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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 644
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The people of the Meng clan were on high alert after they had heard that the six scorpion-tailed leopards were approaching. Those at the Sky Realm strode towards Austin and stood beside him, intending to help him deal with them.

Noticing that they were mistakenly vigilant, Austin smiled and explained hurriedly, "Cool down, guys. They will not hurt us." "What?" "What do you mean, kid? How do you know that?" Everyone looked at Austin with baffled eyes.

Instead of answering their questions, Austin looked at six beasts and said, "Sit down!" The six leopards paused immediately and squatted down like obedient cats.

"Back off!" Austin said, gently.

The six leopards stood up and took a dozen steps backwards submissively. At this point, they looked more like pets to be cuddled than savage beasts.

"What's going on? " The members of Meng clan present couldn't believe what was unfolding in front of them. The six diabolic beasts were taking orders from Austin and following them meekly! "Austin, are you controlling them with sspiritual sense martial skill?" Marwell inquired.

Since he had reached the premium stage of Sky Realm, his spiritual sense was strong. He was definitely well-acquainted with the spiritual sense martial skills.

Besides, he had observed Austin making sfinger signs at the six scorpion-tailed leopards as if he was casting a spell. He had instantly put two and two together.

Austin laughed. "You're really an observant cultivator. Yes, the six diabolic beasts are under my control. They'll not be a threat to us," he admitted honestly.

The Sky Realm cultivators were shocked at his capabilities.

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Their curiosity had instantly been piqued.

'This boy was able to control six ninth-grade diabolic beasts with his spiritual sense martial skill! He must have an amazingly well- developed spiritual sense. Perhaps the spiritual sense martial skill he had just displayed is a high-grade one, ' they talked among themselves.

Moreover, what had just transpired had finally put the Meng clan members at ease.

After all, there had been no danger in the first place.

Most of the people sat down to get srest, exchanging chit-chat here and there. They were clearly exhausted after the intense fight.

Their keen eyes kept falling on that boy who didn't even look twenty. Austin had blown them away with his unfathomable powers.

If it weren't for Austin, they would have lost their lives. Those scorpion-tailed leopards would have devoured them, had Austin not tamed them so deftly.

If they hadn't witnessed the fight between Austin and six leopards, they would have never believed that this harmless-looking young man was a skillful cultivator.

Mance put his weapon aside. Looking at Austin with appreciation, he said, "Austin, that's quite impressive. Your talents outweigh all of ours." He was aware that he was no match for the young man for Austin was much stronger than him.

"We owe you a great debt. If you're in trouble sday, we will do our best to help you!" the clan head announced sincerely.

Staring at Marwell's earnest face, Austin was at a loss for words. He just nodded at him and smiled. No training had ever made Austin ready for such a situation.

Out of the blue, a pleasant scent penetrated Austin's nostrils. He turned around to find a mesmerizing figure coming into his view.

It was Michelle.

"Thank you!" she said in a soft, low voice.

Having learnt his lesson, Austin didn't dare to treat this beautiful lady casually. Scratching his head, he grinned and said, "You're welcome. Although, it's not a big deal at all." Although, it's not a big deal at all." The rest of the Meng clan burst into laughter, amused by Austin's awkward response.

Mance's laugh echoed the loudest.

Michelle's face turned red from embarrassment. She glared at Austin and walked away in anger.

"What's going on? Did | say something wrong? " Austin was clueless.

Before dawn broke, the Meng clan members and Austin had collected their belongings and carried on with their journey. They couldn't spend another minute staying there. The dead bodies of the beasts were scattered everywhere and their stingy smell filled the air.

Austin had summoned the six scorpion-tailed leopard and made them take the lead. Any diabolic beasts on the path who detected the aura of the six leopards ran away immediately, clearing their way. So far they hadn't been attacked.

Austin was seated in the most fancy carriage of all. When he looked out of the window, he would meet the surprised glances from the people of Meng clan. He was speechless. Ever since he had shown his real power, they had looked at him with adoration.

"You were so cool last night," Joyce exclaimed. Her eyes were sparkling with admiration.

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"Yes. You've said that before too. Multiple times," Austin replied, grinning at her.

Somewhere inside of him, Austin felt slightly unworthy of so much praise.

"Joyce, don't bother him. He needs srest," Michelle said to the little girl.

She moved closer to Joyce and tapped her head gently.

Austin looked up and saw Michelle. Due to the fierce fight last night, there were blood stains on her neck. Despite that, she looked great. She gave off an irresistible temptation and Austin was drawn towards her.

Austin could tell by her attitude that she was no longer hostile towards him. The indifferent look was replaced by a tender one. He knew the sudden change in her attitude stemmed from him saving her family members from getting killed.

She had beautiful, arched eyebrows and had only applied a light make-up. Although she wasn't as stunning as lvy and Sue, she was still charming in her own way.

Suddenly their eyes met. The next second, Michelle looked away and her pretty face blushed.

Mance cto the window on his horse. With a smile, he said to Austin, "Austin, we can leave this forest four hours later." Since last night, he showed more respect to Austin. He didn't make fun of him once. In the PrMartial World, people honored fighters, and respected them. Although he was young, his cultivation base was high enough for the other cultivators to respect him.

Truth be told, Austin preferred that Mance would tease him from tto time.

However, since he couldn't do anything about that, he let out a loud sigh. 'Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom, here | come, ' he thought.

Four hours later, as the sun rose and the first few rays touched the ground, the team left the forest. Looking at the village in the horizon, the crowd was cheerful.

"Oh, we're finally going home!" The members of Meng clan exclaimed joyously.

"Let's get going," Marwell announced loudly, as the caravan began moving.

They marched forward with purpose.