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The Substitute Bride Doted by My billionaire Husband

Chapter 134
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Chapter 134 I will never have children in my life.

Olive let out a sweet laugh.

“That’s not true ma’am.”

“Olive, let’s get down to buisness. I’ve already flown to LA. I called so I could invite you to a dinner party.

Can you squeeze out time from your busy schedule?” Bounty asked.

The dinner was the exact one that Pamela was bragging about some ***ago. If she attended, then

Pamela’s reaction would be interesting to watch. But Olive couldn’t agree immediately as she needed to

get Elvis’s consent. “Thanks so much for your invitation ma’am, but I really can’t give you a precise

answer at the ***.”

“I await your answer my dear. You must come, if you don’t, then the entire dinner would be meaningless!”

Bounty persuaded.

“Okay ma’am. I’ll be there.” Olive agree, and then hung up.

She began studying the mandala flower, as she had to find a cure for Elvis as soon as possible.

Soon it was six o’clock in the evening. The school had closed for the day. Olive phone rang out. This

time, it was Elvis calling

Olive quickly swiped the screen and said in a sweet voice,

“Hello, Mr. Augustine, are you done at work?”

“Yea, I’m done from work. I just left the company. My Mrs. Augustine seems to be more busier than me

these days. Do you get paid for studying overtime?” Elvis teased in a low and magnetic voice.

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Olive let out a chuckle. She didn’t plan on informing him about the mandala flower. Experimenting on the

poison was very risky and he would definitely stop her.

“Mr. Augustine, why don’t you come pick me up from school?”

“I can’t right away. I wanna go back to the Red Villa.” Elvis replied.

“Heading home to see grandma? I haven’t seen grandma in a while. Take me with you.”

Elvis’s right hand was focused on the steering, and his left hand clenched to his phone. His handsome

eyebrows were filled with tenderness.

“I wanna go get some documents my darling. I’ll pick you up in about an hour, so we could have dinner

together.” Elvis responded.

Olive didn’t give it another thought as she nodded obediently.

“Alright then, I want to eat a seafood dinner.”

“Okay, I’ll have my secretary inform the chef.”

The Red Villa.

Bounty arrived quite early. Immediately she got off the plane, she headed straight to see her mother, the

old lady Samantha.

In the living room, Bounty handed Mrs. Samantha a suitcase and a doll. She leaned over her shoulder

and hugged her.

“You’ve been so busy **. It’s so hard to see you.” Bounty ***as she snuggled up into the old lady’s arms.

The old lady loved Bounty so dearly. Bounty had inherited her youthful beauty and radiance.

The old lady touched Bounty’s curly hair and smiled lovingly.

“I wanna stay here for the time being. I want to stay with Elvis.”

Elvis and Marvin were both Bounty’s nephews. But immediately the old lady mentioned, Elvis, Bounty’s

body froze. “***, you’re always so partial. You don’t have only one grandson. It’s always about Elvis, how

about Marvin? Have

you ever cared about him? He’s also in LA as well.”

“Really? Marvin is here too? Bounty, you know that the reason I’m not really worried about Marvin is

because I know that you’ve spoilt him with all the love in this world.”

Bounty adjusted and slowly disengaged from the hug

***, Marvin is different from Elvis. You know that Marvin is the heir. In the future, the Augustine family’s

legacy would be handed over to him.”

“And for Elvis, you and I know that he’s not ****stable. Has his sleep disorder been solved yet? Of course

it hasn’t, the worse it gets, the more likely he’ll turn into a beast. He’s quite dangerous to be around, I’d

advise you stay away from him.”

Mrs. Samantha’s face was expressionless. Bounty suddenly adjusted from the sofa and questioned,

“So ***, what do you say?”

The old raised her head and looked at Bounty.

“Why would I want to go back to Canada? Or the Imperial city as you all call it. Elvis’s father is a wealthy

buisness man. And what about Marvin? He’s the youngest academician, and he’s just twenty. But how

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about Elvis? You all are aware of his condition, but what have either of you done to help him?”

“Has his father fulfilled his responsibility as a father to him? You’re his aunt and you’re a teacher, have

you ever taught Elvis anything? Have you ever been interested in tutoring him? Marvin is engaged in the

medical field. saving the dying and wounded. Has he ever thought about saving his own brother?” Mrs.

Samantha fired angrily. “I don’t need y’all to do anything for Elvis anymore, but please, just don’t make

him get ***faster than he should. Yall gave up on that child. Why are you still thinking about his actions?

Do you guys still wanna send him to the psychiatric hospital?”

Bounty’s face suddenly turned pale. She interrupted cruelly,

“How is it my fault that that woman gave birth to him? I still haven’t forgotten how she seduced my

husband. I was seven months pregnant, I rolled down the stairs and injured myself! I lost my child and

my uterus was damaged forever! That’s the reason why I can never conceive in my life!” Bounty yelled

amidst sobs as tears welled up in her


“I’m in my forties, ***. Women my age already have grown children, but I was deprived of being a mother.

Have you ever pitied me **?” The tears flowed relentlessly down Bounty’s cheeks.

“Bounty…”Mrs. Samantha called tenderly.

A light knock landed on the door, disrupting the sad atmosphere.

The old lady and Bounty both turned their heads to to direction of the door. At the entrance, a tall and

handsome figure stood. Elvis had returned. He was clothed in a black suit.

The light at the entrance was dim, and Elvis’s handsome face was hidden in the dimness.

Bounty stiffened. She quickly raised her right hand and wiped away her tears.

Elvis walked in with steady steps. He hooked his lips and smiled,

“Aunt, why didn’t you call me when you arrived LA? I would have picked you up.”