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The Invincible Mercenary King (Haylan Jaber)

Chapter 633
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Chapter 633

Nathaniel’s chilling gare fixated on Haydan as if he could already vimalize the imminent demise of Haylan at the

hands of Nicholas

Simultaneously, he couldn’t help but be consumed by an intense and admiring envy toward Haylan.

The thought of engaging in a passionate affair with Mia and Ceci made him believe it was a gamble worth taking,

even if it meant risking his life

After all, they were 1900 extraordinary beauties, and he couldn’t help but fantasize about having both women in his


Devi, you wretched woman) Playing with my emotions while entertaining other men. I swear I’ll put an end to you!”

Nicholas, hic vationality lost to Buy, shattered the lock with his revolver and stormed into the mansion. With the

revolver firmly gripped, he leveled it at Haylan and thundered. You damn bastard, release her!

Move her contorted in shock upon hearing the sound. She swiftly turned around and pleaded, “Nicholas, hold your

firet We’re here to heal Cecik illness?

“Treating an illnese Are you kidding me? You’re both practically naked! Is this some twisted way to cure someone)”

Nicholas wice boomed with anger.

Tease, don’t act rashly. Let me explain, Mia hastily pleaded.

Tenore him! Keep Ceci restrained. It’s about to come out!” Haylan roared.

Raylan continued his frantic message on Ceci as he spoke, his body contorting in agony as the mysterious tattoos

pulsated. causing him to sway uncontrollably.

You son of a bitch, playing the innocent in my presence? I’ll make sure you pay for it!”

Nicholas’s eyes blazed with fury as he beheld the scene before him. Without hesitation, he raised his gun, took aim

at Haylan’s back, and squeezed the trigger.


The gunshot rang out like a thunderclap, and the bullets from the revolver pummeled Haylan with the force of a



“Son of a bitch!” Haylan’s face twisted with fury.

He could have easily evaded that bullet.

But if he had evaded the shot, Mia and Ceci would have found themselves directly in the bullet’s path.

He resorted to a dual focus with no other options, unleashing his vital energy to manifest as a series of razor–sharp

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blades, cleaving each bullet in half with precision.

In that instant, his entire being quivered with a surge of primal energy, his vital energy akin to an iron hammer.

With an explosive strike, he sent Nicholas hurtling through the air, his grip on the firearm loosening as it slipped

from his grasp and crashed to the ground.

His vital energy, akin to a fleeting blade, flashed by instantly.

The firearm on the ground was instantly reduced to five irreparable fragments, rendering it useless.

In that fleeting moment, he clenched his fingers into a sword–like shape, causing the sword beam to quiver with


The sword beam, solid as if materialized, sliced through the air, penetrating Nicholas’s shoulder and pinning him

against the wall.

Nicholas’s visage twisted in torment, his pain almost intolerable. Blood seeped from the corner of his mouth, a stark

portrayal of his excruciating anguish that words could hardly capture.

“Cough Cough Cough

As misfortune befell Nicholas, Haylan, distracted by the ordeal, succumbed to the mysterious tattoos. His vital

organs incurred substantial damage, causing him to expel a gush of blood from his mouth.

“Mr. Jaber…” Mia’s face contorted with worry and concern.

“Hold steady. It’s nearly done!” Haylan spoke with a low, commanding voice.

Mia, not daring to disobey, swiftly gripped Ceci’s limbs, tightly restraining her.

At this moment, a vivid and unmistakable sight unfolded before them. The tattoos on Ceci’s body writhed and

wriggled with astonishing speed, eventually congregating on Haylan’s arm, crawling and enveloping it entirely.


Chapter 633

“Alright, it’s finally done!”

A spark of delight ignited in Haylan’s eyes, and without hesitation, he released his grasp on Ceci’s body, rising to his


In this crucial moment, the butterfly tattoo on his arm persisted in its relentless crawl, gradually advancing toward

the vicinity of Haylan’s heart.

The tattoo, resembling a living butterfly, gracefully flitted and fluttered across Haylan’s skin, its presence

undeniably ceric and dread–inducing.

“Heavy breathing…”

Utterly exhausted, Ceci collapsed on the couch, panting heavily, her body drenched in sweat.

As the butterfly tattoo crawled away just moments ago, she was engulfed in a searing agony that tore through her,

rendering her utterly unable to withstand the torment.

With the treatment finally concluding, she felt she had traversed the depths of the underworld. Every inch of her

body was soaked in sweat, and she was utterly depleted, devoid of any strength.

The torment of such a sensation was excruciating beyond measure!

“Ceci, are you okay?” Mia hurriedly asked.

“I’m… I’m fine. Take a look at Mr. Jaber. He seems to be in a bad state,” Ceci uttered in a frail voice.

She fixed her gaze upon Haylan, her eyes brimming with deep concern.

Upon hearing Ceci’s words, Mia hastily shifted her attention to Haylan.

At that moment, more tattoos adorned Haylan’s body, with the butterfly tattoo springing to life, gracefully

spreading across his heart and performing an enchanting dance.

A grimace of pain twisted Haylan’s face as he tightly shut his eyes. He stood rooted to the spot, unmoving, while

cold sweat cascaded down his forehead.

“Mr. Jaber, are you alright?” Mia’s eyes filled with concern as she stepped forward, intending to wipe the sweat off

Haylan’s forehead.

“Stay back! I’m purging the tattoos, and I cannot be interrupted!” Haylan bellowed.

He was locked in a fierce struggle against the mysterious tattoos within his body, requiring utmost concentration.

He had no room or energy to spare for a conversation with Mia.

At that very moment, he honed his senses, tapping into the depths of his Internal Strength with utmost precision.

Within the veins coursing through his body, the vital energy surged like a succession of razor–sharp blades,

penetrating and cleansing every butterfly tattoo adhered to them.

The vital energy, akin to a swift and precise blade, surged through his veins and organs, systematically cleaving

through, obliterating every butterfly tattoo in its path.

Yet, the abundance of butterfly tattoos dispersed within his physique meant that achieving a thorough eradication

would necessitate a considerable amount of time.

As these entities clung to his very being, each extraction resulted in self–inflicted damage, accounting for the

agonizing expression on Haylan’s face.

Witnessing Haylan’s condition, Mia swiftly ceased her actions, her eyes filled with apprehension as she fixed her

gaze upon

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She yearned to aid Haylan, yet confronted with his dire state, she felt powerless, unable to do anything but

anxiously wait on the sidelines.

Nicholas, pinned against the wall, writhed in intense agony. But upon seeing Haylan’s condition, he recognized an

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›pportunity. With a roar, he exclaimed, “Nathaniel, grab your gun and take down this bastard!”

He had an intuitive conviction that Haylan and Ceci had betrayed him, and he burned with an overwhelming desire

to take lown Haylan without hesitation.

n response to the command, Nathaniel wasted no time and rushed forward, snatching up the revolver and leveling

it at Haylan.

Hold your fire!”

As Mia witnessed the unfolding scene, her countenance shifted drastically. Swiftly, she positioned herself in front of

Haylan, placing her body as a shield between him and the revolver.



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