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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 1511
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Above the platform, the dragon-shaped warships, the ancient chariots, and the monstrous beasts were all separately suspended in the air. All of them looked dignified, completely displaying the power and prestige of the Three Holy Lands.

"Ha-ha..." Suddenly, a nonchalant but majestic voice rang out in the air.

"It is said that this time, the FlHoly Land is very likely to send its disciples to the Wild Herb Valley to participate in the herb collection. I don't know if they have arrived yet." A man, who was about thirty-five years old, slowly walked out from one of the chariots of the Vasteras Holy Land. His oddly long blonde hair flowed smoothly, and his body, which glowed with mighty and robust pressure, made him look like a sun god.

He was followed by more than two hundred disciples, each of whom was a young cultivator. They all held their heads up, looking so domineering as if they were the most superior ones around.

"Oh? Sebastian, if what you said is true about the disciples of FlHoly Land really joining the herb collection, I believe that the upcoming journey will be much more exciting this time." Meanwhile, in the group of the Arcane Holy Land, a man clad in white robes walked out. His body glowed with a touch of rosy light, and his temperament looked so unworldly. He seemed so vigorous and robust as if he could cut through all things with those sharp eyes as cold as the stars in the night.

Behind him stood two or three hundred young disciples of the Arcane Holy Land in a straight line. Judging from their long and steady breathing, they were unquestionably strong and talented warriors with outstanding record and performance.


If those bastards from the FlHoly Land dare to get out, the disciples of our Arcane Holy Land will teach them a good lesson! However, I don't believe that Mad Old Man is willing to let his disciples take such a risk." Suddenly, a tall, big, and beefy man from the Rudimentary Holy Land stepped out. He had thick eyebrows and ferocious, bloodthirsty eyes like that of a leopard's. His tenacious and muscular body, which exuded a horrible aura, was unmatched by any other warriors.

Behind this brawny man were also two or three hundred disciples who bore extraordinary and unyielding spirits.

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"Oh, are the disciples of the FlHoly Land going to participate in the herb collection this time? I just can't believe that!" "You know, words on the ground that several elders of the FlHoly Land have re-emerged and started to rebuild their sect. They have recruited many disciples from various places of the East Mainland and trained them secretly. So, the rumor must be true!" "The FlHoly Land has perished for more than a thousand years, but unexpectedly, its inheritance has not been cut off. In fact, it has been secretly passed down." On the platform, the disciples of those prominent or ordinary sects discussed in lower voices upon hearing the discussion of the Three Holy Lands.

After all, a holy land that had vanished for more than a thousand years, and suddenly reappeared in the East Mainland was indeed a piece of breaking news for everyone.

At the stime, on the platform, more than fifty disciples of the FlHoly Land who were mixed among the crowds all felt very indignant to hear the commotion.

Austin couldn't help but suppress a bitter smile on his lips.

The disciples of the FlHoly Land did not seem to be so popular in the East Mainland.

In fact, the sect was severely restrained and dominated by the Three Holy Lands and other major sects of the East Mainland that mere public presence of its disciples would stir a commotion.

Even the disciples from other sects--although weaker in cultivation base--would dare to confidently walk in front of the public without having to hide their real identity.

Yet, the disciples of the FlHoly Land, although stronger, had to hide their identity. At this point, it was clearly evident how they were unpopular among the entire East Mainland.

"Look, the channel into the Wild Herb Valley seems to be opening soon!" someone in the crowd excitingly shouted all of a sudden.

As a result, everyone's attention diverted to the threshold of the platform, where a thick fog was rolling and spreading in different directions.

In the grey mist was a vague valley entrance that could be faintly seen.

It was just past noon at that moment.

The thick swelling mist began to fade, and the surging airflow continued to spread away.

An opening channel into the Valley was gradually showing itself.

Everyone at the platform stared at it, overwhelmed, and with their mouths agape. They were like watching a portal, which connected heaven and earth, open.

After about five minutes later, an empty zone suddenly materialized--it was the channel into the Valley! "Ha ha ha...

The opening season of the rare Wild Herb Valley finally began once again after thirty years! All of you, get into the Valley now! Remember: you can only stay inside or one month. After that, you must exit the valley through this channel >therwise, you will be trapped inside Once you were trapped, you would need to wait for another thirty years have the portal re-opened. So, lon't lose track and keep your ocus!" ¡wThe tall and strong man of the Rudimentary Holy Land was serious in reminding his disciples, who immediately exercised their bodily movement skills and swarmed into the passage into the Valley.

Simultaneously, the disciples of the Vasteras Holy Land and the Arcane Holy Land also rushed towards the threshold of the Valley. After the disciples of the Three Holy Lands took the lead, the remaining disciples from other sects also followed suit.

One by one, they lunged forward as fast as they could, like a swarm of locusts rushing towards the valley.

"Remember: after a month, you must all exit the valley.

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Rahul, you are responsible for leading the team and keeping them organized and focused.

Everyone must do their fair share of work and help each other. Those who have reached the Emperor Realm must protect those with a lower cultivation base.

Also, don't reveal your identity as a disciple of the FlHoly Land. Restrain yourself and be patient at all times!" Among the Soul Seas of more than fifty disciples of the FlHoly Land, Elder Damian's voice rang out again.

Then, those disciples who were mixed in the crowd also activated their bodily movement skills and flew toward the valley. Meanwhile, Austin calmly stayed at the end of the crowd, moving rather slowly as if he was not in a hurry.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

Along the way, the densely-crowded figures rushed to pass the channel.

As they were passing through the entrance, they all felt that the place had a layer of airflow barrier that spread around like undulating waves.

Once their bodies passed through the airflow barrier, an intricate and obscure feeling--much like losing access to oxygen--enveloped them. It was as if they were entering deep into the ocean. Everyone was prompted to immediately exert a little effort and power to cross the barrier.

Austin guessed that it must be enchantment deployed by an ancient master--a kind of challenge to cultivators to test their abilities.

Only warriors with or below the strength of the Emperor Realm could pass through this and enter the valley.

If a warrior, whose strength was either above or exactly at the Bitter Sea Realm, wanted to walk through this barrier by force, it would trigger ssort of mechanism hidden in the valley. Once that happened, it would eventually shut the Wild Herb Valley. As for Austin, he moved through the barrier with ease; however, after a while, his vision suddenly blurred.

That was the only difficulty he encountered because, after a couple of seconds, he managed to stand firm and still. 'Alas! I'm inside the legendary valley!' Austin thought to himself as he looked around, stunned, and overwhelmed at what welcomed his sight.