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Shadows of Destiny: A Tale of Liberation

Chapter 557
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Chapter 557

"Don't worry. I know what I'm doing."

Renee waved her hand goodbye and walked away. But she soon paused and turned around to ask Liam, "By the

way, do you know where Carmine Pawnshop's exact location is?"

"Why do you want to know?" Liam was immediately alarmed by her question. "What are you planning to do?"

"Just answer the question!" Renee replied sternly, looking displeased.

"It's near the Water Dock, but it's a really dangerous place, Boss. It's a lawless no man’s land where even the Devil

himself could get conned out of the clothes on his back!"

Liam had been to that place with his father once or twice before, and it left a distinct impression in his mind. Suffice

it to say, the experience had fueled his nightmares ever since!

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"Besides, Carmine Pawnshop is nothing like the ordinary pawn shop that you might expect. You must know that the

pawn shop's owner, Mr. Q, is known as the Night Demon. Don't even think about making a deal with him -it's no

different than selling your soul to the devil! You'll cross a line where there's simply no return!"

After listening to this, not only was Renee not afraid, but it even piqued her interest.

A demon, huh?! She began to anticipate meeting this mysterious man now!

Still, she did not want to worry Liam, so she lied to him, saying, "Don't overthink it. I was only asking because I kept

hearing Adie talking about the place... You don't actually think that your boss is that stupid, do you? Even if I wanted

to make a deal with them, what on earth do I have to trade?"

When she got back to her apartment, Adie had already had his dinner and was now in the study. He sat on the

couch, reading a book, with his feet dangling in the air, looking heart-achingly adorable.

"What a good boy you are, Adie! You already know how to take such good care of yourself!"

Renee sat down next to her son and gently patted his little head.

"Of course, Mommy! I know how hard you're working, so I don't want to be a burden to you."

Adie was reading an advanced physics textbook. His knowledge had already reached the level of a university

student now, making him a bona fide child prodigy. Yet this fact only made Renee worry about him. Because he was

so far ahead of his peers, Adie was quite a lonely child compared to kids his age.

But days like these would soon be over.

Renee then enthusiastically told her son, "Adie, guess what? The headmaster of Monte Perry Kindergarten told me

today that they've abolished that horrible rule and agreed to welcome you and Abby to the kindergarten! I'll bring

Abby and Aunt Margaret over in a few days and we'll all be together again, okay?"

She expected Adie to be leaping with joy after hearing the news, but the boy reacted very calmly and merely said,

"I didn't think it would be settled this quickly. Looks like that guy's the real deal."

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"What guy?" asked Renee, confused. She did find it suspicious how the kindergarten would take a 180-degree turn

on their rules so suddenly. Did Adie know the actual reason for this?

"Um, Superman! I asked Superman to help me last night. I didn’t think he'd fulfill my wish so quickly! Superman is

so awesome!"

Adie's face was full of satisfaction. Right now, he regarded Mr. Q as one of the best candidates to be his mother's

future husband, but he did not want to reveal too much before Mr. Q really passed the test, for fear that his mother

might fall too crazily in love with him too soon. Hence, he would only refer to him as "Superman" for now.

"Is that so?" Renee gently replied, not suspecting that Adie was hiding anything. "If that's true, then Superman must

be an awesome guy! Oh, how I wish I had someone like Superman to fulfill all my wishes too!"

"That's easy!" Adie wrapped his arms around his mother's neck and warmly told her, "All you have to do is find a

husband you can do anything for you... But don't worry, Mommy! I believe that you'll find your Superman soon!"

It was already getting late. Renee put Adie to bed and quietly tiptoed out of the kids' room. She went into her own

room, changed into comfortable sportswear, tied her hair up into a high ponytail, and confidently walked out of the
