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Second Chance Luna

Chapter 86
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Chapter Eighty-Seven

“That b***h. That unbelievable b***h,” Norah muttered as Phoebe guided her back to the packhouse and up to her suite

Lucille followed a step behind. Though she had been shielded from the worst of her father’s indiscretions she still knew about the she-

wolves he used to keep prior to meeting her mother. She knew some of those she-wolves had attacked her mother while her father was

away. Yet her father always proclaimed he dealt with them and they were no longer a threat

So who was that she-wolf they left in the cells? She assumed dealt with meant death but did her father not execute them for their crimes

after all? Her brother seemed strangely calm. Did he know about the she-wolves’ real fates this entire time? And her mother.

Lucille watched as Phoebe guided Norah to the bed and made her lie down

“How could she?” Norah muttered. “How dare she target Jacksons flesh and blood? As much as she hated me I know she respected him at

least. Has she no conscience?”

Phoebe retrieved a cool compress and soothing Norah the best she could. Lucille stood off to the side watching and trying to contemplate

what her father had been thinking in letting such a she-wolf roam free

“Mom, did you know?” Lucille finally spoke when her mother grew quiet

Norah looked at her with a frown before saying, “That he let her go? Yes. He let all of them go after forcing them to swear loyalty to me as


Chapter Eighty-Seven Luna. He thought that would be enough to protect me.”

“But?” Lucille prompted

“But when I became pregnant with Jason one of them attacked me again and nearly killed me with Jason in my womb,” Norah admitted. *

Jackson executed her but didn’t touch the others since they werent involved in the second attack.”

“Why would he let any of them live?!” Lucille demanded. “After what they did? They could have killed your”

“They were members of the pack, some of them were childhood friends,” Norah said. “He...didn’t feel like he could kill them or banish


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Lucille frowned. Childhood friends? That's why her father allowed them to live?

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“Two of them met their fated mates,” Norah said with a sigh

“Only two of them?” Lucille repeated

“Delilah left the pack to travel,” Norah said. “I have no proof but I think she rejected her fated mate in hopes Jackson would claim her.”

“She did,” Phoebe agreed. “I sensed it in the cell. Though, I don’t know who her mate might have been. I haven't sensed any lost

connections that would lead back to her. He might have left the pack, or he

might not have been able to tolerate the bond breaking.”

“In other words he killed himself Lucille said

Phoebe nodded

Normally a wolf spirit wouldn't even consider suicide and would protect their vessel should their human half attempt it. However, after a

mating bond was forcibly broken wolf spirits were greatly weakened and some even longed for the pain to end anyway it could, including


Chapter Eighty-Seven themselves or even death

Garrison sought death in taking dangerous missions. Perhaps it wasn’t exactly the same as suicide but he certainly wasn’t fighting death

and would have welcomed it. Fortunately it had not come to that and meeting his second chance mate eased his suffering. Others were not

so fortunate. Phoebe had the feeling Delilah’s mate was in the latter category

“So, he let her just leave?” Lucille scoffed

“I don’t think he knew she rejected her fated mate, at least not at first, ” Norah said. “Whatever your father’s faults he did respect and

cherish the bond. He never would have wanted any wolf to reject their bond. It pained him greatly to know she rejected her bond for him.

That’s not what he wanted.”

“Why didn’t you tell me this before?” Lucille asked. “Does Jason know? He does, doesn’t he? That's why he refused to see dad even when

he was..Why tell him and not me?”

“Because I didn’t want to ruin your relationship with your father like I did with Jason,” Norah sighed. “After the second attack I was so

paranoid about protecting Jason from future threats and I was so angry with Jackson for allowing it to happen, I thought T was doing Jason

a favor by telling him. But it only put up a wall between them

“If it wasn’t for that wall maybe handing the pack over to Jason wouldn't have been so hard on Jackson. He might have lived longer and got

a chance to meet his grandpups. He loved being a father and I took that away from him with Jason. When you came along I didn’t want

that for you or him.”

Lucille bit her lip

“Lucille, your father loved you. Never forget that.”

Chapter Eighty-Seven NE

She frowned before departing unable to stay in the room any longer

Lucille trusted Phoebe to watch over her mother but there was too much information for her to process to stay. She needed to be alone

“Let her go,” Norah sighed when Phoebe tried to call her back. “This mess is Jackson's and my own fault. We could have done so many

things differently and now you are paying the price.”

“I really didn’t suffer that much,” Phoebe protested taking her hand. “I know Jason would never willingly betray me. That's how I knew

something was wrong. And I can feel his guilt even for allowing that much to occur”

“It was Jackson’s greatest hope Jason would find his Luna. You are everything he wanted for Jason. He would have loved you like a

daughter. Tjust wish he and Jason could have mended things. Perhaps Jason wouldnt carry so much resentment, but he wont even look at

his father’s letter.”


Norah nodded to the bedside table. Phoebe hesitated before opening the drawer and removing the envelope addressed to Jason. She

looked at Norah

“Jackson was too weak to hold a pen so he dictated it to me,” Norah sighed. “It’s his final words to Jason.”

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“And he hasn’t read it?”

“No. He threatens to burn it whenever I bring it up.”

Phoebe didn’t need their bond to know how deeply Jason resented his father. She couldn’t blame him after all his mother suffered but it

was clear Norah had forgiven her mate. Phoebe wanted that same peace for Jason. They weren't certain what the future held so grasping

any sort of solace was important. She didn’t want him or his wolf to suffer

Chapter Eighty-Seven id “Rest,” Phoebe urged her mother-in-law. “I think we've all had enough shock for the day.” “Phoebe...”

“Don’t worry. Your children are strong and they aren’t alone,” Phoebe smiled. “And neither are you. You don’t have to bear the weight of

the past on your own shoulders.”

Norah breathed deep smile softly, “My son is right. You are an angel.”

Phoebe patted her hand and remained with her until she fell asleep

With a sigh she stood and quietly stepped out. Her mind reached for Lucille and sensed she had gone to her own room to process

everything she learned. Phoebe hesitated wanting to comfort her but comfort was probably the last thing Lucille wanted

In the short time Phoebe had known her sister-in-law she realized Lucille often hid her feelings behind bravado and racy comments. Others

mistook her for being shallow and insincere when it truth she was actually very sensitive. An inappropriate joke wouldn't help her in this

situation however

She needed time to process this new side of a father she loved and cherished. When she was ready Phoebe hoped she would seek her out

to talk but for now Lucille needed some space. At the very least she hoped Lucille would open up to Ben and allow her mate to sooth her

once her thoughts settled

Phoebe studied the envelope in her hand. Right now her main concern was for Jason. This incident stirred up the resentment he held for his

father. She could feel his emotions churning through the bond. It felt like he was quite distant and she realized he was probably trying to

run off some of his pent up rage

Chapter Eighty-Seven ati

Phoebe frowned before turning on her heel and headed to the kitchen. It had been a while since she and Jason shared an intimate meal,

just the two of them. That would change tonight and hopefully it would bring his mind some peace