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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 826
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"Marsh, put on this Moonlight Armor. If something goes wrong, run out of the alchemy room as fast as you can.

The exit of the Isolation Array is over there.

Make sure you don't go in the wrong direction.

You're smart and competent. | don't want to lose such a good refinery assistant," Drew told Austin as he pointed at the entrance of the Isolation Array.

'What's going on?" Austin wondered.

He got an answer to his question when his eyes fell on the liquid inside the pot.

He took a look at the Moonlight Armor Drew threw at him, ‘This is a middle-quality divine weapon, ' he delightedly thought.

He hurriedly put on the divine weapon and took a step towards the exit.

Drew took a deep breath; the look of serious concentration was visible in his eyes.

The last step to refine the elixir—condensing the mixture to get the pill.

Drew activated his vital energy force, causing his clothes to shake and billow.

As he transferred his vital energy into the herbal pot, the green fire burnt more fiercely and engulfed the mixture.

The liquid essence started to boil.

The mixture of over 100 herbs then released a horrifying energy, fighting against the green fire.

Drew kept infusing his vital energy into the pot. After a while, the liquid essence started to condense.

The amount of the mixture inside the pot decreased.

Austin's eyes almost popped out in astonishment.

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'Will Elder Drew be able to refine the Power-strengthening Pill?" Austin truly admired Drew for his excellent refining skill.

'If he really makes it, he truly is a genius in alchemy, ' he pondered. . . .

A voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

"Marsh, run right now." Austin noticed Drew's figure as it moved past him like a flash.

"Damn. How is this old man able to run so fast?" he murmured as he followed suit.

Sensing the upcoming danger, Austin activated the Thunderbolt Movement Skill and moved towards the exit of the Isolation Array.

At the exact moment he made it there, an enormously formidable energy cat him and hit him from behind.

The next second, he was thrown out of the alchemy room.

Bang! Austin fell on the ground of the lobby and was forced to glide forward by the impact.

He released his physical strength to steady himself.

It was the only way he could think of without exposing his real strength to Drew.

Boom! A deafening sound of explosion rang out from the alchemy room.

Drew's whole residence shook violently as if a 10 magnitude earthquake struck.

Colourful smoke that gave off a strong acrid smell of the elixir billowed out from the alchemy room.

Upon seeing this, Austin held his breath and shut all the pores in his body.

'If I inhale this, | might get poisoned. | can't let that happen.'. ..

At this point, Austin cto realize just how dangerous it was to be Drew's refinery assistant.

'Even with such a rapid bodily movement skill and strong physical power, | still almost got myself killed.

If it was any other refinery assistant, he would have already lost his life, ' he thought.

A few moments later, all the smoke dissipated.

"Marsh! I'm so glad that you're still safe and sound!" Drew gushed as he strode towards Austin.

Austin scowled and rolled his eyes on the inside.

'This mad old man. Was he somehow expecting to seehurt?’ "Elder Drew, thank you for reminding me. If it were otherwise, | might not have been able to survive that blast," Austin said, patting his chest to pretend that he was scared.

He glanced down at his clothes and found that they were a mess.

He took out new ones and changed into them.

"Ha-ha! You really are a talented young man. No wonder that bastard Foster thinks so highly of you," Drew praised.

He was quite satisfied with Austin's performance.

"Elder Drew, it looks like it's extremely difficult to refine the Power-strengthening Pill," Austin gingerly said.

"Well... Perhaps there's a small problem in the elixir formula." Drew rubbed his chin as he contemplated.

"Hmm, | need stto consider how to change the proportion of the materials.

After | work out the new elixir formula, we can continue to refine it.

Don't worry. | have prepared ten portions of materials for the Power-strengthening Pill. We still have many ingredients left!" he said, not at all frustrated by the result.

Austin did not expect the old man's response.

"Elder Drew, you plan to continue to work on that pill?" he asked.

"Absolutely. Alchemy is broad and profound.

We are pill refiners. It's our duty to spare no efforts in exploring and innovating to contribute to the field of alchemy!" Drew sounded fervent and excited. It seemed like he was a selfless and passionate person who aspired to make contributions to the world.

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'Oh, man, are you kidding me? Are you sure you are refining elixirs? You're putting my life in danger, ' Austin furiously cursed in his mind.

Drew then went back to concentrating on studying the elixir formula of Power-strengthening Pill.

Two hours later, he decided to work on the pill again.

Reluctant as he was, Austin was dragged into the alchemy room by Drew.

Austin's performance convinced Drew that he was a qualified helper. There was no way Drew would refuse to get help from his excellent assistant.

Half an hour later, Drew's tall figure bolted out of the alchemy room in an instant.

With a loud sound, Austin was thrown out of the room again even though he had made it to the door before the explosion.

Thanks to his powerful physical strength, he didn't get badly hurt.

However, his new clothes had been destroyed again.

Austin had to change into another set of clothes.

"Damn it! | don't believe | can't make it.

I'll continue to work on it. We will try again later!" Drew said in an exasperated tone.

Austin was speechless at his persistence. He was starting to feel his legs turning limp.

‘This crazy old man is always faster than me, ' he whined.

Drew's bodily movement skill was indeed swifter than Austin's.

It was the reason why he hadn't changed his clothes. The explosions had only left a few tiny burnt holes on his clothes while Austin had already changed into two sets of clothes. . . .

"Excuse me, Elder Drew? Are you home? It's me, Xavier. | want to see you." Aloud voice resounded from outside Drew's residence.

Austin's heart skipped a beat.

It was the Holy Son of Magic Hand Sect.

'He must have chere to ask Drew to refine elixirs for the Holy Daughter of New Moon Sect and Isis, ' he thought.