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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 1376
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Julius had barely finished speaking when a dozen men rushed over to them from a distance. They cat a speed so fast that

Austin didn't even see them until they had already cto a halt.

"So it is you, Austin!"

said an old man in yellow sternly. He was the one leading the team and was the first one to cnear Austin. He looked down at

Austin with contempt in his eyes as he suspended himself in midair.

This old man's nwas Lenard, and he was a warrior at the medium stage of Semi-emperor Realm. He was none other than the

sect leader of the Sky Sect. In light of what had happened before, he had mixed feelings about Austin, and was now staring at him

with a darkened face.

"He was the one who killed two of our elders, sir! This filthy demon race!

Please avenge them!"

shouted the many warriors from the Sky Sect. It was apparent that Lenard's arrival had encouraged them a lot. As soon as they

saw their leader, they all shot Austin and his demonic avatar a dirty look as they started talking about everything Austin had done

to offend them.

The victims they had mentioned were exactly the two reclusive elders who had been killed by Austin's demonic avatar not long


"What do you want, Austin? Why must you invade the headquarters of our Sky Sect and kill two of our reclusive elders? This is

absolutely outrageous!"

Lenard questioned sharply, growing angrier after hearing more details about Austin's invasion.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

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Before Austin could speak, the remaining warriors Lenard had in tow also arrived one by one. Standing behind him, over ten other

men and women from the different sects began confronting Austin face-to-face.

All of them were now looking Austin straight in the eye as their own eyes gleamed with fury, too. If looks could kill, Austin would

have already been dead.

"Well, Austin, | can't believe that you are still alive,"

the beautiful woman among them said coldly. She was wearing a set of flowery clothes that made her quite eye-catching, but only

coldness could be found on her pretty face now.

Austin looked back at them with his hands behind his back, without answering any questions. He was generally expressionless,

with the exception of his hard eyes--the only part of his face that betrayed his feelings towards the men in front of him.

Glancing over every one of them, he recognized the team before him. They were all authority figures from the eleven strong sects

or organizations of the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom. Sof them were leaders of their sects, while the others were top

warriors with power and high positions.

For example, the beautiful woman that was talking to him just now was the leader of the New Moon Sect. She was called Laura.

"Is the queen really being kept in the headquarters of the Sky Sect, master?"

Austin asked as he turned his face a bit to face Godwin. He had completely ignored both Lenard's and Laura's words.

"I'm sure of that. The three of us have been closely following them, and we have found that they have her locked up in this place,"

Godwin answered with certainty.

"Good. | know what should be done next."

Austin nodded slightly as he turned back to face the army.

"Listen, Lenard. | want you to let go of the queen before the minute's up.

If we still don't see her after that, the Sky Sect will serve as the burial ground for all of your men today,"

Austin declared in a cold voice while pointing his finger at Lenard's nose. His voice was so stern that it seemed as if there was no

longer any room for discussion.

After all, they did imprison the queen. This, alone, was more than enough to enrage Austin.

Now, he no longer wanted to waste any of his tby talking to them. He wanted to make them pay the price as soon as possible.

He wanted to teach them a lesson in the simplest, most brutal, and also the most effective way. Therefore, Austin's words were not

a deal, but an order.

"I beg your pardon? Austin, you cocky brat! How dare you talk tolike that! This is the headquarters of the Sky Sect! This is my

place! Behave yourself or you will die a most painful death!"

snarled Lenard. After being pointed at the nose while everybody else was watching, he was now trembling with rage. He was, after

all, the leader of one of the most powerful sects, and this was utter humiliation for him.

"You want to save that bitch, Austin? Let's see you do it!

She is in our hands now. If you dare to offend us further, she will die with you, too! You can be sure of that!"

Now, Laura was almost shrieking as well. As the leader of the New Moon Sect, another powerful sect, she had always been an

arrogant and narrow-minded woman. Thus, it was only natural that Austin's threat had infuriated her as well.


But before she could even finish speaking, she noticed a beam of black light coming at her at an immensely great speed. All of the

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other warriors present caught a glimpse of the light as well, but all they could do was to shudder as none of them could clearly see

what exactly it was.

"What's this? Get it away from me!" she shouted at once--as if she thought that the light would listen to her.

She was both surprised and furious now that she had realized that she would not have enough tto react. In no more than a

split second, the black light had reached her side. It was Austin's demonic avatar.

As she screamed out of horror, streams of cold currents burst out from within her like arrows, and exploded around her body,

creating a number of ice clouds made by her vital energy.

The clouds were enormous in size--each covering an area of over six thousand square kilometers above Austin. Additionally, the

cold winds they emitted froze the air almost instantly. All of a sudden, it was as if a permanent winter was about to come.

Soon after that, numerous ice figures in the shape of humans started rushing out from the ice clouds. Each of them was made up

of cold ice and vital energy and wore armors while holding either swords or tridents. Taking the shape of both a god and a demon,

they looked unfathomably powerful. Together, they made for Austin's demonic avatar.

In every aspect, the scene was absolutely astounding and scary.

More terrifyingly, it seemed that Austin's demonic avatar was not affected by those huge ice blocks in the slightest.

Then, the mountain-sized body of the demonic avatar fell towards Laura from above her in an unstoppable momentum. At the

stime, it gave out a billowing evil aura full of immense pressure that crushed all the ice figures in its way. It was as if the ice

figures were no more than bubbles under its attacks.

However, this was not all. As the demonic avatar drew nearer, a little, ferocious-looking diabolic beast showed up out of the blue

and went straight for Laura's Soul Sea.

Seeing the turn of events, Laura was thrown into a panic. By now, it was too late for her and she knew it. The demonic avatar was

moving too quickly for her to avoid. To make matters even worse, the little diabolic beast had also succeeded in intruding into her

Soul Sea.