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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 894
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Austin really could not be underestimated!

Standing in the distance, Justin's face remained calm. His eyes, however, were showing something different.

"Ha-ha! This is something you don't see every day! Bravo!"

Shaw exclaimed in awe. He didn't expect the battle to end this fast, and when he finally realize that it was over, he couldn't help

but burst into laughter. The way Austin defeated the three beast masters shocked him to his core, but also made him more amazed

of Austin as a warrior.

"Commander Kim, | hope you didn't misunderstand what | said before the battle. | wasn't asking your three men to be considerate

while fighting Austin.

It was actually for Austin -- | was warning reminding him to be careful not to kill your three beast masters. Ha-ha!"

he said as he laughed at Commander Kim. Victory and pride was in the air and he was basking in it.

Even before the whole battle started, he already knew that Austin was way powerful than the three sea beasts that were put up

against him. Because of that, he had already bet that Austin would be able to win over them without breaking a sweat.

"Wow," said a tall man dressed in blue. He was deep in the crowd so Austin couldn't see him at first, but he went forward and was

not facing Austin.

"It seems like | have mistaken you as the weak kind.

You truly are what Shaw has been describing you as. Your ability has spoken for you.

But now, boy, | feel like going against you in a battle. What do you think? Just a friendly challenge and nothing else."

Without waiting for a reply, the tall but cumbersman in blue raised his hand and clenched his fist.

In the next moment, a huge wave of demonic power gathered within him. A golden trident also started to gradually materialized

within his raised, clenched fist.

A reverberating boom then rang out from the skies above everyone. The crowd gasped in horror. Then, without giving any kind of

warning, the man in blue rushed towards Austin in the speed of light.

It becclear to everyone that this was the man's killing strike, and it was backed by his immense demonic power. Within a blink

of an eye, Austin could be hit and he would perish.

Austin's eyes narrowed. Just by looking at the man and feeling his power, he conservatively estimated that he was a sea beast at

the Transformation Realm. The power he possessed was way beyond the elder of the Holy Sect he fought earlier.

However, there was no tfor Austin to think. Instantly, he started to activate his vital energy.

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The dazzling golden ball inside of him heard his call and dashed out of his body.

A vibrating buzzing sound suddenly filled the whole area.

The golden ball raised itself in the air, way up above the crowds, and expanded. In less than a second, it had grown into the size of

a house! Like another sun in the sky, the golden ball showered everyone with the radiant and brilliant golden light that was pouring

out of it. At first, everyone felt the nice kind of warm, but soon enough, they felt like their skins were burning from the heat that

this 'sun’ was radiating.


The giant 'sun’ started its attack after gathering a strong flow of vital energy force. Violently and fiercely, it shot a huge flow of the

vital energy force towards the golden trident of the man in blue. The pressure around it bechuge, and the people felt


While that was happening, Austin gathered his strength on his right fist. Then, he shot himself towards the direction of the man like

a bullet being fired off of a gun.

Boom, boom, boom!

Starting right at the center, the whole battle field started to shake violently. Violent rumbling also started to fill the water.

It wasn't so hard to guess that the whole scene stemmed from the collision between the enormous demonic power from the man in

blue and the immense vital energy force from Austin. Like throwing a huge rock into a dead lake, the huge energy wave became

visible to the crowd and spread to every direction.

By the looks of it, this would be a closely fought battle.


Everyone held their breath as they watch the fight unfold. They couldn't believe how high this battle had already reached in terms

of its level. While they knew that being in such close proximity to two warriors when they are engaged in this kind of duel was

extremely dangerous, they just couldn't look away or leave!

None of them believed that the strike made by Austin could ever be made by a mere human being. Not to mention, Austin was just

a young man, who was still in the preliminary stage of Master Realm!

"Is this even possible?"

"Like, how?! How on earth did he get strength like that?!"

The crowds started to voice out their amazement. Within the next moments, their talks and discussions rivaled the loud sounds of

the fight. Even Justin couldn't hide what he was feeling inside anymore -- his previously serious face started to turn pale and his

eyes started to narrow.

"Sanders! Stop right there!"

Justin ordered the man in blue all of a sudden.

Watching the whole battle happening right in front of him, Justin had already seen where it was going. Sanders would surely fail

and end up badly injured or worse, dead. Every move he made, Austin could easily defend with his rich vital energy force, which

was extremely strong and effective.

Sanders also felt that. Although he was determined to win and kept his strikes coming, he started to feel that Austin was not a

human being to be trifled with. The more he attacked, the more his faith waned. Each effort he made was easily repelled by Austin,

and the more Austin attacked him, the less his strength became. Soon, he felt that he was running on rage, which was something

that should not happen in battle.

As much as he wanted to keep on fighting to show more of his strength and hopefully finish the human boy off, he had to comply

with Justin's orders.

He then quickly ran from the battlefield and once again disappeared in the crowd.

Knowing what was happening, Austin remained on the field and didn't bother to chase his running opponent. He just stood there,

acting as if nothing had happened.

"This is marvelous!

What a powerful young man we have here! | still couldn't believe my eyes!"

Justin calmly said, after he made sure that Sanders was nowhere in sight. Looking at Austin, he smiled and clapped his hands. The

young man, on the other hand, did not react.

"Ha-ha! Young man, | think | know the reason why Master Felix favored you that much.

Despite your cultivation base being only at the preliminary stage of Master Realm, you possess the power to match our Sanders,

even though he is already at the middle stage of the Transformation Realm.

Judging by the power you shown and by what you have done to the Beast Masters, Master Felix was indeed right about you.

You truly are the one in a million. A rising star!" he said, exalting Austin.

He then turned to his men. "All of you, look at yourself! It has been a long tsince you are faced with someone greater than

you! Look at how complacency fed your ignorance and mothered your lack of strength!

| hope you all remember the embarrassment you feel today for the rest of your existence so that you could keep reminding

yourself that no matter how strong you are, there's always someone stronger!"

With his eyes narrowed, it was clear that he wanted to send out this warning a long tago.

‘Master Felix?" Austin thought, astounded.

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Is Justin a disciple of Felix?"

This new knowledge cout of nowhere.

"Hey, dude. You've got this one.

| admit that | have been rude to you just now.

Please accept my apology. You were incredible during the fight by the way,"

The clumsy man in blue reappeared from the crowd. He had already recovered from the batter and had already returned to his

normal state of mind.

Actually, since Justin started talking, he hesitated for a while on whether he should go to Austin and apologize for the warning-less

fight he picked with him. When he finally mustered up the courage, he dropped his pride and slowly approached Austin.

"Nah. Don't worry about it, Sanders. It was a fair gand you were just being straightforward. There is nothing wrong about that.

You really don't need to apologize for anything,"

Austin replied, smiling. Deep within, he knew that he had won the acceptance and respect of everyone after he had proven his


What happened today had further confirmed Austin's belief -- no matter how far he went and how many people he was going to

meet in his life-long journey, respect and affirmation could only be won by someone who possessed real strength.

Real strength made a real king!

After Sanders approached him, he started to like the sea beasts he fought. For one, they were very straightforward and clear about

their motivation. For another, they made sure to pay respects to the one stronger than them.

Those two reasons were more than enough for Austin to be change his opinion of Sanders and everyone presented. He was willing

to talk to them.

"Hey, little young man! It was a blast watching you fight with the other beasts!

We were all sorry about wronging you from the very beginning."

The rest of the sea beasts in Transformation Realm started to gather around Austin, enclosing him in a tight, friendly circle, as they

apologized. Everyone was talking politely and was genuinely trying to make friends with him.

He was officially being recognized by the sea beasts in the Transformation Realm.

"Okay. Hush now, all of you.

Don't waste any more there.

Don't forget that we have to attend to something bigger. We have to hurry now and save the eldest princess of the mermaid tribe!"

said Justin, as he waved to the crowd in an attempt silence their chatters.