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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chatper 1969
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Cicely was blissfully unaware of how her response might have come across, but Seth gave

her a penetrating look, stood up, and despite his words, took the book with him. “No

reading material like this in the office.”

Cicely adjusted her skirt and patted down her hair, her cheeks still warm. She touched her

face, feeling the heat, and suddenly realized something infuriating. She stood up, whirling

to face Seth with fire in her eyes, “You kissed me just to distract me and snatch the book I

was hiding, didn’t you?”

Seth closed the drawer with a soft click and looked at her, lips twitching at her puffed

cheeks, “I was placating you.”

“Manipulating me!”

Seth raised an eyebrow, neither confirming nor denying. He buttoned up his jacket and

walked toward the door as Cicely stood frozen, watching him open it. Then he paused,

looked back at her, “Hungry?”

Cicely’s eyes flickered but she remained still, “Asking for forgiveness should come with

some sincerity. I’m angry. Which girl would tell you she’s starving in such a situation? Pride

over hunger, every time.”d2

Seth looked at her and said, “Go on.”

Cicely frowned, “I’m not in a relationship with myself. If we keep this up, I might as well

recite back to you every word I just read.”

Seth’s lips pressed together, and he turned back to her, his tall frame towering as he

looked down at her for a second, then reached out to grasp her wrist. His grip was strong,

as if worried she would pull away.

Cicely was tugged toward the door before she could react, “What are you doing?”

Seth opened the door, “You’re right, my earlier question was inappropriate and


Cicely knew she probably fell for Seth’s assertive manner, but indeed, if she were to

answer his question honestly, it would be insincere. She didn’t really want to reject him.

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Since he had gone this far, she couldn’t push her luck.

She was happy, though—internally.

“You’re hurting me.”

At her words, Seth’s grip loosened, and Cicely immediately withdrew her arm. He didn’t

say anything, and as he turned to leave, he felt a soft warmth encasing his hand—Cicely’s

fingers pressing against his.

“Let’s go,” she said, stepping toward him.

Her hand held his firmly, and Seth looked at their intertwined hands for a long moment,

his fingers curling slightly.

It was lunchtime, and they encountered many employees. As the two walked hand in

hand, looks of envy and delight were evident in the onlookers’ eyes. After all, both were

striking, a handsome man and a pretty woman, a perfect match in terms of charisma and


Envy was genuine, and so was the appreciation of beauty.

Cicely settled into the passenger seat of Seth’s car, watching him buckle up, puzzled,

“Aren’t we going to eat?”

“Doesn’t it look like it?”

“I was all set to join you for lunch in the company cafeteria. So that’s not happening?”

Seth started the car, his hands adeptly steering, eyes focused ahead, his voice a calm

ripple. “You’re upset, you got hurt, and you’re angry. I want to cheer you up. The company

cafeteria is lacking in sincerity.”

Cicely tugged at her lip, “In the future, you don’t have to be so blunt when trying to cheer

someone up. Bluntness doesn’t usually make people happy.”

“So you’re not happy now?”

“You still need practice, so I’ll give you a pass this time. But don’t make a habit of it.”

“Thanks for being so understanding.”

“You’re welcome.”

Seth drove them straight to The Cozy Kitchen. This restaurant was one of the few Cicely

genuinely liked. The food here suited her taste perfectly. She had dined alone here a

couple of times before, later ordering takeout to enjoy at home. This was the first time she

had company.

She rarely ate out, and she only mentioned this place to Seth once, with no follow-up, so

today was an unexpected delight.

Seafood soup was the specialty here, but Cicely ordered sweet soup, along with a few side


Seth sat opposite her, allowing her to order, saying nothing.

By Cicely’s usual standards, two bowls of soup was quite a lot. The rest she pushed

towards Seth. “Not bad, you can finish these up.” She said, standing to refill his bowl


Steam rose from the small stove, the aroma of the soup filling the private room. Seth

didn’t refuse, but he didn’t finish the half-pot of soup as Cicely suggested.

“Why do you always eat so little? Do you have any strength? Most guys have at least a

six-pack, you…”

Seth tossed his napkin onto the table, his gaze cold as he looked at her. “It seems you’ve

been around the block.”

Cicely blinked, a mischievous smile forming. “Jealous?” she teased.

“Experience is a good thing,” Seth replied, voice icy as he stood up and pulled back his

chair, “I have meetings all afternoon and won’t be able to keep you company. I suggest

you go home.”

Cicely’s displeasure was evident on her face, “More meetings? All afternoon? How much is

there to discuss every day?”

She paused, then added, “I want to attend, too. I own shares in the company, after all.”

Seth’s expression turned frosty, “Cicely, let’s keep our relationship out of the boardroom.

Do you think it’s no big deal to bring our personal life into the workplace?”

Cicely could tell Seth was truly angry. He had a point, though. If she followed him into the

boardroom, it might not matter what others said about her, but it would certainly reflect

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poorly on Seth. That wouldn’t do.

“What if I come to the company to keep you company in the future?”

“The company won’t be mine in the future.”

He left the room without another word.

Cicely hurried after him. Thankfully, Seth was waiting for her in the car, already started

and ready to go.

Cicely got in and buckled up, looking at his tense profile, and said cheerfully, “Are you that

jealous? I was just talking. I can’t even watch TV now? And isn’t it normal for a man to

have abs.”

The car shot forward with sudden urgency. Cicely’s words hung in the air, unanswered.

Finally, the vehicle rolled to a stop outside the grand Ellis family estate. Cicely had

endured a ride of icy silence, and now, confronted with the familiar house, she couldn’t

help but feel a surge of indignation. “Did I ever say I wanted to come home?”

Seth unbuckled his seatbelt, “The chauffeur here is at your disposal. Feel free to go

wherever you wish.”

As he spoke, he opened the door and stepped out, then leaned over to open the

passenger door for her. His icy gaze and actions were a clear signal for her to get out.

Cicely bit her lip, her pride wounded as she unbuckled her seatbelt and stepped onto the

driveway, looking up at him defiantly. “Seth, do you think I’m so smitten with you that you

can treat me any which way? I’m in a relationship with you to nurture affection into love,

not to have my feelings worn down to nothing. Aren’t you afraid that my feelings for you

might fade? Or is it that you actually can’t stand the thought of me being able to love you

so deeply?”

Seth’s eyes lowered, his look cold as he looked at Cicely. His tall frame cast her in shadow,

the dim light making it nearly impossible to discern the emotions swirling in his dark eyes.

After a lengthy silence, his voice came out, chilled and measured, “That’s all your own

business. But if you already feel wronged, perhaps it’s best to let go now. Because in the

future, I won’t have much time to consider how to keep you happy or to think of ways to

cheer you up. I’ll probably never live up to your expectations.”

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!