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Snatched A Billionaire To Be My Husband by Shabi's pen

Chapter 188
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Chapter 188 A Heart Gesture

At the woodcarving competition awards ceremony on the afternoon of Christmas, as soon as Cora

arrived, Arnold took

her to introduce her to his old friends.

When Jane arrived, Arnold also called her over.

“This is Jane, my granddaughter,” he said.

This introduction surprised many of Arnold’s old friends. “Is this your granddaughter? I thought this

young girl, Cora, was your granddaughter! Her gaze and enthusiasm are reminiscent of your wife’s

youthful days.”

Hearing this, Arnold was also taken aback.

Upon careful recollection, he realized that he felt a sense of familiarity with Cora due to her gaze and


However, with Jane, his granddaughter, right beside him, he couldn’t agree with their words.

“It’s just a coincidence. My granddaughter is Jane. Cora is my talented apprentice, and of course, Jane

is also exceptional,”

he replied after a brief moment of hesitation.

Chapter 188 A Heart Gesture

After the idle chatter, the award ceremony was about to

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“I never expected that young man from the Hansen family would be willing to be the award presenter


“Yeah, when we approached them earlier, there was no response. I thought his assistant would come

and didn’t expect him to show up in person.”


“You old folks are out of touch. Jane is competing today, so it’s

only natural that Byron would come over.”

“Oh my. That’s true! I forgot that these two are a couple.”

Several old men discussed openly in front of Arnold, Jane, and


Arnold was somewhat proud. After all, finding another young

man as outstanding as Byron in New York was not easy.

“Let’s invite Byron to our home when we go back later,” he said

to Jane.

Because the award ceremony was held in the afternoon, it wouldn’t take too long.

Arnold planned to bring Byron to their home and cultivate a sense of belonging to the Yoris family.

Chapter 188 A Heart Gesture


However, Arnold was unaware that his suggestion created

considerable pressure on Jane.

If she didn’t know about the relationship between Cora and Byron, she might have assumed that Byron

attended the

awards ceremony for her sake. But now…

But now…

She stole a glance at Cora and couldn’t shake off the feeling

that Byron was here for Cora, not for her.

So, she didn’t have much confidence that Byron would accept

the invitation to the Yoris Mansion.

In contrast, Cora didn’t feel much pressure. She was merely

surprised to see Byron become the award presenter.

“No wonder he asked so many questions before, and let me

treat him if I win,” she thought.

Putting these together, Cora was certain that he had become the award presenter because of her,

which made her heart flutter with joy.

Just then, Byron and several other influential figures in New

York entered the exhibition center.

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Chapter 188 A Heart Gesture

He seemed to radiate natural charm. Even without


deliberately dressing up, he became the center of attention as soon as he appeared.

Cora quickly spotted him and couldn’t help but smile radiantly

at him.

It was like Byron could read her mind, for he suddenly turned his head and smiled at her, driving

countless women crazy.

While Cora’s heart fluttered at his smile, Jane also felt her mind go blank as she looked at him, as if the

world had frozen and disappeared at that moment, leaving only her and Byron.

Then, she was more certain that no one else in the world could

catch her eye. She had to have this man.

“Jane, Byron is greeting you. Why aren’t you responding?” Arnold urged as he saw Jane staring at

Byron in a daze.

Jane glanced at Cora and realized that Byron’s gaze was actually fixed on her. His greeting was meant

for Cora.

But she still said, “Byron is busy now. Let’s call him to our home

after the event ends.”

She wanted to remind Cora that the connection between

Byron and the Yoris family couldn’t be easily cut off. However, as she stole a glance at Cora, Cora was

secretly making a