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Resurrecting the Genius Within

Chapter 283
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Chapter 283 Deliveryman Finished Percy felt a bit awkward when he heard his father's words. His father had forced him to dress in his military uniform for this visit.

He extended his hand towards Isabelle and introduced himself, "Hello, I'm Percy Sarratt." Isabelle nodded slightly but didn't shake his hand.

"Cin," she said as she turned to enter the villa.

Percy retracted his hand and shrugged helplessly at his father.

Carl gave Percy an encouraging yet intimidating look and pushed him through the door. "That's an order." Isabelle brought out her needles.

"Watch carefully. Isabelle has real skills; even Arlo praises her highly, and I'm not exaggerating, Carl said to his son.

Turning to Isabelle, he added, “'Isabelle, I don't mean anything by this; I'm just hoping young people could becfriends, even if they're ordinary friends." Carl continued, "Have you had dinner? After you finish the treatment, how about we all go out for a meal?" Isabelle replied, "No need, someone will bring my dinner soon." "Someone is bringing your dinner? Well, then another time. Whenever you have time, we'll arrange it" Carl looked at Isabelle with a warm, eager gaze, almost as if he were looking at a future daughter-in-law.

He signaled frantically for his son to say something.

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Percy, who was more accustomed to training soldiers than making conversation, struggled. His ment feared him as if he were the devil; how could he chat with a girl? Especially one he just met? Arlo noticed the father and son's effort, suspected Carl had more than just casual friendship in mind for the young people, and wanted to intervene.

Carl didn't give him the chance.

Frustrated by his son's silence, Carl took matters into his own hands.

"Isabelle, you're from Norward? Arlo mentioned that Principal Burton personally went to Norward to recruit you after your exam results cout. Truly outstanding. By the way, Isabelle, your shooting skills are amazing. Who taught you?" Isabelle replied without blinking, "From a night market, shooting balloons." She recalled hearing sof her classmates talk about it during military training.

That response left Chase speechless.

1/3 Chapter 283 Deliveryman sometime. He directed this at his son.

#Finished Percy found his father's discomfort aniusing. His father often criticized him for being uncommunicative, but he wasn't doing much better, asking the wrong questions right away.

Isabelle's answer was equally amusing.

"My son is an excellent marksman too. Maybe you two could have a match sometime? Cvisit our base. Percy responded, "Dad, she's busy." Carl glanced at the silver needles in Isabelle's hand and muttered to his son, "Then we'll talk after she's done. Percy had heard his father rave about Isabelle for a week and knew his father was trying to arrange a match. It was the first the'd seen his father so pleased with a girl.

Carl had praised Isabelle non-stop. If Percy hadn't opposed-strongly, his mother would've calong too.

His father had praised Isabelle to the skies. Percy was confident in his own abilities and hadn't received such compliments from his father, making him curious about this extraordinary girl.

She stands out for her exceptional shooting abilities and exceptional physical fitness.

He thought, if given the chance, he'd like to see her skills for himself.

He watched Isabelle administer acupuncture with focused attention and professionalism, while Arlo observed keenly. Clearly, his father hadn't exaggerated.

This girl was the real deal.

Talented people naturally attract others, especially when they are exceptional, beautiful, and have a composed demeanor.

It was hard for him to depy an interest in such a person.

At that moment, the doorbell rang.

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Isabelle was busy. Percy was the youngest and the lowest in rank; he sensibly stood up to answer the door.

Someone must have delivered Isabelle's dinner.

Percy hoped for a delivery person or stakeout.

Opening the door, he was stunned and called out, "Mr. George?" George responded, "Why are you here?" What was Carl's son doing here?

Dylan stood behind George and saw Percy in military uniform. I lovesm visiting Ms. Jenkins. Every twe visited, there are a different guest, and none were ordinary. Je Olt like a surorice every time. like opening a mystery hot.

2/3 Chapter 283 Deliverymant Percy noticed George was holding a thermos, while Dylan had a gourmet food container.

He made a bold guess. Is Mr. George the delivery man? Mr. George knew this girl Their relationship seemed close. Percy was astonished.


Before Percy could ask, George stepped forward, sidestepping him and walking in as if it were his own home.

Percy hesitated to speak.

George entered, immediately noticing a man shirtless in the living room. Upon closer inspection hec inspection hec om recognized that man as Chase, and Isabelle was performing therapy on him. Arlo stood close by, while Carl took a seat on the couch. Send Gifts 866