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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

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128 Griffin

The last thought in my mind before falling asleep yesterday was to tell Jay about Ayla

possibly being underground. Part of me had wanted to get excavators and just started

digging. The sensible part of me knew that would be a dumb thing to do. Without knowing

where to dig, we could hurt Ayla and possibly innocent bystanders. Or we could just alert

David and his new pack that we knew they were hiding underground. Causing them to

come up with a different hiding place. To give credit where credit was due, from hearing

about him and interacting with him. I would have never been deemed capable of doing

something like that.

But when I woke up this morning I was unable to move, I felt hot and shaky, and I noticed

my bedding and pillows were soaked with sweat. It felt like someone had sprinkled glass

splinters in every single joint. Making the pain of moving my heave jelly-like limps

excruciating. I panicked, even when I quickly realized this had nothing to do with. how Ayla

was feeling. This was just my own body giving up on me.

“Dillion, Gerald, I am so ill I cannot move can you guys come to my room and help me” I

mind-linked my best friends, aware of the fact that I would never make it out of this bed


Like clockwork, they were in the room with me in three minutes. Where I expected them to

pity me, and tease me a bit. And then help me get ready to go to my meeting with Jay.

They both gave me judgmental stares, Gerald even had his arms crossed. I rolled my eyes.

at them, hissing from the fact that even that slight movement hurt me.

“I know, I know, I should have taken better care of myself now, please help me get out of

this bed, so I can shower and make it to my meeting with Jay.” I croaked out, getting my

voice above a whisper was a


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“Grill, I love you, but we won’t Dillion is going to the meeting as your Beta. And you are

finally getting some rest. You’ve been running yourself to the ground” Gerald stated, like

he was the one with the authority here.

“Stop messing around Gerald, I am still your Crown Prince, which makes me higher

ranking. You need to do as I tell you” But even I could hear there was no authority in my


“Ha Ha we thought about that too, technically all I need to do is call the King and ask him

what he wants us to do” Dillion threatened, knowing very well Mom would panic.

She would force Dad to bring me home until I was healed, in our pack hospital before

letting me go back to the Blood Moon pack.

“You would never do that to me, you know what my mother would do” I protested.

“Look man, we both love you, and I don’t know what I would do if it was Colin that was

kidnapped. What I do know is that you and Gerald would want me to take care of myself

too” Dillion tried to make me see


“And not just him and you, what about Fire Cra cker, I love her as a sister, our future Luna

and future Queen but when she is mad she scares me a little bit Grifl” He chuckled and I

knew what he was doing.

Trying to lighten the mood, and make it seem like it would be any day now we would see

Ayla again. He was right she would be so upset with me right now if she saw me like this.

“If you feel her pain, she feels yours too so it is not fair on her either you know” Gerald

offered some extra advice.

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Gerald was almost soft-spoken, quiet, and reserved, not speaking until he thought things

over. Until he was sure what he was saying. Dillion would blurt out everything trying to

make light of every situation to keep our spirits high. They were both fiercely loyal and

protective of the ones they loved. The way they went about it was just vastly different.

And I believe it was what made us such good friends, and it would be what would make

them a good Beta and Gam ma as soon as I was King.

“You guys play dirty, I grumbled” as I had to admit defeat.

I quickly told Dillion all about what Lizzy had told me,

e, about Kayla and the probability that Ayla was being kept underground. He reassured me

he would tell Jav all about it. Look into ways to find her when she was underground and

keep me updated. As he left Gerald ran me a tub so I could get cleaned up. I barely

managed to find the strength to make it to the bathroom. Scared I would fall asleep again

and drown Gerald made my bed. Talking to me as he did, for a

moment I considered not answering just to see how fast he would come running in. But I

decided against worrying about my best friend. like that.

He was right I was feeling incredibly weak, and I should not mess around because if

something happened to me he might not come running. Thinking I was playing another

prank on him. Not to mention. the fact that I was worrying about how sick I was. I should

have started. my recovery as soon as I woke up, but nothing had changed since I had

woken up. I knew what I had to do, even if I was reluctant to do so. The only thing that

made me ask for more help was the thought that Ayla might be suffering even more

because of me.

“Gerald, can you please get me the pack doctor, you know Tessie, Ayla’ s mom?” I asked

Gerald as soon as he helped me put on my boxers and

back into bed.


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128 Griffin

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Gerald walking off to go and get Tessie was the last thing I remembered before I must

have drifted back to sleep. Suddenly I felt the bed dip, it was probably Tessie sitting down

next to me to check up on me. But I was so tired that I was unable to open my eyes.

“I am sorry Tessie, please give me ten more minutes, I am so” I tried to ask her to let me

get a little more sleep.

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I never expected her to stroke my hair, and that’s when the scent hit me. The smell of Ayla

invaded my every sense.

“I’m not Tessie baby, don’t you recognize your mate?” Her voice was so different, but I

couldn’t care less. All I needed was her back in my arms. I struggled to wake up to open

my eyes. It was like something was wrong, her scent was a little different, and “baby” was

weird too. But it felt as if the fever had boiled my brains and I could not get them to work

properly anymore.

“Shhh, sleep baby I am tired too, let’s take a nap together” The voice. that claimed to be

Ayla cooed at me.

Followed by a warm body snuggling up to me, I opened my arms, ready to finally embrace

the love of my life again. Even her body felt different, it was longer and more slender. As

the realization of what must be happening dawned on me, I finally managed to open my

eyes, And just as I noticed it was Hannah who had crawled in bed with me. Dressed in one

of my shirts, I had given Ayla to sleep in. Hannah must have found it somehow and slipped

it on. I knew she did it on purpose, and I knew how this looked. But I had already heard the

creaking of the door, and I knew who was about to come into my room.

“Sorry Griff, I put out one of Ayla’s shi.,” I could tell the exact moment she noticed I was in

bed snuggled up to the girl, who tormented her daughter for the past few years.

I know I should have pushed her out of my bed, I should have her

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128 Griffin

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arrested. But it has been so long since I saw Ayla. So I could not refuse what Hannah was

trying to offer me, I just wished I had been able to tell Tessie and Jay before they saw me

with Hannah.

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129 Griffin

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!