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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 1519
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The Vital Energy Refining Palace, in which he had practiced his martial arts, was only open to capable warriors at the level of the

Bitter Sea Realm. With the help of the vital energy stone, he managed to stay in that palace and refined his skills there. As a result,

he was able to increase his strength greatly in such a short period.

Austin stood up and relaxed his limbs. It was slightly stinging from the long sitting. Then he launched out his spiritual sense to scan

the situation outside the City model.

He found that the City model was currently inside the belly of a magic rock alligator. He might be in the stomach of the beast.

Austin focused and thought of going out of the City model. After he exited the City Model, a heavy disgusting smell welcomed him

the very next moment as he was already in the stomach of the magic rock alligator. He then carefully placed the City model back

into his Space Ring.

Austin moved and dashed towards the mouth of the magic rock alligator. The stomach of the beast was a sickening sight to be in.

When he was approaching the mouth of the beast, he swung one of his fists at the beast's lower chin.

The hit gave the magic rock alligator a sudden pain and immediately made it open its big mouth.

Austin leaped and jumped out of the beast's mouth like a shadow. He dashed into the air swiftly and suspended himself steadily in

the sky.

He fleeted away with lightning speed, paying no attention to what the beast had felt at this moment.

The magic rock alligator was extremely enraged by the human lad's unexpected attack. It glared at his back with a pair of eyes full

of fiery fury and roared at him desperately.

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It was eager to catch this human and tear him into pieces! However, judging from his speed, the beast understood that there was

no way to catch up to him. It would be too hard to do so.

Therefore, the only thing the magic rock alligator was able to do was to roll wildly in the mud of the bog and vent its wrath on

everything within its reach. It started to tear apart anything in its way using its big bloody mouth. Its sharp teeth like saw blade

pierced even the hardest rock and crumbled it into dust. It splashed enormous mud into the sky, which then dropped to the ground

like showers.

Austin headed directly towards the middle area of the Wild Herb Valley after leaving the bog.

The Wild Herb Valley consisted of three parts: the outer area, the middle area, and the inner area.

Among the three areas, the herbs and natural plants found in the inner area were the most valuable and the best kind. There were

various species of herbs and natural plants in this area. Aimost every one of them was relatively old.

The herbs and natural plants in the middle area were a little inferior to those that could be found in the inner area, and those found

in the outer area were the most inferior of the three areas.

Austin chose to find his desired herbs and natural plants in the middle area first.

He soon saw huge mountains one after another as he arrived at his destination.

Austin launched his spiritual sense to check the situation over there. He saw disciples of other sects and heard clanks of weapons

and screams of fight in splaces from tto time. The fights sounded severe and forceful, as the impact of the power of vital

energy force could be clearly felt.

Austin estimated that there might be sdisputes happening between different sects concerning the collection of the herbs and

natural plants. They must have been fighting over svaluable herbs.

Instead of flying in the air, Austin chose to run in the woods with his fast bodily movement skill. He could not risk his enemies to

know his location, and he aimed to conceal well his whereabouts.

Though the Wild Herb Valley was huge, people from various sects were scattered everywhere in search of different valuable herbs.

It would be too risky if he flew in the open air. If his enemies located him, fights between the two sides might happen again.

Austin did not dare to relax his nerves when he was winding through the wood that was under the protection of the green canopy

formed by thick trees. Besides having to hide from the view of his enemies, he had to avoid the attacks from spowerful

demonic and diabolic beasts from tto time.

Half a day had already passed since Austin entered the woods.

Austin stopped to scan his surroundings, noticing that he was in a vast primitive forest now.

Fogs of spiritual energy filled the space between straight towering trees like layers of gauze twined on them.

Austin smelt many kinds of herbal fragrance of elixir. The smell lingered in the air.

There was no denying that this primitive forest was the hto various species of herbs and natural plants that he was looking


Austin slowed himself down and searched carefully among the trees and shrubs rooted on the ground.

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"Oh, my god! That's..."

Austin suddenly halted as something interesting had aroused his attention. There were more than ten black plants under a gigantic

tree. The tree was so thick that it would take several persons holding their hands together to measure its diameter.

"That's the ninth-grade black earth essence grass!"

Austin rubbed his eyes and exclaimed with surprise. He could not believe what he was seeing right now. That was the earth-nature

elixir he had been longing for the most!

In line with the five basic elements, natural herbs could also be divided into these five categories—metal, wood, water, fire, and

earth—according to their nature.

Elixirs, superior herbs, and natural sources of the earth nature were very vital and needed in practicing the Grand Body Refining


Earlier success could be achieved if more of these earth-nature elixirs, superior herbs, and natural sources of good quality were to

be obtained. Austin was in a big luck to find these plants.

Without any more delays, Austin dashed towards those black plants as quickly as he could. He plucked every one of them up and

placed all of them into his Space Ring.

"These earth-nature herbs are indeed ssurprise rewards for my adventure here. That is a good sign! There must be more

treasured herbs | can find here."

Austin grinned and his eyes sparkled. There was a glint of expectation mixed with excitement reflecting in his face. The next

moment, he paced up to search for more herbs that he desired.