the best you can do?

Now, cut the bullshit and let's show him the price for messing with us!"

Leef was clearly triggered and becfurious at the kind of behavior exhibited by Austin.

Taking Austin's life was all he could think of. He was driven by his insensitive words and eager to end the trouble named Austin.

"Leef is right. Let's save the talking and teach the little punk a lesson. He needs to learn that he has to fear us always!"

Instantly, all the men of the Ten Prominent Disciples of Punishment Branch circled Austin. He was caught in the center and they

started their attack.

"Seems like it's a good tfor my Invincible Bow to have a feast today. Don't blyour death on me. | did warn you all in


Austin calmly said to the crowd of people that had circled him. With his true power, he wouldn't care about their attacks because

he knew that they couldn't lay their hands on him anymore.

However, he saw this as a wonderful opportunity. He didn't want to waste this chance to put his Invincible Bow to test as the

enemies had offered themselves as sacrifices.