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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 775
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Austin, the gnand Violet slowly dropped down to the bottom of the pit hole, which Austin made by continuously punching the ground.

Its size was at least five or six times deeper and wider than it originally was, which was impressive.

"Down here, boy, your powerful physical strength would automatically earn you a place as a digger!" the gnsaid, as he pointed at the bottom of the pit Austin made.

"Thanks," he said cheekily. "Alright then, let's get going!" Austin released his physical strength at once and delivered strong punch right onto the ground.

Without any kind of reservation, he poured his full force that was equivalent to almost seven hundred thousand pounds into the ground.

Bang! Bang! Bang! They felt the whole mountain shake a little bit.

With two or three punches, another large ditch with a width of four to five meters was created at the bottom of the pit.

In a flash, gnjumped down into it.

Austin and Violet followed him closely.

The ditch was about ten meters deep, and it got narrower as they descended.

"Down here, continue digging here!" gnsaid as he halted in the middle of the ditch and pointed downward.

With Austin's continued digging, a wider and deeper ditch was formed.

Finally, they were over two hundred meters under the ground. With that depth, Austin started to suspect that gnwas wrong with the direction that they were going, but when he fixed his eyes on the soil under his feet, he suddenly let out a soft gasp.

Squatting down, Austin grabbed a handful of dirt. It was wet, and there was a certain rich spiritual energy permeating in the moisture that was infused with it. As he breathed deeply, he felt the tremendous amount of energy that it was containing.

A spark of joy could be seen in Austin's eyes when he realized the land that they were stepping on was indeed out of the ordinary.

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Encouraged by this discovery, Austin once again channeled his physical strength and dug another forty to fifty meters deep. When they reached that depth, gnsaid, "Stop! | think we're here." Puff! There was something wrong with how that sounded.

Then suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, bright rays peered from underneath, and it lit the dark pit as bright as broad daylight.

It was the divine vital energy crystals.

Crystals the size of a fist were shining bright amidst all the dirt around them.

Austin felt a very dense spiritual energy emitting from them, which was rose-colored with violet mist around the crystals.

These crystals were exactly what they were looking for.

After they discovered the crystals, Austin continued to widen and deepen the mud pit, finally he dug out three hundred divine vital energy crystals in total.

"Gnome, you do truly have an acute sense. You're unmatched.

How were you able to sense these divine vital energy crystals that have been buried so deep into the earth?" Austin asked as he fawn over gnome's remarkable perception.

"Lad, do you really think | take these divine vital energy crystals as something out of the ordinary? Continue digging," he encouraged, looking at Austin with solemn eyes. "Go ahead and give it a try." A strange smile then appeared on his lips.

"Continue? Should | continue digging deeper?" Austin asked in astonishment.

"Are you saying that there is still something underneath these divine vital energy crystals?" Gndidn't answer but his look told Austin that more treasures were underneath. With that, he proceeded to dig another thirty to forty meters into the earth.

"Well, be gentle, lad! Always remember to loosen the soil first. Also, gently," gnsaid.

Austin relented, rolling up his sleeves. Since then, he started pushing gentle vital energy force forward, removing the upper layer of dirt slowly. It didn't take long until a snow white jade cinto view.

A refreshing breeze greeted Austin's face as soon as the jade appeared. Instantly, he felt peace and happiness, both in his mind and body.

Also, the circulation of the vital energy in his body seemed to go a lot smoother.

"I've never felt anything like this before," he said, as savored the feeling, closing his eyes. "This is the first tthat something has interfered with my vital energy." Austin couldn't hide his exultation. "This snow white jade must be an extremely rare treasure, ' he thought, brimming with happiness.

After that, Austin went back into using his gentle vital energy force to flick the dirt off of the miracle jade they just discovered.

Soon enough, its whole structure becexposed.

The jade was half the size of an adult head, and it had a thick layer of mist around it, signaling a concentrated spiritual energy. It also had clear and exquisite grains running across its surface.

Austin reached out and put his palms against the jade. With his soft vital energy force, he picked it up. The moment he did, he felt an unmatched feeling of euphoria. It felt like space was coursing through his veins.

A close observation of the grains on the jade's surface made Austin amazed so much. It turned out that the grains whirled and twisted on its surface to mimic the patterns of the physical Earth - the mountains and the rivers looked like they were in an elaborate painting.

‘But what is this? What is this magnificent thing?" Austin thought.

In his mind, he had no doubt that the jade in his hands was something that would make people willingly sacrifice their lives for.

Slowly, he turned to the gnto ask him what it was.

'He must know it because he is more familiar with treasures of heaven and earth, ' Austin thought.

Upon looking at the gnome, however, Austin found his glowing eyes were also fixed on the jade.

His breath was uncharacteristically heavy.

Gnome's behavior made Austin somehow anxious.

"Gnome, what on earth is this jade? Please tell me, and don't make a mystery out of it!" he said, his tone almost as if he was begging for his life.

"Lad, have you heard of the Earthly Mother Essence?" 'The Earthly Mother Essence?" he thought, furrowing his eyebrows.

But since Austin and Violet didn't really know anything about that, they both shook their heads simultaneously. It was the first tfor the both of them to hear about it.

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"If | am correct, this jade is very likely to be the Earthly Mother Essence." Gnlicked his lips as he said that.

"Oh really? Since you have identified this object, could you tell us something about it? In detail, of course," Austin asked hurriedly.

"The Earthly Mother Essence is a marvelous object created from the essence of the mountains and rivers over millions of years.

It is in fact the essence sediment produced from the veins, the vital energy inside of the earth that had been there over a long, long period of time.

For vital energy cultivators, the Earthly Mother Essence is a treasure that is worth dying for.

Being a property of the Earth who bears and cares for all living things, it would help the cultivator that possesses it to restructure and dredge their energy meridians. Moreover, it would be able to expand the volof energy meridians of the cultivator, maybe a few times or even a dozen times.

All of which will contribute to a higher vital energy absorption and a faster circulation speed.

It's obvious a warrior's marital arts cultivation aptitude is innate, but his aptitude of meridians will decide the potential of his vital energy and martial arts cultivation. Heck, even for his the length of his life!" Gnstarted to laugh out loud.

"But the Earthly Mother Essence is also able to change a cultivator's vital energy aptitude and talent," he said, this tseriously.

"So letput it this way, so you could better understand. A mediocre warrior will be able to be transformed into a genius vital energy cultivator if he would be lucky enough to get even a tiny bit of the Earthly Mother Essence," he concluded with a satisfied smile.

"The Earthly Mother Essence is truly something to die for, isn't it?" Gncontinued to explain the functions of the Earthly Mother Essence to Austin and Violet at length, and by the end of it, they both understood what it would mean for them.

Austin took a deep breath as he observed the jade in his hands carefully. Then, a look of realization flashed in his eyes.

Austin indeed lacked most in vital energy cultivation, so the Earthly Mother Essence would definitely have a great significance to him.

"Are you sure this jade is the Earthly Mother Essence?" Austin asked gnone more time.

"Of course not," gnreplied, his tone playful. "But the object inside the jade may be.

You can use your vital energy sword to cut a corner of the jade open and check.

But please, lad," he said as he touched Austin's shoulders. "Please take care of it. The Earthly Mother Essence could only be put in jade bottle.

Because of that, you should first prepare several jade bottles in case the Earthly Mother Essence truly is inside that jade you're holding.

If it gets in contact with the ground, it will seep through into the earth instantly and vanish forever," the gntold Austin.