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The Kiss that Sparked it All

Chapter 102
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Chapter 102

“You’re too kind”

Ellinor didn’t even lift her head, just casually responding

Theo, hand on his forehead squinted at her. “Did you learn this before?”

His question carried a hint of probing

Because it was unusual that Ellinor could play the violin so well

Choosing Ellinor to be Mrs Blanchet was an accident, but after this accident, he had people investigate

her background

The Mendoza family was middle–class, but Ellinor was an overlooked illegitimate daughter, raised by

rural relatives since childhood. Her upbringing did not afford her to learn classical instruments.

And just now, at the class reunion, the piece she played on the violin, without seven to eight years of

solid practice, couldn’t reach that level.

This girl was full of contradictions, making people feel she was not simple

But Ellinor didn’t care about the man’s scrutinizing gaze, just sulkily looking at the expenditure bill on

her phone.

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She just paid the bill at the class reunion, and now her wallet was empty, with only over eighty dollars

left on her bank card!

And the culprit who made her poor was the man sitting next to her!

The man was still making sarcastic remarks, saying her violin playing was good, really!

The more she thought about it, the angrier Ellinor got, “Mr Blanchet, we’re not really married What I’ve

learned or not is none of your business! After three months, we’ll go our separate ways Why are you

asking so much?”

Reprimanded by Ellinor, Theo frowned, “Ms Mendoza, I just paid the compensation for a violin for you.

Why are you so unfriendly to me?”

What’s wrong with her attitude? She’s been very polite!

Ellinor glared at him, “Mr Blanchet, that violin was broken by you, if you don’t compensate, should I


Theo’s face darkened, feeling misunderstood for the first time.

Ellinor grumbled angrily. “And if it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have had to pay for dinner today spending

all my living expenses!”

So that’s why she was unhappy

Theo raised his eyebrows, and teasingly smiled, ‘Ms Mendoza, aren’t you happy to have a gathering

with your classmates? You’re unhappy because you have to pay?”

“Do I have to pay for a gathering? Mr Blanchet, do you think everyone can be as lavish with money as


Ellinor frowned, clearly dissatisfied. “It’s not a small gathering of a few people. It’s a large class reunion

where everyone defaults to splitting the bill. Because of your word, I lost a month’s salary! Humph!”

Since they reached an agreement, Ellinor has always been patient in front of him, trying to avoid


But today, he saw her getting genuinely angry.

Her resentful look, because of no money, made him think she was cute.

“I’ll transfer all the money you spent today to you.” Theo calmly said.

“Really?” Ellinor’s eyes lit up. She immediately showed him her bank account number and entered the

exact amount.


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She reacted really quickly, without any politeness!

Ellinor didn’t think she needed to be polite with Theo. It wasn’t her money to pay!

Theo jokingly pretended to be her parent, claiming she would pay, and her classmates misunderstood,

If she didn’t pay and left, it would look like she’s avoiding the bill!

But if she paid, she’ll be broke!

Although she still had some money at Chase’s, that money was buying her mother’s painting, not for


Theo lightly laughed, took out his phone, and transferred the total amount she spent today.

Seeing the money in her account, Ellinor’s mood improved significantly

Her previously scowling face fnstantly relaxed, and she started talking more “Sir, do you know your

actions today made my classmates think you’re my sugar daddy?” Sugar daddy?

Theo frowned, “What? Do I look like an old sugar daddy?”

Ellinor shook her head

“That’s not what I meant! Because you neither look nor are old enough to be my dad, they

misunderstood, thinking you’re a sugar daddy who’s keeping me for some


After hearing her say this, Theo realized she might have been mistreated at the class reunion. He
