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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 1200
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"Elder lan, during my cultivation of the Heart-crushing Palm, | encountered a bottleneck state, which greatly restricted the speed of

my progress.

| think it happened because of the insufficiency of evil energy. Because of that, | am planning to collect smore evil energy

before | try to make a breakthrough in my cultivation of the Heart-crushing Palm again.

Therefore, | think it would be best forto gather the evil energy tonight," Austin said.

Austin had a clear understanding from Hoyt that the elder responsible for the night patrol that night was Elder lan.

In addition, Hoyt also happened to cultivate the Heart-crushing Palm which also required him to collect evil energy for himself.

Thus, Austin could make good use of this information by disguising himself as Hoyt.

"Well, young man, it is very good that you are focusing on cultivation, but you should also keep in mind that you need to cultivate

your skills in a gradual and orderly manner.

Keep in mind that you must not be too hasty in your cultivation; always remember that haste makes waste.

Do you understand what | mean?"

After a moment's silence, the message from Elder lan finally reached Austin's Soul Sea through spiritual sense, implying great


"Thank you very much for your advice. | will make sure to always keep them in mind."

Austin was overjoyed. It seemed that Elder lan was not suspicious of his true identity.

"Well, that's it. You can go and collect the evil energy now."

Austin heard the voice of Elder lan once again. And then, there were no more vice messages from him.

"Thank you very much,"

Austin said respectfully.

Then, he turned to the direction of the Black Well.

A moment later, he finally entered the area where the Black Well was.

Upon entering the area within about 500 meters from the Black Well, Austin immediately felt the strong evil energy rushing

towards him.

That evil energy was precious to the queen, but it was harmful to the humans who cultivated the vital energy.

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Therefore, Austin hurriedly utilized his vital energy and released his own vital energy out of his body to form a defense layer made

up of vital energy to ward off the evil energy.

Then Austin continued to walk towards the huge Black Well.

The opening of the Black Well was about 50 meters in diameter. From it, a thick gray-black smoke continuously emitted. Now that

he was standing next to the well, Austin immediately felt a burst of evil energy which seemed to engulf him completely.

Fortunately, Austin found that his Golden Sun Scripture could help him subdue the evil energy to sextent. With that, he

hurriedly utilized the Golden Sun Scripture. Sure enough, with the activation of his cultivation method, the light golden vital energy

erupted at once.

All of a sudden, the evil energy drew away from Austin.

It turned out that the Golden Sun Scripture was actually cultivating the most powerful and potent element in the world. Thus, it had

the ability to restrain all kinds of evil energy.

"Oh? Your cultivation method is so powerful."

Even the queen couldn't help but be surprised at the miraculous effect of the Golden Sun Scripture.

"If you continue to practice this cultivation method and reach a higher level of it, | think you will even be powerful enough to defeat

the queen said to Austin.

Standing next to the wellhead, Austin quietly released his spiritual sense and perceived the surroundings. After a while, he found

that no one had noticed the situation near the Black Well.

As a result, Austin quickly used his bodily movement and went into the Black Well.

According to the queen, the evil energy outside the well was much less than that inside the well. Apparently, the inside of the Black

Well was where evil energy was most concentrated.

Austin continued to fall deeper into the well.

Moments later, he was already more than 10 meters into the well.

'l should stop here. | have no idea what will be waiting forif | go any further down. | might just put myself in danger, ' Austin

thought to himself.

Austin stopped and floated inside the well.

Then, the queen suddenly appeared beside Austin.

"Wow! | am surprised at how strong the evil energy is here!"

The queen took a deep breath and couldn't hide how overjoyed she was. It was quite apparent that she was very satisfied with the

environment inside the Black Well.

With that, the queen began to practice her cultivation methods as she sat cross-legged while floating inside the well.

Austin then went to the side of the queen to guard her while she cultivated.


The moment the queen started her cultivation, all of the gray and black smoke in the Black Well immediately whirled and roared

around the queen as it swept with a violent momentum.

There was a loud rumble in the well, as the entire space in the well began to tremble.

Below them, gray-black smoke poured up in a steady stream.

The queen's charming body was like a bottomless pit which sucked up all of the gray and black smoke like a whale devouring the

sea water.

Austin stood by and watched in amazement. The queen was truly a master of the Primal Holy Realm. The way she practiced her

cultivation method was on an entirely different level from others.


Moments later, the entire wellhead had already been filled up with thick gray-black smoke, and the well bectoo dark for

anyone to see anything clearly.

In fact, if any other human cultivator was placed in that kind of environment, they would have been invaded by the evil energy

much faster given how concentrated the evil energy was in there.

However, Austin's situation was quite different.

For one, the cultivation method practiced by Austin was the Golden Sun Scripture, which was cultivating the so-called most

powerful and potent element in the world.

Thanks to this, streams of light golden vital energy were tightly surrounding Austin to serve as his protection against the evil


At the stime, Austin's body had also been fused with the skeleton of a demon, thereby giving him the ability to store a large

amount of demonic energy.

The demonic energy, like the evil energy, was also a kind of dark energy.

Therefore, even if the evil energy entered his body, it would be absorbed by the demon's skeleton and would not cause Austin any

harm at all.

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Austin had known this for a long time, and that was why he dared to accompany the queen into the Black Well despite it being full

of harmful evil energy.

Otherwise, there was no way Austin would have dared to enter that well, as it could have cost him his survival.

As he looked at the queen who was wrapped up in thick gray and black smoke, Austin felt quite bored.

So, to alleviate his boredom, Austin released his spiritual sense and sent it towards the bottom of the Black Well to get a perception

of the situation there.

He wanted to see exactly what was under the well that gave it the ability to produce such strong evil energy.

One hundred meters, two hundred meters, three hundred meters...

As he went deeper through his spiritual sense, Austin was quite surprised at the depth of the Black Well.

It was not until Austin's spiritual sense had reached around one thousand meters into the Black Well that he discovered that his

spiritual sense had actually reached the bottom of the pit.


Austin was a little surprised at what he found when his spiritual sense perceived the bottom of the Black Well.

This was because the bottom of this Black Well turned out to be a closed gateway!

Apparently, the entire bottom of the well was actually a gateway to something.

However, that closed gateway appeared mottled. It was immediately obvious to Austin that it had experienced an erosion a long

tago. The two doors of the gateway were potholed and had an ancient feel to it.

After looking around more, Austin found that the grey black evil energy essence in the huge well was actually continuously rising

from the gateway.

'What is going on here?" Austin doubtfully thought to himself.

Austin was a little stunned when he sensed the upside-down gateway at the bottom of the well with his spiritual sense.

"What do you think about the situation down there? Do you want to go down and have a look?" the queen asked Austin.

In that moment, the queen suddenly opened her eyes and looked at Austin.

As it turned out, the queen had also sensed the gateway at the bottom of the well.

"All of this evil energy permeates from under the gateway. If the gateway can be opened, | have a feeling that the evil energy

below will be surprisingly strong,"

the queen said slowly.