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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 1930
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"Screw it!"

Austin gritted his teeth spitefully.

A pandemonium broke out the Pot of Chaos. It transformed into a massive tripod, enveloping Austin from behind. In order to

defend himself, a vital energy force emanated from his body, forming a layer of shield to protect him.

Then, he discharged all his might with a blow that caused the light of his blood to rise into the sky, forming a blood of sea in the

area while blood dragons coiled his body.

Oblivious of his surroundings, Austin rushed towards the golden futon.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Without reservation, the powerful cultivators attacked Austin with the combined forces of their unique, enchanted skills. More than

ten strikes tore through the void; shit the Pot of Chaos, while the others penetrate Austin's flesh.

Austin was severely damaged. His body was trembling due to the four to five hits he received from his enemies. Blood spilled

everywhere as he tumbled over.

Austin was aware that all of the cultivators were trained in the ancient sect or the four major schools, therefore not to be

estimated. The fusion of their powers in one attack was indeed a spectacle to be witnessed.

Their fusion of their powers yielded an attack so great that even a master at the Heavenly Grotto Realm would have been killed

instantly in a single blow!

"Aaahhh!" Austin howled.

He gritted his teeth as he charged and dodged all the attacks. Finally, he sat on the golden cushion.


the cultivators shouted in outrage.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

They still continued to attack Austin with fury.

Zoom, Zoom, Zoom!

Suddenly, rays of golden flares burst out from the cushion to protect Austin.

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Then, a formidable force spread in all directions.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The cultivators were immediately blown away.

"Ha-ha! | can sit here all day. Is that the best you got?" Austin boasted.

He sat on the golden cushion comfortably and cackled on the plight of the masters.

All of a sudden!

Austin's gloating was interrupted by a mouthful of blood he had to spit.

He hurried to check his body. Fortunately, he was not seriously injured.

He then took out a bundle of potent and powerful herbs and gobbled it. In an instant, he was healed and recovered fully.

Austin examined his body and found out that his wounds had disappeared.

"This Immortal Body Refining Formula proves to be effective," he said to himself.

"I was hit for at least five times, but now | only have minor injuries!

My enemies may be the most powerful young bloods, but they can never defeat me.

Even if they have cultivated their own special skills." He laughed.

Austin was appeased by the Immortal Body Refining Formula.

He had never felt so refreshed in his life as if he was revived from being dead. The potion suddenly began to kick in when his body

beclight as a feather. His mind was crystal clear as well.

He sat there while the whole world was quiet.


In a moment he entered a state of trance.

Austin found himself in a silent, spiritual realm. He was petrified not only because he had cto another dimension, but he was


"What is this place? | was just on that golden cushion--

Why am | here?

Where am 1?"

Austin was completely at loss.

He was on the brink of panicking, but he had to be composed in order to protect himself from possible threats.

As he was looking around, the surrounding scenery left Austin's mouth wide open due to the horror of what he saw.

It was a vast and desolate land surrounded by black mists. There was no telling where it started or where it ended.

But what was more alarming were the dead bodies crowded on the field.

There were human warriors, beast races, demon races, and other beings of nature that Austin had never heard of before.

It was a bloodbath.

And to his surprise, the blood was still warm, as if it had just cout of the cadavers.

The ground was dark red and everywhere blood flowed like a stream that never becdry.

It took a while for Austin to calm down.

He was so overwhelmed that he found himself lying on a heap of corpses.

For a moment, Austin had no idea how to go back.

He began to walk slowly around.

Austin probed the terrain, gradually glancing at the corpses around him. Most of them were large in size and unfamiliar to him.

Many of them held weapons, but most of these weapons were broken.

"Is this the field where a great and conclusive battle took place?"

Austin murmured.

There was nothing but corpses in sight.

He saw lifeless divine birds that looked like golden eagles as large as mountains, which were covered in blue and golden feather.

Thick arrows pierced through the center of their eyebrows.

Another creature was a colossal golden ape with the tail of a crocodile. Although it was a hundred thousand feet high, Austin still

could not imagine how its head and brain were crushed by a stick. He could only hope its life was ended immediately, but he knew

it died miserably.

There was also an eight-headed python intertwined with a huge mountain. In the end, it was broken into more than ten pieces.

It was cut by a sharp sword, which was punctured in the mountain.

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Austin continued to walk and examine the area.

The scene was brutal. Many of what he believed were great creatures had died wretchedly with weapons stuck into their bodies.

But what Austin had found unnerving was not only the fact that the blood stream continued to flow on the ground, but it was warm

and even steaming!

While looking at the battleground, he knew that these creatures were once incredibly powerful.

"But, what exactly is this place? How can | go back?"

These questions repeatedly bombarded Austin's mind.

Austin walked in the blood again, but this tmore carefully.

Dead bodies were all over the ground, and their blood dyed the ground in deep red. The scene was gory, but he knew it was also a

great campaign. Austin still couldn't help but wonder about the identities of these dead but strong creatures.

'Where did they cfrom? What did they fight for?' he pondered.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Midway, Austin heard an earth-shattering sound from a distance.

He felt waves of terrifying energy, ones that could cause speople to hyperventilate. Austin wanted to run, but he had nowhere

to go.


All of a sudden, Austin saw a figure flying into the sky. Its silhouette was so enormous that it filled the sky completely. It even

blocked out the sun!

Its aura was so intimidating that Austin wanted to submit to the figure and revere it with his life.





