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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 5444
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The Evans family knew that their ‘Benefactor’ was the same person as the ‘Benefactor’ of the Joules family.

However, when Desmond learned that the mysterious figure behind it all was, in fact, his long- lost nephew, missing

for twenty years, it felt almost too incredible to believe.

Viola couldn’t keep the secret any longer and spoke nonchalantly, “During the Rejuvenation Pill auction, Mr. Joules

planned to purchase a pill, but unexpectedly, his son schemed to seize the power. I had some friendship with Miss

Joules, so I helped her and her grandfather.”

Desmond nodded thoughtfully and sighed, “Truly unexpected… My own nephew possesses such extraordinary

abilities, what a treasure he is!”

Jack, who had remained silent all this while, finally spoke, “Desmond, let’s not forget that Mr. Wade once brought

me back to life.”

“Yes, Yes,” Desmond replied, snapping back to the conversation. “It’s astonishing! I used to hear my brother-in-law

talk about these extraordinary matters and I must admit, I was a little dismissive. I always thought of him as a

scholar, a young financial talent who dabbled in strange pursuits. But now, it seems he had already glimpsed the

mysteries of the world. No wonder he was so resolute…”

Viola couldn’t help but ask, “Uncle, did my father study the inheritance of cultivation and destiny?”

Desmond nodded, saying, “When your parents were in the United States, they began their exploration. At that time,

I didn’t believe it, foolishly.”

Viola eagerly inquired, “Uncle, could you tell me more about it? Why did my father delve into these things?”

Desmond pondered for a moment and then began his tale, “It’s a long story. At that time, when your father was in

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the United States, I admired him greatly. I had just graduated from college and he taught

me valuable knowledge every day. Your father had a natural gift for learning, not only did he excel in financial

management, but he also delved into antiquities and ancient literature. Back then, he frequently kept an eye on the

antique and auction markets in the US. If he came across Chinese cultural relics that were lost abroad, he would go

to great lengths to photograph them and donate the pictures to Chinese museums. However, one day, he bought a

set of books from an antique store in New York. He locked himself in his study for three days. For those three days,

he neither ate nor drank, refusing to step out of the study. Concerned, your mother wanted to persuade him to

come out, but she ended up keeping vigil by the door with him…”

Desmond couldn’t help but sigh at this point, saying emotionally, “You cannot imagine how obsessed they were. For

three whole months, they secluded themselves, like hermits, ignoring the outside world. They even had servants

leaving food and drinks outside their door.”

Viola’s eyes widened and he instinctively asked, “Uncle, do you remember the name of the book my parents were


Desmond pondered for a moment before replying, “If I recall correctly, it was called something like ‘Preface to the

Apocra…’ or something like that, but I can’t remember the exact title.”

Viola gasped, blurting out, “Uncle, could it be the Apocalyptic Book?”

Desmond’s face lit up, “Yes, yes! It’s Apocalyptic! ‘The Preface to the Apocalyptic Book’ that sounded peculiar. At

first, I thought it was some scripture, but your father claimed it was the key to unlock another world. I thought he

was just deluded…”

Viola mumbled, “The Preface to the Apocalyptic Book… Could it be the preface to the Apocalyptic Book?”

Desmond casually replied, “The preface to the preface, ‘Preface to the Apocalyptic Book Collection’.”

Intriguing! He couldn’t help but think, “The Preface to the Apocalyptic Book… Does that mean the book my dad

acquired is the preceding book to the Apocalyptic Book?”

The term ‘preface’ typically refers to an introductory section before the main text begins. Viola surmised that if the

book his father obtained was genuinely titled ‘Preface to the Apocalyptic Book’, it might indeed be the introduction

to the Apocalyptic Book!

Lost in thought, he quickly inquired, “Uncle, after obtaining this book, were there any peculiar actions or remarks

from my father that you couldn’t comprehend, or anything that stood out to you?”

Desmond thought for a while and said, “Your father had plenty of actions I couldn’t understand. He researched

ancient texts and materials and he frequently went on long expeditions with your mother. Sometimes, he’d be gone

for weeks, even months. Back then, I thought he was acting a bit mad. I didn’t pay much attention to his doings.”

Suddenly, Desmond recalled something and blurted out, “Oh, I remember! Your father talked to your mother about

something more than once. He said something about people’s lives being divided into dragons and phoenixes. He

claimed that ascending to the dragon was the most respected, that only those who achieved dragon status could

truly ascend to heaven.”

Viola replied solemnly, “My father indeed mentioned that. He was referring to people’s destinies.”

“Perhaps,” Desmond said, frowning. “He didn’t bring up these matters too often, but Divine Dragon came up

frequently, like a Ph.D. student immersed in their research, muttering about it all day. The odd thing was your

mother got involved too, as though they were both brainwashed.”

Viola urgently asked, “Uncle, do you remember any other details?”

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Desmond shook his head with a sigh, “It’s been too long and I can’t recall the specifics clearly. But what struck me

the most was your father often talking about ascending to heaven riding on a dragon. He would say things like ‘If

this doesn’t work, then…’ ‘And then…’ as if considering different scenarios. To be honest, I thought they had joined

some sort of cult, obsessing over ascending to heaven.”

At this moment, Viola was even more shocked. He had never imagined his father’s connection with the ‘Apocalyptic


Dragon, Phoenix were they referring to him and his mother? Or was Dragon indicating himself? And then there was

Divine Dragon, what was it all about? Viola suddenly felt like he had plunged into a realm of unknown knowledge.

In the ‘Apocalyptic Book,’ there was no mention of Divine Dragon, and today was the first time he heard of it. He

also remembered another word he had recently learned, the secret of longevity that Gideon, Morgana’s

subordinate, mentioned before he died.

Recalling his parent’s tragic demise at the hands of Gideon, Viola speculated that they must have stumbled upon a

remarkable treasure or practiced some profound cultivation method, which led Morgana to target them, ultimately

resulting in their deaths in Aurous Hill.

With all these thoughts swirling in his mind, Viola couldn’t help but think of Maria.

While Maria might not know about the secret of longevity, she surely had deep knowledge about matters of fate!

Having lived for over three hundred years, her Mastery of the ‘Book of Changes’ and divination surpassed anyone,

even Master Exeor. Perhaps she could shed light on the meaning of a Divine Dragon!

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