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The Secretly Rich Man full story

Chapter 1896
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Gerald Crawford: The Secretly or invisible Rich Man Chapter 1896

“Hey, come over! Hurry and have a look at all this!” called out one of Tye’s men who had earlier scouted ahead.

Upon hearing that, everyone followed the source of the voice… and soon enough, they all widened their eyes in

utter amazement.

A little deeper into the cave, a bright light of sorts could be seen glimmering beautifully… What more, all sorts of

natural jades and jadeites could be seen growing all over the place!

“Holy cr*p…” muttered Rey as he rubbed his eyes in disbelief. He had never seen such pure and natural- looking

jades and jadeites in his life!

The sentiment was, of course, shared by everyone else there. To think that such a wondrous place existed here of

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all places… How truly magical!

Quickly snapping out of it, everyone immediately began looking around the mystifying cave…

Shortly after, Gerald was just in time to notice that one of Tye’s men had taken out a hammer!

Knowing full well where this was going, Gerald immediately yelled, “Stop!” Hearing Gerald’s voice—and realizing

that the command was directed toward him—, the man then raised a brow as he glared at Gerald while asking, “…

What? Go get your own!”

“Nobody should take any of these jades or jadeites! They belong to nature!” retorted Gerald.

“Bah! Mind your own business!” scowled the man before aiming his hammer at one of the jades!

Realizing that his advice wasn’t getting through, Gerald immediately bolted toward the man, hoping that he could

stop him in time! Unfortunately, Gerald was just a second too late.

The second the jade dislodged from the earth, a low rumble could instantly be heard… and following that, the

entire cave began quivering! Gerald had had a gut feeling that something bad would happen if someone tried to

take any of the precious stones, and unfortunately, he was dead right.

With how much the cave was shaking, everyone became increasingly anxious.

Just as they were about to start leaving the cave, a massive stone suddenly came crashing down, completely

blocking the entrance!

Well… this was swell. Everyone was now trapped in here!

Unable to contain his anger, Gerald immediately stomped his way over to the man that had caused all this before

punching him right in the nose while yelling, “You god dmned bstard…!”

The second the man fell to the ground, the rest of Tye’s men instantly aimed their weapons at Gerald! “Stop!

Everyone, calm down!” yelled Tye as he tried to maintain peace between the two parties.

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After a few seconds, Gerald took a deep breath before narrowing his eyes at Tye while asking, “…Correct me if I’m

wrong, Chairman Lamano, but I specifically recall that my condition for leading you here is that you listen to every

word I say!”

While Tye was momentarily stunned to hear that out of the blue, he had to admit that he really had made that


Understanding that he was the one in the wrong, Tye quickly yelled, “Men! Put your weapons away!”

Once Tye’s men reluctantly kept their weapons again, Tye smiled subtly toward Gerald while saying, “Mr.

Crawford… I truly hope that we can cooperate nicely… With that in mind, since my men have retracted their

weapons, could you avoid pushing any further into this matter…?”

While Gerald knew where Tye was coming from, what was the point of only saying all this now that they were


Whatever the case was, they needed to find a way to leave the cave as soon as possible…