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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 714
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"Malick!" At the time, Caspar had led the people of the Sky Sect and walked up to Malick, to greet him politely.

"Well, tellwhat just happened in this mountain just now?" Malick wasn't so enthusiastic or warm towards his fellow disciples and therefore felt no need for small talk so he just blurted the question right away.

His attitude towards his colleagues and subordinates made sense because he was a martial artist of the Master Realm, and in the Sky Sect, martial artists of the Imperial Realm like Caspar could not compare to him.

"Malick, | had received an order from the steward before and he askedto take sdisciples to cand investigate and explore what was actually inside the Crystal Mine Mountain.

However, | didn't expect that before we could enter the mountain peak, a young man called Austin suddenly appeared and killed about forty to fifty disciples of the Sky Sect. The young man was very strong and vicious. He was also cruel, ferocious and was very powerful physically.

Besides..." Caspar told Malick everything that had happened in detail.

He had brought one hundred disciples with him and Austin had killed almost half of them. Caspar knew that if the Elders in the Sky Sect knew about his transgressions and held him responsible for the matter, he would be seriously punished for his neglect.

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So at that moment, he was anxious about his own fate deep in his heart. That was why he told Malick about the issue right away after seeing him. He was also trying to change the narrative so that he would make himself look innocent in the whole matter while hoping to shift the blso that they wouldn't blhim much.

"What ?" After hearing Caspar's words, the look on Malick's face suddenly changed.

"A young boy named Austin killed almost fifty of our disciples? What the hell! How did that happen? How dare someone in the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom kill our disciples! We are the Sky Sect for God's sake. How could he massacre disciples from our faction on such a large scale! Who the hell is this Austin kid? He had beaten even the Magic Harp Player of the New Moon Sect hard! How did this young boy suddenly rise in the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom?" Malick was so shocked that he kept asking questions that nobody could answer.

"Malick, he seemed no more than twenty years old. And his cultivation base was excellent as hell. His speed was also out of this world! He was extremely fast. Although | could tell that he was in the medium stage of Sky Realm, | could say that most cultivators of the Imperial Realm couldn't compare to him in terms of physical strength and his fast bodily movement skill.

Furthermore, he also had a level ten evil ape, five corpse demons who were comparable to cultivators of the Imperial Realm, and six level nine scorpion-tailed leopards.

| can confidently say that there's almost nobody in the Imperial Realm who can rival both his strength and skills!" Every tCaspar talked about Austin, there was a flash of hatred and jealousy reflected in his eyes. But no matter how indignant he was, he couldn't help but admit defeat when he thought about Austin's power.

"Malick, Austin has killed so many people of our Sky Sect which automatically makes him our foremost enemy!" "Humph! How audacious he is! He even dared to kill the people of our Sky Sect! When | go back this time, | will tell the Elders about what he has done, and | will request for an arrest warrant to be issued against him!" Malick was so furious that a strong blade intent cout of his body with such momentum that it spread and covered the whole place.

"This guy must pay! No matter what he does or where ever he tries to hide, he will not get away with it! He must pay for what he did and die!" "How dare that Austin humiliate the weak girl from our New Moon Sect like this? Even if you do nothing about him, we New Moon Sect will not let him get away with it!" A dark look was slowly forming on Suzy's pretty face, making her look intimidating.

However, everyone else was secretly snickering behind her back, wondering how she would call the Magic Harp Player, who had killed countless people, 'a weak girl." This was hilarious.

"All right, we can talk about that boy later.

Right now we need to focus on what just happened in the mountain. We need to figure out what the anomaly that appeared at the mountain peak was," a man of the Master Realm from the Ghost Puppet Sect said impatiently.

In fact, the other three martial artists of the Master Realm were also concerned about the matter. So they all turned to look at Caspar after his words.

"Just tell us, straight to the matter," Malick demanded.

"Your excellencies, | happened to be at the foot of the mountain when the strange vision occurred. So luckily, | could see it very clearly. First, | saw a very powerful silhouette suddenly appear and break out from the mountain..." Caspar told them everything he had seen happening in the mountain in detail.

"What? You heard the silhouette call himself the Sword Emperor who belonged to the Emperor Realm?" The four martial artists of the Master Realm were all shocked when they heard Caspar's words. They all started to breathe heavily and in fast intervals.

"What? Are you sure? Was it really the Emperor Realm?" "Good heavens! It is said that there hasn't been any Emperor Realm cultivator in the PrMartial World for over hundreds of years.

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The Emperor Realm is just a legend that only the very best martial artists in ancient years could reach.

For hundreds of years, Emperor Realm cultivators have never appeared in the PrMartial World!" "And he was also the most powerful Sword Emperor... He... He must be an excellent martial artist from ancient years!" "Yeah, you are right! If he really is a silhouette left by the very best martial artist of the Emperor Realm, then he has to be from ancient years!" "A silhouette of an ancient martial artist of the Emperor Realm appeared here. It's almost unbelievable! It means that there must be svaluable treasures hidden in this place.

Otherwise, his silhouette would never have appeared here for no reason." "Yes. There must be streasures left here by the powerful emperor. It might be sbooks, secret weapons or even pills!" "Oh, my God! If | can take back treasures left by an ancient martial artist of the Emperor Realm to the Elders, they might be inspired and even possibly break through to reach the Emperor Realm!" The four martial artists of the Master Realm all lost their cool and started frantically whispering.

But one couldn't really blthem for their frantic actions. There hadn't been a martial artist who had reached the Emperor Realm for the past few hundreds of years in the PrMartial World.

For whatever reason, no matter how hard the martial artists worked and practiced, and no matter how talented they were, still, nobody could reach the Emperor Realm.

Shad guessed that maybe the laws of the PrMartial World had changed, and there would never be a martial artist who could break through to the Emperor Realm ever again.

So it wasn't a surprise that the four martial artists would be this shocked. If their Elders were here, they would have also been shocked when they knew that a silhouette of an ancient martial artist of the Emperor Realm appeared.

"By the way, when the silhouette appeared only Austin was in the mountain at that time.

So there's no doubt that the treasures of that ancient martial artist of the Emperor Realm must have been taken away by that young man.

All right. From now on, we Sky Sect will do everything we can to arrest Austin!" Malick shouted aloud in an excited voice. His face was all red from excitement at the thought of arresting Austin.

"We New Moon Sect will also do everything we can to arrest Austin!" "We the Ghost Puppet Sect too, will try our best to arrest him!" "And we the Magic Hand Sect will also try to arrest him with all our strength!" The other three martial artists of the Master Realm all shouted out loudly in a determined tone after hearing what Malick had said.