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The Secret Heir Return To Wealth And Love pdf

Chapter 2034
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Chapter 2034

It’s a well-known fact that when a person is on the brink of death, they would struggle with every ounce of their

strength, driven by their innate will to survive.

Given the dimensions of the bathroom and Ayden’s towering height, it should have been. virtually impossible for

him to hang himself. It just goes to show the level of desperation that Ayden must have had at that moment.

Rosalynn finished reading the case file, and a bitter taste lingered in her throat.

“Have some warm water,” Penn offered, pouring her a glass.

Rosalynn looked up at him. “You already knew, didn’t you? That Wayne could have gotten. Ayden’s genetic illness.

So, when I came to you over Madeleine’s issue, I was basically walking into a trap, right?”c2

“I wouldn’t put it so harshly, but it definitely saved us some trouble.” Penn paused. “Mr. Ayden’s death has always

been a regret for my father. So, when I began studying psychology, I started paying extra attention to Ayden’s

descendants. After your plane crash, I contacted Ms. Walley and Mr. Silverman, fearing that the immense grief

might trigger his dormant. illness.”

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“Was there any sign of it back then?” Rosalynn asked, her brows knitted in concern.

“Back then, Mr. Silverman was just severely depressed and didn’t show any other symptoms,” Penn replied. “I

wanted to observe him more, but after he started improving, he refused to allow anyone but his personal doctor

near him.”

Rosalynn remained silent, watching Penn with guarded eyes.

Unhurried, Penn continued, “What alarmed me was when I saw a video clip of you two, taken by a passerby, after

you brought him back. I noticed something off about the way he moved. I’m sure you’re aware, Ms. Jared, that

some psychological disorders can manifest as physical symptoms.”

“And Wayne’s physical symptom is?” Rosalynn asked, her brows furrowed even more, though. she had a hunch

about the answer.

“Has his doctor mentioned to you that his injured leg isn’t recovering as expected?” Penn


Rosalynn hesitated for a moment before nodding.

“Has there been a time when he could walk normally without a cane?” Penn continued.

“Just get to the point,” Rosalynn said.

“The last time I counseled Mr. Silverman, I realized that in his mind, you only show him compassion when he’s weak

and helpless due to his illness,” Penn said, turning to Rosalynn. “You could say that his subconscious chose to keep

his leg in a state of non-recovery to keep


you by his side.”

Rosalynn’s eyes flickered.

“Ms. Jared, I mean you and Mr. Silverman no harm. I just don’t want to see the tragedy that befell my father to

happen again,” Penn said gently. “You don’t need to be so wary of me.”

“You could have been upfront with me,” Rosalynn said.

“I admit I wasn’t entirely honest, and I apologize,” Penn said sincerely.

Rosalynn picked up the case file and pondered for a moment before standing up. “Can I take this with me?”

“Of course,” Penn nodded.

Rosalynn looked at him, her expression complex. She had something to say but ultimately held her tongue. Instead,

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she walked out of the room in silence.

“Ms. Jared,” Penn stood up, speaking again.

Rosalynn turned to him. “Was there something else?”

“I hope you’ll consider letting my research institute treat Mr. Silverman,” Penn said sincerely. “I’m confident that we

can bring Mr. Silverman back to a normal life.”

Rosalynn didn’t reply, she just walked out the door. Hearing the door open, Jaime

immediately stood up. “Rosalynn!”

“Let’s go home,” Rosalynn gave him a faint smile.


you don’t want to smile, then don’t force it. It’s kind of scary,” Jaime muttered, reaching for the case file in

Rosalynn’s hand, but Rosalynn quickly moved it out of his reach.

Confused, Jaime looked at her. Without offering any explanation, Rosalynn simply said again, “Let’s go home.”

“Okay,” Jaime obediently nodded, glancing back into the office where the ever-gentlemanly Penn gave him a polite


Jaime returned the gesture with a reluctant nod of his own. They made their way to the
