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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 2776
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"That's why | captured you.

So quit with the nonsense and just answer me.

What do you know about a plnamed Earth?"

Austin pressed.

"lI don't know what the hell that is! Letgo, you little bastard!"

the corpse controller screamed at Austin.

The corpse controller was furious. 'Who does this brat think he is? I'm a respected figure in the underworld! Even the leader of the

underworld treatswith courtesy!

Doesn't this upstart know he is beneath me?!" he fumed.

"So you know nothing,"

Austin pointed out flatly, disappointment evident in his tone.

"Boy, didn't you hear me?! Releaseat once!"

the corpse controller demanded, as if talking to a servant.

A resounding crack rang out.

Austin had struck the corpse controller, propelling him into the air.

"Why, you...."

The corpse controller was stunned.

He never got to finish the insult that was already on his lips.

Austin leapt up and delivered another punch to his face, followed by a kick.

By the tthe corpse controller slammed back to the ground, his face was already black and blue and swollen, his nose also

broken. His anger at Austin quickly transformed into fear.

'He's one of those barbarians who like to talk with their fists, ' he realized with trepidation.

The corpse controller knew enough to just keep his mouth shut in the face of such people.

Otherwise, he knew he'd end up sporting a fat lip, too.

"From here on out, just answer my questions.

If you don't, you just might force my hand again. Got it?"

Austin sneered, cracking his knuckles in the corpse controllers’ face.

The corpse controller started trembling in fear.

He was right about Austin. He did like to settle matters with violence.

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The corpse controller gave in to his cowardice and decided to cooperate.

Staring at Austin's fists in terror, he nodded quickly.

He answered every question Austin had.

It turned out that the corpse controller had an old master in the underworld who was skilled at refining the corpse soldiers.

The corpse controller, since childhood, had learnt the craft from his master.

Presently, he had just finished his preliminary training and was now able to refine slow-grade corpse soldiers.

He used these skills to serve Prince Ervin, who appeared to appreciate and support him.

Hearing all these, Austin couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

He had thought that the corpse controller's skills rooted from the art of corpse controlling skill on the Earth.

But here he was now learning that unexpectedly, they were not related at all.

'And even if they are connected, this corpse controller might still know nothing, ' Austin thought wryly.

"If you know how to refine the corpse soldiers, you must know how to control them.

Tell me!"

Austin demanded.

The corpse controller gulped. "Please, please don't get too ahead of yourself.

Corpse-refining is an exclusive expertise of the underworld. It is a closely guarded secret of the underworld, without peer anywhere


You can't just demand to learn it," the corpse controller said, trying to reason with Austin.

"Listen, young man. The forces of the underworld are powerful and terrible.

You, an outsider, wouldn't want to get on their bad side.

If they can easily destroy a whole universe, they can certainly make quick work of you.

So please just drop it. You're better off not knowing what they really don't want you to know,"

the corpse controller pleaded.

He said this with deference, hoping to dissuade Austin while not causing another flare-up.

But Austin was undeterred and unconvinced by his words. "Cut the crap.

Do you realize | could hurt your spiritual soul, too? Do you wantto destroy both your body and your soul?"

Austin threatened, slowly radiating a lethal aura.

It worked. The corpse controller was so afraid of what Austin could do to him, and he started to spill everything.

Not only did he reveal how to refine corpses into soldiers, but also, as Austin wanted, how to control them.


Austin murmured, after receiving quite the exhaustive rundown on the hitherto mysterious craft.

"So it's like the corpse-controlling craft of the Ghost Sect..."

Austin murmured to himself, lost in remembrance.

When Austin was in the Violet Orchid Empire of the PrMartial World, he actually already cacross the art of controlling


At that time, the Ghost Sect was secretly refining many corpse soldiers, including generals and even sdemons.

Austin had cupon the craft by sheer coincidence, after being able to subdue a large number of those refined corpse troops.

Austin now realized that the manner of refining and controlling corpse soldiers that he had just heard from the corpse controller

had many similarities with the Ghost Sect's corpse control craft. For one, they had the sorigin.

The difference was that the Ghost Sect's corpse-controlling skills were simple and crude, only able to use weak cultivators or

beasts as material.

The secret skills shared by the corpse controller were way more advanced and powerful.

'It appears that the Ghost Sect's corpse-control skills also cfrom the underworld. But theirs is pretty shallow compared to this,

Austin deduced.

"Alright then. Tto get cracking,"

Austin pronounced, ready to use what he just learned.

As Austin studied corpse controlling skill, he found he got the hang of it pretty quickly, at least in theory. He surmised this was

because of his experience with the Ghost Sect.

There were three main ways to control corpse soldiers: runes, curses, and magic treasure.

When these three triggers were used simultaneously, it beceasy to control the army of the dead.

Austin searched the corpse controller and was able to wrest srune papers and magic treasures from him.

He was pretty satisfied with the loot he was able to obtain.

Austin then proceeded to force the corpse controller into telling him the spells of corpse control.

‘Robbed! I'm being robbed!" the corpse controller thought desperately.

But he was helpless under Austin's power. He tried to resist, his eyes becoming bloodshot. But it was a futile fight.

He could feel his heart tighten. He had put in years of hard work for those runes and treasures and spells.

Now here they were, being taken from him without any difficulty.

"Here goes nothing!"

After reviewing the steps again and again, Austin was finally ready to give it a try. He concentrated his mind, transporting several

corpse soldiers from the Slave Tower to his present location.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Austin had taken these corpse soldiers and kept them in the Slave Tower last the was in the Black Hell city. But just now, he

decided they were the perfect test subjects for this experiment.

Austin took out a rune paper and flung it in the corpses’ direction.

The rune paper flashed a bright and dazzling light, enveloping the soldiers.

Austin then took out a peach wood sword. He drew a magic sigil in the air, murmuring swords.


Austin commanded after the spell was completed.

The corpse soldiers simultaneously moved their feet and marched toward Austin.

It worked!

Austin couldn't believe it!

But of course, Austin was aware this was just a small, insignificant start.

Like a magic trick, it almost had no practical use.

There would be tens of thousands of corpse soldiers deployed all at once in the battlefield. And he would need to place all of them

under his thumb.

Right now, he was only able to control a handful soldiers. He certainly had a long way to go.











