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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper

Chapter 570
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Chapter 0570

When i wake up, my lungs are cilli burring, but the scent of apple pie and the feeling of my mate wrapped

aroundin my hospital bed soothes the ache in my lanas. The doctors run a bunch of tests and are shocked at

how quickly | have healed. A serious silver injury like this should have hadout for weeks. | don’t feel great,

but | definitely feel better.

| find out what happened in the two days | was out. My parents were banished on the evening of my birthday

Clint toldthat Call stayed withwhile he went to watch. My father apparently shouted obscenities to

everyone in the pack, but specifically at Clint while my mother sobbed but followed my father off the pack lands.


The doctors keepanother day after | wake up, watchingas | cough up silver residue. The punctures in my

lungs have healed and my collapsed lung has repaired itself. The doctors were concerned that the excessive

coughing might cause it to collapse again, but as the day goes on, my coughing gets lighter and lighter. Clint

never leaves my side.

The doctors releasein tfor graduation. Most of the pack is there to watch as their future Alpha. Luna and

two Guardians graduate. Afterwards the pack has a huge party, and they add my birthday party in. It's a festive

night and the best part was getting to sleep beside my mate in our bed.

The day after our graduation, Alpha Patrick callsand Clint into his office. Anders and Calvin are also there.

“Lily, I have snews about your parents. | found out yesterday but didn’t want to say anything until |

confirmed what | was told and | didn’t want to ruin your graduation party.”

| tense up. This won't be good. Clint is immediately there, pullinginto his lap and sharing my seat with me,

his arms wrap aroundin a ring of love and security. | lean back against him and nod my head at Alpha Patrick

to continue.

“I received a call from Alpha Leander yesterday. His patrols found two individuals near their borders. They had

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

been murdered and dumped in close proximity to Shadow Fall's borders. Calvin went and

confirmed that they were your parents.” My throat constricts and a single tear drops down my face. “I'm sorry

Lily. I know they weren't good parents, but they were your parents; and this must be hard for you.”

Clint’s arms tighten around me. | turn in his lap, burying my face in his neck, breathing in his scent. My

father was never a great father, but in the end his addiction tore our family apart and ended my parents’


Everyone waits while Clint murmurs to me, rubbing my back and my hair while | letsilent tears for my

parents fall. When I'm done, | sniff, sitting up and looking back at Alpha Patrick. “Do you needto confirm

their identities?” | look at Beta Calvin. “Not that | don’t trust you, but | didn’t know if, as family, | needed to

confirm that they are my parents.”

Beta Calvin looks Alpha Patrick. It's Alpha Patrick that responds. “Lily.” He stops, and | can see he’s struggling

with how to tellwhat he wants to say. Whatever it is, it's bad.

“There wasn’t enough left to identify your parents visually. Calvin had to do it based on scent.”


I blink and | blink again. | feel my mouth opening and closing, trying to make words, but nothing comes


“They were slaughtered? Even my mother?” | finally whisper.

“Yes, I'm afraid so.”

| feel like I'm in shock. Maybe my father deserved that, but my mother didn’t. All she ever did was follow

the mate bond and her love of my father. And it got her killed in the worst possible way.

| pull out of Clint’s arms. | need to get out of this office now. “Thank you for telling me.” |

dy and | race out the door. Clint is right behind me. He takes my hand and without a word, he pullsdown the

stairs and out the back door. As soon as we're outside, he picksup and begins running. He takesto the

lake, our part of the lake where just a short week ago we spent hours making love.

He sits down, keepingin his lap. “I'm right here Lily bud.” That's all he says. He sits withfor hours, letting

through the bond.

When I finally cto terms with the fact that they are dead, he asksif | want to do anything for them. Over

the next week, | decide what | want to do, not necessarily to honor my father, but to make sure that this doesn’t

happen to anyone again.

| meet with Alpha Patrick, Anders and Clint and | tell him what I'd like to do. Our pack is known for its internal

gambling. It’s a fun past-tthat helps break up monotony when things are quiet and helps blow off steam

during stressful times. However, there are times when people, like my father, becaddicted. | tell them that |

want to develop a program or sway that any people in our pack that becaddicted to gambling, or begin

to show concerning signs that they are getting in over their head financially, are identified early and get the help

that they need.

“I think that’s a fantastic idea Lily and I'm embarrased that | didn’t think of it myself. Calvin, Anders and | will

talk about it and develop a plan to assist those that struggle with addiction.”

“Thank you, Alpha.” | say.

When Clint and | leave the office, he looks at me, smiling.

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“What?” | ask him.


“I'm not sure I've told you today how amazing you are. Every day, you do something that putsin awe

of you.” He pullsinto his arms, leaning down and givinga soft kiss.

“I seriously don’t know what | ever did to deserve such an incredible mate. You are the most

extraordinary woman I've never met, and | am the luckiest man in the world.”

“Are you going soft on me, Guardian?”

Donovan growls softly, while Clint pushes his hips against me. “Do | feel soft to you, Guardian?”

| laugh as Clint takesto our room and showsjust how soft he hasn't gotten.

Clint and | get into a routine after graduation. We decide to wait to have children. We want to enjoy stime

together, just the two of us. It works out great, because Anders and Calista have the sthought so the four of

us get to spend lots of ttogether, enjoying our friendship and our mates.

Cooper Author

A great idea Lily! Sounds like the pack needed something like that.

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Chapter 0571