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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 1503
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Austin held tightly onto the bindings of the ancient book while his eyes swept over the words. He skimmed through the introduction to the vital energy realms and read even faster over the basic warrior's understanding of marital arts. He wanted to learn something new, not rehash information that had been drilled into him a long tago.

He sighed. He could hear his elders preaching about the importance of the fundamentals of martial arts. Without this, warriors would not gain better knowledge about the vital elements of cultivation and fundamental rules. In order to have great power, the basics must be mastered. Still, he already knew this.

Just as he was about to skip pages, a title caught his eye. He read down the page, absorbing the words. Apparently, sof the great masters, in accordance with the fundamental rules existing between the heaven and the earth, could easily call forth unimaginable, original power when fighting against their enemies. The part that had stood out most was that these powers could even slaughter the gods with ease.

Austin also learned that if they stuck to the rules of heaven and earth, they could create or destroy space.

The book went on to explain that the understanding of the martial arts could be divided into five levels, including intent, potential, domain, enlightening, and rules. Every warrior started with intent, and every ta warrior leveled up, he could gain a more deep understanding of the martial arts.

Unexpectedly, Austin found himself carefully reading the chapter on the basic knowledge of marital arts.

Austin read the book hungrily, standing before the bookshelf quietly. He was so immersed that he did not even notice the tpassing by. Finally when he finished, he realized that two hour had went by.

Thankfully, he possessed a photographic memory, so not only was he able to read the book quickly, he also would never forget a detail of its contents.

Having finished this book, Austin felt more powerful. Before, he had a foolish mindset where the basics were below him. Now, he felt ahead of other warriors. There could be no way that they would have enough appreciation for the basics to use them to improve their powers.

Without a moment to lose, he replaced the book on the bookshelf and picked up another book. He continued to build his knowledge.

As he worked through the bookshelf, he could not believe the amount of books there were. He devoured ones that described the magic codes of vital energy refinement, the fighting skills, and even the cultivation of spiritual sense.

Austin read all the books until his eyes hurt and his hands were numb from holding the pages open for so long.

And still, he did not find a better vital energy refining method than his Golden Sun Scripture. He groaned and threw his current book back to the shelf.

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Leaving the book on the floor, Austin walked to a different shelf and started searching for books that described fighting skills. The PrMartial World had not sufficiently taught him the skills he needed now. He craved a challenge.

The only skill he possessed that was useful against superior warriors was the Dominant Spiritual Sense Swordsmanship. After a while, his enemies would learn that this was his signature move and they would begin to expect it.

Therefore, he desperately needed to learn more fighting skills. Ones that no warrior would see coming.

Tticked away as he read through another shelf overflowing with books. A lot of them proved to be useless and before long, Austin grew frustrated.

Finally, when things were starting to seem hopeless, he discovered three advanced fighting skills: a set of boxing skills called the Mysterious Dragon Fist, a set of sword-wielding skills named the Glorious Swordsmanship, and a set of body-refining techniques dubbed the Grand Body Refining Skill.

Smiling, Austin turned to Caroline, who was still perched in the corner. Her evil energy made it impossible for her to practice any fighting skills that Austin had found in the library.

Therefore, she had spent her treading sdusty books about the basics of the martial arts and a large textbook that discussed the introduction of the Divine Continent.

By the tshe had finished reading her books, the sun was setting in the west. They left the library and walked side-by-side. "Caroline, I'm going to the Vital Energy Refining Palace for ssecluded cultivation," Austin said to Caroline once they were outside.

"Sure. Do what you want and don't worry about me," Caroline replied softly.

Austin nodded his head, as he knew Caroline would support him no matter what. Without looking at her, he quickly began walking in the direction of the Vital Energy Refining Palace.

When Austin's figure had disappeared, Caroline returned to the cottage that stood on the hill. It was a lonely place but she would be safe and Austin would have tto practice his martial arts. She needed him to get stronger so that nothing could threaten them, even if she also longed for his company.

Austin climbed a gradual hill that made his legs cramp. When he had reached the top, he looked out over the valley beneath him. It was wide and seemed to be endless, stretching towards the horizon and meeting the sky like an old friend. As he walked down into it, he could feel an intense spiritual energy surround him.

Moments after he had noticed, the spiritual energy materialized into a heavy mist, floating in the air. Austin stretched out his hand to touch the mist and scooped sof it up. It felt heavy in his hand.

Austin's heart skipped a beat as he looked ahead of him and saw that the energy was forming into something else.

A gasp left his lips.

Just like Tyler's jade slip had shown him, there were three medium-sized natural vessels of energy hidden beneath the ground in the valley. Their presence would do good for any warrior who chere.

Austin had never seen a natural vessel of energy this large back in the PrMartial World.

The only ones that were found there were located in the underground palace of the Polarity Sect's headquarters in the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom.

When he had been there, Austin had accidentally broke into the Inderground palace and found two atural vessels of energy. To his surprise, they were made of the two ›pposite natures: spiritual energy ind evil energy. However, they were lothing compared to the ones in ront of him now. Those were tiny, and these are large enough to fit housands of warriors. Content >elongs to englishThe intense spiritual energy he had liscovered in the valley now made sense. Medium-sized natural 'essels, Kad more power than small >nes and their energy needed to go somewhere. He was just lucky that le bad sensed their presence or he night have never found them. As he approached the vessels, the vital energy coursed through his veins, making the blood pound. He felt powerful, like he could fly. He laughed joyously.

"Awesome. This is the perfect place to practice. I feel like I could do anything," Austin said, inhaling deeply and smiling once again.

The three vital energy refining halls were lined up from one side of the valley to the other. They increased in size as Austin looked farther to the right.

The three halls made up the Vital Energy Refining Palace, which was what Austin had been searching for.

However, the halls each had a different skill level attached to it.

The hall furthest to the left had the least spiritual energy of the three.

It was suitable for cultivation and refinement practiced by warriors who hadn't reached the Emperor Realm yet.

The hall in the middle was meant for the Emperor Realm warriors. It had more spiritual energy than the first hall but it was still not the one giving off the most powerful energy.

That was reserved to the furthest hall on the right. Only the Bitter Sea Realm warriors and warriors that were more skilled could practice their vital energy inside it.

Since Austin was only a Semi-emperor Realm warrior, he could not enter the middle or furthest hall. If he wanted to be successful, he must choose the smallest and least powerful hall.

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Austin's feet moved forward and he approached the hall. He grabbed the door handle and pushed it open.

His mouth fell open in shock at how much bigger it was on the inside. The mist crawled along the floor and snuck out the door behind him.

At the moment, dozens of warriors were sitting quietly on the ground and cultivating inside the hall. Looking around, Austin found the hall extremely large. Yet, it was so quiet.

He kept expecting to hear a pin drop.

Austin found a place in the corner where there was no one and sat down, crossing his legs.

There were countless, tiny cracks on the ground, running like a labyrinth.

Austin reached out his hand and felt along one of the cracks. Waves of pure spiritual energy were surging from it and into his fingers.

He felt it travel up through his body and before he knew it, the heavy mist of the spiritual energy had wrapped around him and his figure becdimmed.

"Fantastic!" Austin exclaimed. He had forgotten that he was in a place where no one else was speaking. He looked up and all of the other warriors were glaring at him. He smiled sheepishly.

Even though he was embarrassed, he was still excited to learn. It would take only a short amount of tto make a breakthrough in such a pure environment.

Not wasting any time, he closed his eyes and re-centered himself.

Shoop! A golden light cout of his elixir field and floated above his head.

et According to the Golden Sun Scripture, this light represented the third stage of his cultivation offe Scripture, and it would help him to advance his powers. S It pulsated and moved in tight circles, never leaving his side.

After a few moments, the golden light began the process of ingesting the spiritual energy from the surrounding space.

Austin took out a bottle of Refined Vital Energy Liquid and swallowed.

Then, he started his cultivation.