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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chapter 344
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Chapter 344 Crispin’s Scheme

Having said that, Elias exited the dining hall without casting a backward glance or bidding

farewell. It felt as though he was purposefully avoiding her presence.

Rosie’s gaze fell upon the barely touched food on the table. Does he truly need to depart

in such haste? Am I some kind of monstrous being? Am I genuinely that repugnant to him?

At the Allegra Villa, Amanda found it hard to drift off to sleep at her birth parents’ house.

Meanwhile, Aiden, that mischievous little boy, had fallen into a peaceful slumber. Jack had

spent quite a while entertaining his grandson tonight, leaving the little one fatigued.

Amanda observed the peacefully sleeping child. She gently covered him with a blanket

before venturing out of the bedroom with unhurried steps.

She had intended to take a solitary walk in the garden. To her astonishment, she stumbled

upon Edith wrapped in a coat, standing beneath the moonlit sky.

“Mrs. Alle-” Amanda hesitated, feeling that the formal address was inappropriate. Opting

for a more intimate term, she called out, “Mom, what brings you out here?”

Upon hearing her voice, Edith turned around and greeted her with a smile. “You can’t

sleep too? I suppose I’m too excited. I couldn’t fall asleep tonight, so I decided to take a


“I guess I’m just not used to the bed, so I can’t sleep,” Amanda said.

Edith walked over and settled onto a wicker chair. “Join me, my dear. Let’s have a chat,

just us mother and daughter.”

Amanda gracefully took her place on the opposite chair, relishing the caress of the gentle

breeze against her cheeks. The garden exuded a delicate fragrance, lending a pleasant

ambiance to the moment.

‘Don’t let your dad fool you with his early slumber. He, too, was brimming with excitement

today, eagerly anticipating this moment for quite some time,” Edith remarked.

Amanda offered a gentle smile but remained silent.

Edith continued, “These past years, you have endured so much. Your dad informed me

about the hardships you faced under your adoptive father’s mistreatment, and how he

consistently demanded money from you. Is that true?”

As she spoke, her eyes shimmered with genuine concern.



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Amanda’s lips curled into a gentle smile. “Those are all things of the past now. The one

who endured the most was my mother. She faced countless hardships throughout the

years. Wherever she went, she always took me with her. I found happiness in being by her

side. Later, when I married Elias, he helped me resolve many of my problems. During that

year, my adoptive father didn’t harass me at all. I thought things had changed, but it turns

out that Elias had been protecting me all along.”

Recalling that year of their secret marriage, Amanda knew that although Elias didn’t fulfill

his duties as a husband and showed no concern or care for her, he did step in when her

mother passed away. When her adoptive father came demanding money, it was Elias who

sent him away.


year wasn’t exactly filled with happiness, but it was peaceful and stable. At that time, she

even thought she could live like that for the rest of her life.

Edith glanced at Amanda with a mixed expression when Elias was mentioned, a hint of

nostalgia in her eyes. Speaking slowly, she said, “Elias is a good young man. With the

Winters Family gone, he’s the only one left to hold everything together.”

With the conversation reaching this point, Amanda couldn’t help but speak up for Elias.

“Mom, let Dad support him. He simply wants to reclaim the shares rightfully belonging to

him from Old Mr. Winters.”

“Naturally, that’s what we’ll do. We are a family now, and he is Aiden’s father. We will

him,” Edith replied.

Hearing Edith’s words, Amanda felt relieved for Elias. It was better to have someone

extending a helping hand rather than battling alone.

Edith then asked hesitantly, “Amanda, is there still a chance between you and Elias?”


The smile that graced Amanda’s lips gradually faded. The truth was, she didn’t want to

confront this question. “I… I don’t know…”

She genuinely didn’t know what to do. It felt like a glimmer of trust had rekindled within

her toward Elias, yet she couldn’t shake her fear of repeating past mistakes. Conflicting

emotions left her feeling torn and unsure.

Observing her daughter’s inner turmoil, Edith decided to divert the conversation. “Let’s

not dwell on that for now. Let’s talk about something more enjoyable. What style do you

prefer? I’ll have someone redecorate a new room for you tomorrow.”

Amanda just smiled and responded, “There’s no need for that. Aiden and I can sleep in the

same room. For now, he still can’t bear to be separated from me.”




In the following days, life gradually returned to its familiar rhythm.

Despite the delay in the recognition banquet, Jack took matters into his own hands and

issued an official announcement on the company’s website, acknowledging Amanda’s

rightful place in the family. The revelation sparked a buzz online.

This turn of events only fueled Crispin’s anxiety, and he felt compelled to act swiftly.

With Amanda’s return to the Allegra Family, Stephanie’s days grew increasingly

unbearable. She felt utterly neglected by her parents.

“Where are Mom and Dad? Why haven’t they come for dinner?” Stephanie had spent

entire day sulking in her room. The evening had arrived, yet there was no sign of her

parents. Reluctantly, she made her way to the dining room alone.


The helper, who was serving the dishes, responded, “Mr. and Mrs. Allegra suggested you

proceed without them. They are in the garden, enjoying their time with Aiden, digging in

the soil.”

Digging in the soil?

Stephanie couldn’t believe that her mother, who was known for her elegance and poise,

and her perpetually authoritative father were actively engaged in soil-digging activities

with a three-year-old toddler in the garden. What a disgrace! The way they spoil that child

is utterly appalling!

A disdainful snort escaped Stephanie’s lips as she placed her spoon on the table.

Throughout the day, she had sequestered herself in her room, but no one had bothered to

check on her. It turned out that her parents were preoccupied with playing with that little

brat and indulging in soil-digging activities.

In the past, Stephanie’s parents would take turns coaxing her to come down for dinner,

fearing that she might go hungry, but now, the couple seemed to have their minds

consumed by the return of their eldest daughter, Amanda, and their newfound grandchild.

They were completely oblivious to Stephanie’s existence.

Just then, her phone buzzed, signaling the arrival of a text message.

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Stephanie cast a casual glance at the screen, only to discover that the message was from


The whole situation of him sending her a text message felt rather peculiar.

She immediately picked up her phone and opened the message, revealing a sequence of

numbers. 5022 Cloudview Hotel

A hotel room number? What can this possibly mean?



Utterly bewildered, Stephanie grappled to comprehend the intended meaning. She hastily

replied to the message, ‘What do you mean?’

However, as time passed, no response came. She double-checked the number and

confirmed that it was indeed Elias’ phone number.

Perhaps he is occupied and unable to reply?

Stephanie decided to call him directly. However, to her surprise, the call ended abruptly as

soon as it connected. This couldn’t be a mere coincidence-it was surely intentional!

Filled with frustration, she sent another message. ‘What do you mean by all this?’

After a few minutes of anticipation, a notification chimed, and she eagerly opened the

message. ‘You’ll know when

‘You’ll know when you come.

From that point on, regardless of what she sent, no further replies came.

Confusion mingled with curiosity surged within Stephanie. Determined to unravel the

mystery, she decided to venture out and see what was happening.

She got up and left the dining room, and the helper nearby asked, “Miss, aren’t you going

to finish your meal?”

Stephanie hurriedly responded, “I’m done. I’m going out.”

With that, she hastened back to her room, swiftly changed into a different outfit, and then

set off in her car.

Meanwhile, Jack and Edith were happily engrossed in playing with their grandson, and

they had no interest in what Stephanie was up to.

Inside room 5022 at Cloudview Hotel, Crispin sat before the desk, his fingers dancing

across the keyboard as he peered at the messaging page on his phone.

As he noticed the indicator revealing that Stephanie had read his last message, an evil

grin curled upon his lips.