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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 1901
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one of the cultivators bellowed before he charged forward. The atmosphere was tense and excited and all the people were antsy to

get inside.

Rushing towards the gate, they pushed and squeezed through the entrance.

The moment the people entered the palace, they were stopped by a dim purple mist that was hovering above the floor and

seeping into the air. It didn't appear dangerous so they walked into it.

Visibility was immediately decreased so much that they couldn't see their hands in front of their faces. They walked around with

their arms outstretched, trying to avoid each other and the items and walls within the palace. The use of their spiritual sense was

also useless against the purple mist.

After walking through a couple rooms, the mist slightly lifted and they could see clearly again. The room they had entered

resembled a large, wide hallway. On every wall, there were shelves with weapons and magical treasures displayed on them.

"Oh my God! It's true! Look at the advanced magical treasures in here!"

Within seconds, the cultivators who had made it through the mist charged at the shelves. There were plenty of shelves there but

they were all greedy and didn't care to share with the people they had just battled with.

While they scrambled for the items on the shelves, fights broke out among them. Blood spilled, teeth hit the floor, and sof the

shelves were broken in the chaos.

Even though they had fought side-by-side, they were aware the entire tthat they would battle each other for the treasures. The

more battles they won, the more treasures they could claim; it was a no-brainer.


The energy used in the fights sent waves through the air, rippling outwards and knocking other cultivators off their feet. The room

filled with the sound of screaming and anger.

Meanwhile, the strongest warriors ignored the advanced treasures and snuck into the depths of the palace.

According to several survivors who had once broken into the palace, the three ultimate magical treasures were hidden at the

depths of the palace.

The five puppets, who were at the Heavenly Grotto Realm, were normally guarding in the depths of the palace, but when they had

broken in, a distraction was put in place and the five men chased after the intruders.

Entering the palace, Austin dodged the battles and found the entrance to the depths of the palace.

His goal was only to get those few ultimate magical treasures.

Austin was moving towards the depths of the palace. On the way, he saw that the hall was very spacious and that only a few

strong warriors were rushing in.

Those weaker warriors knew it would be more practical for them to stay outside and rob sadvanced magical treasures.

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Just then, a voice yelled at Austin and stopped him from moving forward.

"Wait a second! What are you doing down here? You're only at the Minor-perfection Realm. You're too weak! Do you want to die?"

Austin snapped his head in the direction of the young man. He quickly used his spiritual sense and determined the man was at the

medium stage of Major-perfection Realm. He was more advanced than Austin which only made Austin want to fight him more.

"Fuck off! | have just as much of a right to be here as you do!"

Austin snapped.

"Fuck! Go to hell!"

It was clear that the young man had a short temper because he immediately stepped back and shot a white energy column at

Austin. Austin jumped aside and looked back at the young man with rage ingrained in his face.

The attack had been unfair and plain rude. Austin had only planned to only maim the young man but now he would have to kill

him. He raised his hand and five streaks of sword aura with different colors rushed towards the young man.

Meanwhile, he punched out his right hand and it instantly enlarged until it was as large as the size of a flood dragon. He wrapped it

around the young man's waist and squeezed him until he was crushed and beca pile of powder.

The young man was killed before a scream could leave his lips.

As cruel as it was, Austin felt that he had deserved it. The young man had tried to bully someone weaker than he was and that was

evil in Austin's mind.

Removing the thought of the man from his mind, Austin approached the most inner area of the hall with the treasures in it.

As he got closer, he could clearly see the weapon shelf that held the three magic weapons.

"Wow! It's the ultimate magical treasures!"

In front of the shelf, more than one hundred people were crowded. Sof them were young and middle-aged but Austin could

spot one old man with white hair among them. They were all staring up at the treasures with eyes so wide that the treasures were

reflecting in them.

They were so eager to lay their hands on the treasures that strong auras were seeping from their pores.

Their hearts were pounding and their breathing was coming out in loud pants.

Sof them had never seen such powerful items before. Even the super geniuses from the four schools and the elite disciples

from the ancient sects in the Middle Pilgrim Land were excited beyond belief.


While the rest of them were distracted, a man dashed at the treasures and stretched out his hand towards the shelf.

Before his hand could reach any of them, the other people leaped forward and pushed him out of the way. He landed on his

shoulder and cried out in pain.

After that, a huge fight broke out in the room.

Every one of them was a strong cultivator and they would all gladly fight to the death for the treasures.


Amongst the battle, a light flashed and colorful ribbon danced towards the treasures.


Just as quickly, a golden halberd was thrown by the hand of a cultivator and energy surged from it, making the entire room glow. It

stabbed the ribbon and pegged it against the far wall.

Fizz. Fizz...

Over the heads of the people, two distinct black and white airflows, like two flood dragons, intertwined and flew at the three

ultimate magical treasures.


From the ceiling, a glowing, enormous moon lowered and caught the two airflows, engulfing them. The room seemed to widen and

people moved out of the way as the Holy Daughter of the Moon Palace walked to the weapon shelf. She lifted her slender hand and

grabbed for the three treasures.

However, before she could touch them, several bursts of vital energy caused her to duck and retreat.

The fight becmore violent the longer it went on. The most powerful masters clashed and fell, getting back up and trying


The young seemed to be as advanced as the old and soon they all beca sea of equals—none of them getting any closer to the


At one point, the old man with white hair managed to get close enough to the shelf that he thought he could grab a treasure, but

he was knocked out of the way every time. The impossibleness of the situation weighed on Austin but he remembered he had

hidden skills that the rest wouldn't see coming.

Standing at the back of the room, Austin pulled out his Pot of Chaos and tucked it under his arm.

He concentrated and enlarged his arms to the size of a flood dragon once again and then ran towards the shelf with the pot in his

right arm.

Bang! Bang!

The Pot of Chaos shook and roared wildly. Austin let go of it and it flung itself at two Major-perfection Realm cultivators. In seconds,

they were nothing but meat paste on the floor.

The other people near Austin were greatly frightened and backed against the walls.

The expressions that were on their faces meant that none of them had expected a cultivator at the Minor-perfection Realm to be so


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"Get out of my way!" he ordered, causing the others to press further into the wall.

As he walked closer to the people, a frown overtook his face. He bared his teeth and took out the Sky-devouring Gourd Cask from

his Space Ring. Then, he shook the cask to his front.


Dark sea water emerged from it and spewed towards the warriors. They scattered but there weren't a lot of places to hide in the


Screams of agony filled the room as

more than a dozen cultivators were touched by the sea water. They rolled on the ground and cried miserably.

The power of the water from the Immortal Burial Sea was terrifying that even the masters at the Heavenly Grotto Realm avoided it.

Austin watched with satisfaction on his face as a couple of cultivators melted into blood.

If only their hands or feet were splashed by the water, sof the stronger warriors gritted their teeth and chopped them off. It

was either that or immediate death.

Over half of the cultivators were dead or too hurt to fight him so the space in front of the treasures was empty.

He had started to approach it when someone broke the silence.

"Stop! This is the seawater of the Immortal Burial Sea!

It's you again!"

a man with a golden halberd in his hand snarled and stared coldly at Austin.

Austin recognized the man as the Holy Son of the Unworldly Sect.

"lI won't let you get away this time!"

he added, glaring at Austin and clenching the halberd in his fist.

"Wait. Maynard, is this boy you mentioned to us? The one that stole the divine silkworm?"

a young man in grey said as he stared at Austin with great interest.

"Yes, it's him.

He also took the divine wine from us,"

the Holy Son replied coldly.

"What? The divine silkworm is owned by this guy?!"

a strong master exclaimed in shock.

The atmosphere in the room had changed drastically. They were no longer afraid of Austin; they wanted to kill him and take his
