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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 2969
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Standing in a straight line, tens of thousands of spiritual souls launched countless sound attacks at Austin simultaneously. In a

gigantic wave, they all rolled and swept toward Austin and his friends.

Unfortunately, the governing law in this negative universe was the spiritual law so that it meant that anything related to spiritual

soul energy could be enhanced by using sexternal elements in nature.

Austin realized this and accepted the fact that the sound waves would be violent and difficult to hold back.

On its way, the sound wave obliterated everything in its path. Austin's friends looked weary as it got closer and closer.

"Master, | can try using my Hallucinatory Handkerchief against this attack. It is useful against such a spiritual sense attack!"

Violet exclaimed with confidence, ready to join the battle.

"No, thanks. That's unnecessary.

| can handle this,"

Austin interjected, holding out his arm to stop Violet.

Where they would normally be worried, Austin felt calm. After all, he possessed the spiritual tree, so he was not afraid of spiritual

sense attacks, no matter how powerful they might be.

In addition, Austin had just successfully refined a seven-colored divine lotus, which not only purified his spiritual soul tically,

but also increased his spiritual sense.

Being so advanced, it would take an extremely talented martial arts master to strike fear into his heart.

And thankfully, all the creatures in front of him were just at an ordinary level. This would be a piece of cake.


When the wave made impact, a loud sound which nearly shattered Austin's eardrums was created. He felt the blow, but it didn't

knock him over. Within seconds, the sound waves had broken into his soul sea.

The inside of Austin's Soul Sea becscrambled with sounds that made his teeth gnash together.

Again and again, the sound waves pounded against Austin's spiritual soul in a way that should have killed him.

With a jolt, the spiritual tree in Austin's mind awakened, sensing the sudden attack.

Extending its branches, the spiritual tree shook and stretched, rustling like a windstorm was passing through. Its roots also waved

inside Austin's Soul Sea like crazy, and streams of energy burst forward, protecting Austin from all angles.

Once it had garnered enough strength, the spiritual tree launched a refining power to repel the sound waves.

Each sound wave was brimming with spiritual soul energy.

This meant that the spiritual tree could feast all it wanted and becstronger and more invincible by the second.


The sound of the waves being converted into the power of spiritual sense filled the air.

"I love this!"

Meanwhile, Austin was enjoying the fact that he could sit idly while the spiritual tree did all the hard work for him. He closed his

eyes and smiled as the tree helped him beceven more advanced in his spiritual sense energy.

"Wow! | almost forgot that Austin has a spiritual tree!

No wonder he doesn't look afraid. Nobody with a spiritual tree would ever have a reason to fear a spiritual soul attack of this level.

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Still, | can't believe it. How did he get his hands on such an amazing magic treasure?"

The Heavenly Majestic Pot moodily watched what was happening. Austin definitely had a lot of tricks up his sleeve.

"How is he still alive?"

Over ten thousand spiritual souls watched Austin, horrified. They couldn't understand how he was fighting off such powerful

advances without even lifting a finger.

"You want to harmwith your spiritual soul attacks? Don't dream of it! Go to hell, every one of you!"

Austin used his Omnipotent Lightness and charged at the spiritual souls.

"Quickly! We must band together and kill this pesky cultivator before he causes us anymore trouble!"

In response, all of the spiritual souls roared and yelled loudly.

They weren't afraid of Austin and his mysterious powers. In fact, due to the spiritual soul in this universe, all the spiritual souls

grew freer and more powerful after they had left their former physical bodies and becindependent beings.

Once they had earned their freedom, they worked hard to becfaster, stronger and more flexible so that no one could ever get

in their way.

They worked until they had becbeings that were more powerful in all their abilities than anyone else.

From above, noises sharp enough to make hair stand on end screeched out.

A large number of spiritual souls, weaving in and out of each other, dispersed in the sky in an instant. They tore across the space

and met Austin in mid-air.

"Con, little cuties!"

Austin hardened his face and flew faster directly into the mass of spiritual souls.

He sensed a strong desire from the spiritual tree in his Soul Sea. If it were possible, the tree was more eager to capture spiritual

souls than Austin was.

It rustled and stretched out its branches in yearning, pushing Austin to move even faster.

It looked like tentacles were emerging from the middle of Austin's Soul Sea as branches and leaves pushed their way through and

into the open air.

"Hold on! What the hell are those green things?"

Before they had the chance to turn and run the other way, the spiritual souls which had been in the front line were skewered by the

green arrow-like leaves. Like a long ropes, the branches, leaves, and roots of the spiritual tree dragged all the captured spiritual

souls back into Austin's Soul Sea. In only seconds, the whole space was filled with screams of agony.

"What the hell? What's going on out there? This is..."

Somewhere in the void, an obscure voice shouted, sounding surprised.

"What the hell are those branches, leaves, and roots? It looks like they contain tons of pure spiritual sense energy! | don't


Even from here | can feel their power. | must get closer."

The obscure voice continued before stopping completely. A short silence passed.

"It couldn't be... Is this the spiritual tree from our negative world which had long vanished?

Oh my God! It's really the spiritual tree!

The spiritual tree is the holy tree of our spiritual race!

If | could get a spiritual tree, then | could becalmost unstoppable in my martial arts skills!

Perhaps | could even find a way to take over the entire world with it at my disposal."

The obscure voice was now trembling with excitement.

As soon as the voice stopped speaking, a very pale shadow quietly floated from the small town and hovered above it.

The shadow was so light that it was almost transparent. Slowly, the wisp of mist began approaching Austin.

However, in a matter of seconds, it transformed into a regular spiritual soul. It appeared so innocent and frail just like the other



A green leaf shot out and pierced through this newly-arrived spiritual soul, dragging it back into Austin's Soul Sea.

As if nothing had happened, the spiritual tree began impaling the rest of the spiritual souls and capturing them in Austin's Soul


This carried on for several minutes.

"Brat, do you sense the big guy hiding in the dark?"

the Heavenly Majestic Pot asked Austin through its spiritual sense.

"Yes. | sensed a trace of it.

| have a bad feeling there is something spying on us from over there.

I'm not sure who or what though,"

Austin answered the pot while he checked around.

At that smoment, something strange was happening deep in Austin's Soul Sea.

Bang! The first thing to happen was a loud noise and a small vibration.

Suddenly, a branch from the spiritual tree exploded.


A spiritual tree!

My God! It really is a spiritual tree! | see it with my eyes!

And my eyes would never lie like this!

I'm the luckiest creature in the world today!

Spiritual trees vanished long ago; even our spiritual race haven't found it for ages.

| didn't expect that | would see a spiritual tree today! It's mine!

This is a good sign. Now, | can begin my journey in my rise as a powerful ruler!"

Looking inside his Soul Sea, Austin spotted a gray shadow emerging. Its chest was puffing out heavy breaths and its greedy eyes

were taking in the spiritual tree. He suddenly let out a fit of wild laughter.

Austin gasped. How did this creature get into his Soul Sea and cause all this damage without anyone knowing?

The grey shadow was shaped like a human, but its shape was not stable and kept changing and twisting from tto time.

Sometimes it was so transparent that it almost disappeared from sight.

Sometimes it materialized from thin air. Its skin was grey, and its body seemed as hard as steel, its claws as sharp as that of

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eagles, its eyes as keen as that of jackals, its legs as short as that of toads, and its arms as thick as pythons!

From all around it, a dark and frightening aura was gathering, making Austin's stomach drop.

"Are you part of the spiritual race?"

Austin asked with a hint of doubt in his voice.

"Ha-ha! Yes, | am. | am from the spiritual race.

Hey, human boy. | was expecting something nice from you but nothing this great. The spiritual tree means so much tothat |

don't think | could ever thank you enough.

So, | will give you something in return. I will give you mercy.

Instead of slowly killing you, | will just seize your physical body and occupy it.

This way, although your soul will be smashed into nothing, your physical body will still remain intact, of course, in my possession."

The grey shadow laughed so hard it had to clutch onto its abdomen to stay upright. It was spilling with confidence and the sight

made Austin fill with anger.

"Really? You want take my body and make it your new home?

You are so confident, but I'm afraid you can't.

We don't know who will be killed first. Maybe you are the first to die,"

Austin replied, shrugging at the spiritual soul.

Although this spiritual being had broken into his Soul Sea without being noticed, Austin didn't get flustered or afraid. He kept his

calm, devising plans to throw off this tricky creature.


Think about your words before you spit them out, human.

That's enough wasting time. Let's fight so | can kill you and take what's rightfully mine,"

the shadow from the spiritual race said coldly.


Against Austin's expectations, the shadow released spiritual soul energy so thick and ominous that it filled the entirety of Austin's

Soul Sea. The air turned into thick fog and was as scarlet as blood. Austin couldn't see anything.

"Go to hell, human!"

the spiritual being howled and rushed at Austin's spiritual soul before either of them could say another word.





