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The Substitute Wife: My Poor Husband Is A Billionaire

Chapter 540: A New Plan
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“You‘re making it look like I owe you money! Now you‘re even askingto lend you smore?” Lila was completely
“You‘ve taken all my money. I have nothing left. Go to someone else!” She was telling the truth. She didn‘t have a penny to her
“I don‘t believe you!” Jeff shot back. He raised his head and shouted at Eva, who was in her room, “Mom, Lila claims to have no
money! She just wants us to be killed by the debt collectors!”
Hearing this, Eva and Glenn rushed out of the room at once.
“You told her?” Eva hissed through gritted teeth. Then, she put on a flattering smile and turned to Lila.
“Could you just lend Jeff smoney? We‘re all family anyway, right? You can‘t possibly just watch your brother suffer.”
These people were driving Lila nuts. She shouted hysterically, “But I really have no money!”
Eva paused for a few seconds and then said, “Ask the Whites for smoney then. We have to deal with the debt collectors.”
“Why should I help him? He‘s the one in debt, not me!” Lila sneered.
Eva was obviously partial to her son. Eva frowned unhappily. She clicked her tongue and said, “What‘re you talking about? We‘re
a family. We share everything, including our troubles.”

They shared troubles? It was obvious that Lila alone had shouldered all the troubles. “I can‘t go to the Whites. I‘ve cut ties with
” Lila felt too ashamed to go to her former family.
“If Jeff can‘t pay off his debt, the debt collectors will never leave us alone! Our lives are in your hands now, Lila! You have to fix
this!” Eva was done playing nice with Lila.
“You... You—!” Lila was speechless. These people were crazy!
In the end, Lila had no choice but to ccrawling back to the White family.

After explaining her plight to Johanna and Beal, they gave her three million for the sake of their history. Lila returned hand
begrudgingly handed the check to Jeff.
“This is the last tI‘m helping you!” Jeff took the check and thanked her with a smile. But things didn‘t end there. Not long after
Jeff left with the money, he returned hwithout a penny left. He knelt down in front of Lila and burst into tears.
Worse yet, he had never paid off his so–called debt. Every day, the creditors would cto threaten them, splashing red paint
on their door and walls. Eva couldn‘t fight them, so she had no choice but to force Lila to ask the Whites for money again.
“Lila! Aren‘t you going to do something about this?” Holding the gas can, Eva pulled Jeff and Glenn close to her and said pitifully,
“The three of us will die here today, lest you help us!”

They were threatening her with their lives.
“Stop it. I‘ll go to the Whites, okay?” Lila was already a little numb from all this lunacy. She had been living with the Gillian family
for less than two months and she was already on the verge of losing it.
“Lila, why have you keep coming back to us for money? Every single time, you would say it‘s the last. What do you take us for?
Your personal ATM machine?” Livid, Johanna smashed a teacup at her feet and roared, “Get out! We won‘t give you a single
Lila bit her lip so hard that it bled. She had never seen Johanna so angry before. Clearly, she was sick and tired of her. She ran
out of the house crying. Jeff had been waiting for her at the gate of the Whites‘ house. When he saw her cout, he
approached her excitedly.
“Givethe money first!” Lila glared at him and yelled, “What money? There is no money! The Whites refused to givea
penny. Figure something out yourself! If you dare to forceagain, then let‘s just die together!”
Jeff had been living in luxury these days and refused to go back to his old poor life. Seeing that Lila didn‘t get any money, he
cup with a bold idea.
“You have a sister named Janet, right?” He thought since it was so easy to control Lila, it wouldn‘t be hard to control her sister.

“Let‘s find a way to get nude photos of her. We can blackmail her with the lewd photos until she gives us money. What do you
think?” Without Lila, there was no way Jeff could get in touch with Janet.
Therefore, he had no choice but to include this stupid woman in his plans. The anger in Lila‘s eyes dimmed somewhat. She
looked around to see if there was anyone else listening and then said in a low voice, “What do you wantto do?”
Jeff was a little taken aback. He had thought that he would have to force her to do what he said. He didn‘t expect that she‘d
agree so readily.