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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 797
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"Yes. | am quite very interested in the Fire Stela. Zack, maybe you could tellmore information about it?" the cultivator from the Western Grand named Sawyer replied at once.

"Sure. It's my pleasure.

After all, several years ago | was travelling in the Western Grand. And | ran out of money, but you, a stranger whom | only met by chance back then didn't even thought twice, and gavesmoney.

| still remember that day even until now. | really owe you one.

Don't worry. I'll tell you everything that | know about the Fire Stela. This is the only way | can repay the kindness which you have graciously given me." Zack who had a long face like that of a horse's face cheerfully said without any hint of hesitation.

Austin listened carefully to their conversation, taking in every word they said.

Zack, the long-faced cultivator immediately explained the details about the Fire Stela.

The Fire Stela had long since existed in the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom for at least sthousand years already. It was quite ancient and precious.

It only appeared once every five years.

According to the legend, an unrivaled cultivation method lay within the Fire Stela. And only the exceptionally talented cultivators were capable of harnessing it.

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And what was more, only those cultivators whose age was below 30 years old and had a cultivation base under the Master Realm were capable of reading the Fire Stela. They alone progressed and becstronger.

Those cultivators which did not pass the requirements were unable to learn anything from the Fire Stela.

Countless of young cultivators in the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom had read the Fire Stela all those years.

But alas, none of them were able to receive the unrivaled cultivation method.

Numerous talented cultivators from different powerful sects and forces had spent their tand energy reading the Fire Stela, but they were still unable to receive any cultivation methods.

Eventually, people started to doubt the validity of the legend surrounding the Fire Stela that an unrivaled cultivation method was hidden within it.

More and more people started to believe that the legend about the so-called unrivaled cultivation method was a fraud. Perhaps an ancestor fooled the descendants and made them believe about the so-called legend.

The legend might actually be a complete joke.

So as years went by, the number of young cultivators who cto read the Fire Stela dwindled.

But despite of the negative rumors, every five years when the Fire Stela appeared, quite a number of young cultivators would still venture the place. Most of them would cfrom distant places, thousands of miles away, with the hope of being able to get the unrivaled cultivation method.

They would continue to read the Fire Stela, wishing that they would be the chosen one. It was like they were gambling in the lottery because the stakes were high.

"Oh, | see. That's too bad," said the cultivator from the Western Grand named Sawyer after sighing deeply. Disappointment was written all over his face after hearing what the man said.

"Ha-ha, Sawyer, | will tell you frankly. | was one of those young men who went to read the Fire Stela several times.

| have witnessed numerous outstanding talents from different large sects and clans spent so much tporing over the Fire Stela and got nothing in the end.

In my opinion, the entire legend about the Fire Stela is just a joke.

It was a joke left by a bored ancestor who enjoyed making fun of other people's lives," said Zack, the long-faced cultivator matter-of-factly.

"Zack, what you said sounds quite reasonable.

Looks like my journey was a complete waste of tand energy," Sawyer sadly sighed.

"Oh Sawyer, don't be so disappointed and sad. Just think of this trip as a short vacation.

You cfrom the Western Grand, so you must know little about the customs and culture of the southern regions.

| am a local here, born and bred in the southern regions. | will be happy enough to accompany you and give you a tour all over the Southern regions," Zack enthusiastically said, trying to comfort his friend.

Austin who had heard everything that the two talked about was suddenly curious about the Fire Stela.

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The Fire Stela had existed for more than one thousand years. And it appeared every five years.

'Is it really just a joke or a fraud left by the ancestors?’ Austin thought deeply.

Somehow he had this strong gut feeling that maybe there was indeed an unrivaled cultivation method within the Fire Stela.

So he made up his mind to read the Fire Stela and find out himself.

"Excuse me, | overheard you talked about the Fire Stela, and | have a question." As soon as he decided to read the Fire Stela, he was eager to figure out its whereabouts. It was not polite to disturb strangers out of the blue, so Austin called the waiter of the Phoenix Tavern to serve the most expensive alcohol and the most expensive dishes on the table which the long-faced cultivator was currently sitting. When everything was on the table, Austin opened his mouth and began to chat with the cultivator.

"Oh? What? Who..." the long-faced cultivator was surprised to be given a table of feast.

He asked the waiter of the tavern and was shocked when he found out that it was a gift sent by the other customer sitting beside him. When he heard Austin's words, he opened his mouth in surprise and looked at Austin curiously.

Austin's appearance at that moment was very ordinary. He would easily blend in the crowd when in the streets.

"Hello, nice to meet you.

My nis Marsh and | cfrom a remote town in the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom. This is the first tthat | cout for a trip.

| was sitting beside you, so | happened to overhear what you were talking about the Fire Stela. It sounded interesting. | am curious about it and have a question to ask." Austin decided not disclose his real name.

"Nice to meet you, Marsh. What is it that you wish to ask?" Zack smiled warmly and was eager to offer his help. He was like a nomad who traveled a lot and was glad to make friends with strangers. No matter what kind of person he faced, he always made sure to be polite and amiable.

"l want to know where the Fire Stela is located.

Could you please tell me?" Austin said, cupping his hands. It was a polite way to make greetings or asking for help.