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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 1405
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Dark clouds gathered in the sky and it loomed over the valley in such a way as if it was about to devour the valley.

At that time, Austin had his complete focus on practicing the Golden Sun Scripture.

The golden ball above his head was drawing the spiritual energy from those divine vital energy crystals.

People around the valley also noticed what was going on above the valley.

At Master Li's abode in the mountain, people had their eyes fixed on the valley.

They were no other than Godwin, Julius, Peter and Master Li himself.

"Ha-ha looks like Austin is preparing to go through the Thunder-stroke Doom.

It suggests that he is destined to achieve the highest level in martial arts,"

Godwin said with a beaming smile, fixing his eyes on the dark clouds.

"Austin is an exceptionally talented cultivator.

| had already foreseen this much earlier.

| don't understand why do you doubt about him not being able to go through the Thunderstroke Doom. You should give him more

credit for his ability,"

Peter shared his observation with Godwin.

"It is an absolute mandate for a cultivator to experience the Thunderstroke Doom when he is breaking into the Primal Holy Realm.

If he doesn't, it means he will not have high achievement in the martial arts.

But if one goes through the Thunderstroke Doom, it means he is worthy and talented enough for the other progressive levels in the


As far as | can observe, Austin will swim through the Thunderstroke Doom,"

Julius said, agreeing with Peter.

Fifteen minutes later, on the mountain...

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

All of a sudden a series of lightning flashed repeatedly through the clouds above the valley.

It illuminated the sky for a few moments making it appear like the breaking of the dawn.

The next minute, the valley was almost bombarded with bolts of lightning.

Austin was sitting calmly cross-legged in the valley.

"They are finally coming!" he said opening his eyes abruptly.

There was a sparkle in his eyes and his face turned ferocious.


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In a blink of an eye, he turned into a shadow and soared high into the sky.

Waves of overwhelming vital energy gushed out from his body and hurled at the clouds.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The bolts of lightning which cin contact with Austin were shattered by the violent vital energy that he had released.

After that, Austin floated in the mid-air.

It seemed like Austin's actions provoked smore powerful beings in the sky.

The dark clouds started rolling fiercely and innumerable lightning flashed across the sky. The destructive power of the lightning

bolts created a strong vibration in the air.

A few seconds passed in this way.

Powerful bolts of lightning showered down at Austin.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

There were several hundred streaks of lightning flashing at the stime.

The lightning bolt set ablaze the area where Austin was.

The bolts of lightning dashed at Austin.

"Well, not a dull moment for me.

But | wish it would be more exciting," Austin murmured.

He glared back at the thunderbolt with a playful smile on his lips.

In the past, he had risked being struck by thunder and lightning in the rain to draw the power from the thunderbolt while he was in

the Violet Orchid Empire.

Hence, he had becimmune to thunderbolts much before he even attempted this level.

Unlike most cultivators, he had becfearless in the case of thunder or lightning.

At this point, countless bolts of lightning carrying the formidable power crushing towards Austin.

They were merely dozens of meters away from him.


A ferocious growl! cut through the air.

In a matter of moments, a huge diabolic beast appeared in front of Austin. The visible thunder light framed its body to make an

illuminated aura.

The beast was the thunder unicorn that lived in Austin's elixir field.

It dashed at the bolts of lightning.

"Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!"

The thunder unicorn moved fast swallowing most of the lightning bolts.

As a result, just a few lightning sparks charged at Austin which eventually got vanquished after being hit by the vital energy force

that was unleashed by Austin.

No matter how many thunderbolts got hurled down at Austin, they could hardly even touch Austin.

The thunder unicorn took care of most lightning on its own.

With his hands behind his back, Austin watched the thunder unicorn eat the thunder and lightning.

It seemed like he was just a spectator.


Is he really surviving the Thunderstroke Doom? It seems like the thunder unicorn is the one who is breaking through the

Thunderstroke Doom."

Godwin, Julius, Peter, and Master Li beheld the scene with much surprise and amusement.

The members of the A.L. Army were also watching Austin.

"This brat is amazing. | have lived for so many years, but | have never met any cultivators who could break through the

Thunderstroke Doom with so much ease like him.

| have to admit that I'm impressed,"

Peter remarked.

The queen was also observing Austin outside the valley.

"Oh Austin..."

She chuckled at the sight and covered her mouth with her fair hand.

An enchanting woman stood still on a hillside staring at Austin in the air. She was Tessa.

"Austin, you've grown up into an excellent young man. I'm so proud of you. And | believe you'll becstronger day by day. | will

not be competent enough to be by your side in the near future..." she murmured, transfixing her gaze on Austin.

Her pretty face was covered with an overbearing trace of frustration and sadness.

She was slightly disheartened to find that Austin was no longer the simple and easygoing teenager she knew. Rather he had now,

evolved into a hero who had saved the world.

A tall and slender girl who was about twenty years of age was standing on the other mountain.

Her body-hugging red outfit showcased her curvy frame. She was good-looking with a high-arched nose, making her look a bit


She was Michelle.

Michelle stared blankly at the tall, thin young man in the air. The look in her eyes turned from delight to disappointment and then

to confusion.

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"Of my! | didn't expect this guy to be so talented..."

Michelle murmured.

"Yeah, honey. Austin is no longer that Austin we first met.

He has grown up and beca strong master," replied Marwell who stood next to his daughter.

He touched her head, looking at her with fondness in his eyes.

"When are we going back to the Stone City, dad?

Have you informed our co-clan members?"

Michelle asked, turning to Marwell.

"Yes. Everything is settled. We can set off anytime. But do you have the heart to leave Austin?"

Marwell hesitated.

"Dad, Austin and | are not meant to be together. You can see how successful he is now.

Now that everything is ready, we can leave tomorrow.

After all, Stone City is our home."

When Michelle spoke, she compressed her lower lip and tears welled up her eyes.

To stop herself from losing herself and revealing her feeling, she just turned around and walked away.

"My foolish little girl, why can't you just face your true feeling honestly?" Marwell sighed, looking at her retreating figure.

He felt heartbroken to see that his daughter had chosen to run away from the man she loved.

On another peak stood two gorgeous maids with a middle-aged man. The three of them had their eyes fixed on Austin.

One of the girls had an oval face and a pair of arched eyebrows. Her pearl necklace made her look adorable. She was innocent and

sprightly. Her nwas Sue.

The other girl was blessed with a svelte, hour-glass figure. Her black, smooth hair fell idly behind her back tied up with a silver

ribbon. She exuded a graceful aura. She was Ivy.

They had been engaged with Austin.

"Mike, cultivators at the Primal Holy Realm are incredibly powerful, aren't they?"

Sue asked curiously.

"Of course they are. No one in our country had reached the Primal Holy Realm yet.

But now Austin is going to make it.

My ladies, you have chosen the right person.

Austin is a promising young man and he will be a very good husband,"

Mike replied with a smile, feeling happy for the two girls.