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Shattered Longings

Chapter 62
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Chapter 62 The Unge to Win Bella choked and started coughing violently. When she looked into Dominic's eyes and noticed the harshness in his gaze, she knew he wasn't joking. She couldn't believe that he'd still kept an eye on her He noticed her meeting with Felix when he was clearly talking to Leonard. For sreason, she felt like she had been caught in the act Before she could regain her composure, Dominic bent down and seled her lips in a fervent kiss. He casually used the wine glass he was holding onto the grass. He held the back of her head with one hand while wrapping his other arm around her waist, forcing her to press against him.

Bella was unaware of just how intimate and passionate they appeared at the moment or that Dominic's eyes were cold and unfeeling. He looked triumphantly at Felix, who stand just a short distance away.

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Felix's expression was dark and unreadable. After a moment, he spun on his heel and left.

Dominic then let go of Bella, who had been desperately trying to break free. The frustration, he had felt earlier when he saw her with Felix was now gone. This went to show that one should never underestimate a man's ego when it cto women.

nella assumed was acting out because he was drunk and didn't realize the true purpose behind his kiss. Reluctantly, she followed him back inside, where he joined Leonard and other men in a conversation about business. She couldn't understand what they were talking about and wasn't interested in listening Out of boredom, she noticed that everyone was dassed to the nines except for Dominic in his stack white shirt. His coal had been on her the whole tand it made her stick out La sore thumb.

Bella was about to take off the jacket and petom to him when he abruptly burned to face her. His smile was instantly replaced by a stern and threatening look Bella gave up and lowered her gaze, pretending all nothing had happened. She couldn't help but wonder how many eyes he had If he ever took her to another party, she would wear T-shirt and jeans, Since he wouldn't let her show any skin, what was the point of dressing up? Bella thought long and hard about it. The only conclusion she could cto was that he was ashamed of her figure. So, he'd rather have her covered up completely than let her expose anything and embarrass him.

All of a sudden, there was a commotionella looked up just in tin se Pleme, who was standing next to Daniel, collapse in a pool of blood before Dominje pulled her into his Paralyzed with fear, she only realized what was going on when she heard the crowd's gasps and shouts A fresh bullet hole marred the glass wall, achiting testament to the fact that someone had red to shoot Daniel. However, Pierre had taken the bullet for him, sustaining the shot in his upper abdomen.

When she cto her sears, she pushed Dominic aside and hurled over to check on Pierre. In a setting like this, she was probably the only one with medical training Clutching his wound, Pierre was in so much pain that he could barely make a sound. He was bleeding profusely.

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When she noticed where the bullet had entered, the broke gut into a cold sweat. Niad probably gone straight through his stomach. Bella did what she could to stem the blending and yelled, "Get an ambulancel He needs surgery immediately!"

Del was caught off guard by the sudden turn of events, while Diane Ο was paralyzed with Year. Bella's NO frantic voice snapped Daniel back into action. "quick We need to get him to the hospital!"

Bella accompanied Pie to the hospital, keeping a close watch on his condition throughout the journey. She was worried that he would suddenly go into shock. Spin to Claim Your Surprise Reward! Ads by Pubfuture