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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 2990
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In a star cluster near the edge of the universe, numerous spirits and their slaves gathered, occupying almost the entire surface

area available.

This was not surprising, all things considered.

The spiritual dragon, after all, was extremely dear to that nobleman.

He considered it the pinnacle accomplishment of his life.

Naturally, he would rally all of his strongest men to get it back, and here they were now, practically blocking the whole star cluster.

They settled in and made themselves comfortable. Then the nobleman set off to stalk his prey.

Meanwhile, on a secluded part of the star cluster, Austin sat cross-legged and silent, cultivating in peace.

The air around him stirred in a sudden disturbance.

With his eyes closed, he didn't see a large gray shadow skulking in the vast, deserted sky. The nobleman was approaching him.

The shadow stopped just in front of Austin, looming and crowding up his space.

"Hey boy," he sneered, "stop hiding and cout."

Austin opened his eyes immediately and stood up in a single sharp motion.

Morse and Darby stood at attention. They had been silently guarding Austin all this time, while Violet and the others were back in

the Slave Tower, each cultivating in seclusion.

Austin had equally distributed the many spiritual crystals he had amassed earlier, and instructed them to improve their spiritual

souls as soon as possible.

"Master, you've finally finished your cultivation!"

Morse was particularly excited.

"Master, have you refined the spiritual dragon? Have you?"

"Yes," Austin calmly replied as he stepped out of the tiny enclosed space he was occupying. "Let's go and have a look at it."

He cast a brief glance on the sky, where the huge gray shadow was slowly dissipating, before leading the way.

Morse and Darby promptly followed him.

They teleported back to the clearing, and found themselves surrounded by the nobleman's troops.

"So it is you who stole my spiritual dragon!" The nobleman's eyes were burning with murderous intent, locked on Austin.

Austin, on the other hand, only looked around him undaunted.

"Yes, | did take that beast and refined it," he replied casually.

This being the case, Austin had acquired many advantages.

With the significant leap in his spiritual soul energy levels, he was quite confident that he could defeat this nobleman from the

spiritual race. The nobleman snorted, "Ha! You expectto believe that you're telling the truth?

It is no small feat to refine the spiritual dragon, especially for someone like you, given your cultivation base!"

But then his mocking tone turned somber once he had a sense of Austin's spiritual soul energy.

"Well, what do we have here? It seems like you have a rather extraordinary treasure in your possession."

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As he was trying to wrap his head around this discovery, another thought crossed his mind.

His indignation turned to delight. He could take full advantage of this situation he was thrust upon.

"This is excellent! So what if you have the spiritual dragon now? It wouldn't matter soon enough.

| will be taking back what is mine, along with all the other priceless items you have."

He flashed a cruel grin at Austin, then paused as he remembered something else. "By the way," he asked, clasping his hands

behind his back, "where is my son?" Austin replied with cold indifference. "You mean, one of my slaves?"

Using his spiritual sense, he summoned the governor of the spiritual capital.

"Master." The man appeared instantly, bowing to Austin to pay his respects.

It was none other than the nobleman's son. Something within the older man seemed to finally snap.

"What the hell is this! What is going on here? What have you done to my son?" he spat at Austin.

"No son of mine will call shuman bastard his master. This must be strick you're trying to pull on me!"

As far as the nobleman knew - as far as anyone of their race knew - only they spiritual race were capable of controlling other


The opposite ever happening had never been heard of.

No other creature had ever been capable of enslaving those of the spiritual race. "Could this possibly be... Is this because of the

treasure you have that is related to the spiritual soul?

That blasted thing appears to be more powerful than | initially thought.

Ha-ha! How thrilling! | am excited to find out what other powerful treasures you are hiding!"

He stretched out his hand to make a grab for Austin, which the latter easily dodged. The still outstretched hand released

tremendous energy then, turning the air hot and heavy like the depths of boiling sea.

"Bastard, chere!"

As the nobleman yelled, countless lightning bolts streaked through the sky.

The force of endless spiritual law power transformed into a hundred thousand miles wide black clouds and cto Austin.

To an observer, it was as if an angry and vindictive god was coming for Austin to mete his punishment.

"Well, if you want to have a fight so badly," Austin called out, "then a fight | shall give you!"

He wasn't the least bit intimidated by the older man's display of strength.

On the contrary, he was itching to test his own against the nobleman's, especially now that he was done refining the spiritual



A nine-layered crimson pagoda burst forth from Austin's Soul Sea and pressed forward, leaving a trail of crackling spiritual soul

energy in its wake.

It was one of the secret skills of the spiritual race, the Spirit-pressing Tower.


The nobleman landed a single blow on the crimson pagoda, and it shattered into pieces.

As he did, a blinding beam of white light shone forth from the explosion, its energy tangling itself with the spiritual law.


The intertwined energy spun on itself, forming a violent hurricane that moved aimlessly around the space, its unpredictable

turbulence shaking the entire star cluster. It finally moved away from where they were all gathered, and dissolved into the


As the dust settled, the spirits and the slaves began to understand what just occurred.

"Were my eyes deceiving me? That human brat was actually able to hold his own against our lord!"

The realization left them shocked and speechless.

This was unprecedented, unimaginable even.

In all their lives, they saw this nobleman as if he were a god, an undefeatable being who possessed immeasurable strength.

He was a terrifying existence who held the universe in the palm of his hand.

And out of nowhere cthis mundane-looking human guy. Not only did he draw forces against the nobleman, but he also proved

himself to be a worthy opponent of equal, possibly greater power. "This is rather exhilarating, | must say!" Austin couldn't temper

his confidence.

To him, the outcof this showdown was already decided. "Let's do another round!"

Taking the initiative to attack first this time, he unleashed the Omnipotent Lightness.

"You're dead, you human scum!"

The nobleman's face darkened with rage.

He knew the secret to Austin's overwhelming spiritual soul energy. It was because he had refined the spiritual dragon.

He had now surpassed the nobleman at great lengths.

No matter, the nobleman still had an advantage over Austin.

He was a cultivator who had practiced an abundance of secret skills from the spiritual race - he had far richer combat experience.

There was no way Austin could keep up with him in that aspect.


Austin was using the secret skills he had just recently learned.

Waves of energy rushed over the surface like raging waves.

The two went on fighting for a while, their powerful attacks canceling each other out every time. Until...


One of the nobleman's punches landed on Austin, and he was thrown a few yards back.

The nobleman reveled in this momentary victory.

"Ha-ha! What do you say now, boy?

Even if you did refine the spiritual dragon and used its power, you're still no match for me! I'll be sending you to hell now."

He was laughing rambunctiously as he strode over to where Austin lay.

‘Fuck this, ' Austin thought to himself as he slowly cto his senses.

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That blowback there managed to jar him somehow. 'Forget it. I'm just going to have to finish this as soon as possible.

If we continue with all this ruckus, we might attract the attention of the other nobles from their race. They'll gang up onand

that's going to be a real pain in the ass.

But even worse than that, we might wake the real powerful one. Rumored to possess an even more terrifying strength than anyone

currently in existence, he lies hidden and asleep.

If that one is awoken, it wouldn't be just me, but the rest of the participants who will have to deal with the consequences.’

As a matter of fact, in the violent battle just now, he could feel more than one powerful spiritual sense thrumming from different

corners of the universe.

It was safe to assthat the bearers of these spiritual senses were none other than the other nobles from the spiritual race.

Just as he was getting back on his feet, the nobleman's voice rang out again.

"Here, brat, have a taste of the inherited secret method of our race, the Puppet Strings!" This was followed by wild and cruel

laughter, and then...


Thick crimson ropes darted towards Austin in a heavy downpour, penetrating his mind and trespassing into his Soul Sea.

The strings thrashed around, as if searching for something, before lunging at Austin's spiritual soul.

Before the ropes could tangle themselves around it, the spiritual tree appeared, blocking their path with its massive trunk.

Then the spiritual dragon roared and pounced on the strings, devouring them all at once.

At that smoment, Austin and Darby simultaneously opened the Eyes of the Ghostdom Ancestor, and charged at the nobleman.

Before they could even reach him, the spiritual dragon shot out of Austin's Soul Sea and swiftly outran them. It made a beeline for

the nobleman.

"Die!" Austin cried, launching his fiercest attack yet. He had the combined strengths of the spiritual dragon, the spiritual tree, and

two Eyes of the Ghostdom Ancestor. His power engulfed the enemy.

When the energy of his attack fizzled out to its last sparks, it was greeted by the sight of the nobleman's body crumpled on the

ground, bloody wounds and marks running along his limbs.

Austin ccloser and watched as the nobleman struggled to breathe.

"Die!" And with that, the spiritual dragon and the spiritual tree moved forth into the dying man's Soul Sea, and shattered his

spiritual soul.





