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The Substitute Wife: My Poor Husband Is A Billionaire

Chapter 838
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Chapter 838 Watch Your Back
Janet's heart skipped a beat.But she wasn't sure if it was him.
The man in front of her was wearing a baseball cap and his face was almost completely covered in shadow.
As the man approached her, Jsuddenly sensed danger.She turned around and tried to escape.
In the process, she accidentally bumped into the flight attendant serving the passengers behind her.
Jand the flight attendant both fell to the ground.
Janet's phone slipped out of her hand and onto the floor, sliding a few meters away from her down the aisle.She could still just
barely make out Brandon's voice on the other end of the phone, though at that distance, it had becextremely fuzzy.
The stewardess grimaced in pain.
"Miss, the plane is about to take off. Please take your seat immediately."
"Danger!" Jcried.
Everyone needs to get off the plane!"
The stewardess confusedly gasped, "What?"
Jhad no tto explain.She turned to look up at the man who had now almost caught up with her.

Jorge looked terrifying.He held one hand behind his back and seemed to be grasping something tightly.
Janet's lips trembled.
Just as she thought the man in front of her was about to pounce, a pair of hands grabbed onto her shoulders and helped her up
from the ground.
Jgasped, "Mr.Wesley?"
The man in front of Jwas Draco.

"You don't look good.What's wrong with you, Janet?"
Noticing that Jhad a strange expression on her face on her way out of the bathroom, Draco planned to ask her what was
wrong when she returned to her seat.
However, before she could get to him, Jhad fallen to the ground in horror, along with the flight attendant.
Worried, Draco had stood up from his seat and strode over to help Jup.
"Mr.Wesley! Watch your back!"
Even as Jwas speaking, the man in the cap had reached Draco from behind.
Suddenly, Jand the man in black made eye contact.
Now that they were so physically close to each other, she was finally able to see clearly the man’s face under his cap.
Despite thin and shriveled, he was definitely Jorge!
"Jorge...It's really you!"
Jshouted, "This man is a wanted criminal! Be careful! There's a wanted criminal on this plane!"

The expression on Jorge's face suddenly changed.
In an instant, he reached out his hand and pushed Draco before running away.
Draco lost his balance, but, luckily, he didn't fall.
"Mr.Wesley, are you okay?" Jasked.
Draco frowned.
"I'm fine.Don't worry."
That was when he'd registered a small pricking sensation in his arm.He touched it with his other hand to examine it.
The pain wasn't strong, however, so he chose to ignore it.

Janet's voice rang out loud and clear.
The news that there was a wanted criminal on the plane caused a great uproar.
The passengers all stood up from their seats in a frenzy and cried for help.
"Have the flight attendant inform the captain!"
"The plane can't take off.We have to get off!"
"This is horrible! Where is the wanted criminal?"
A cacophony rose as the passengers all shouted, reached for their luggage, and were about to rush out.
Hiding amongst the horde of passengers, Jorge clutched his cap tightly.He silently muttered to himself, "Janet! You're such a
bitch! I'll teach you a lesson next time!"
Jorge hadn't expected Draco to rush to Jso suddenly.
In the frenzy, he'd accidentally stabbed Draco with the syringe! Now that the wrong person had been stabbed and the poison
gone, all of his efforts had been wasted.
He had no choice but to run away as soon as he possibly could and wait for a future opportunity for revenge! Jorge lingered
amongst the passengers and nonchalantly escaped by hiding himself in the crowd.