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Rebirth of the Wife in Despair by Tess Munoz

Chapter 147
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Chapter 147 Stop Bothering Me

The CEO of Smith Corporation rarely made public appearances. At the school gate, private cars with

dedicated drivers were almost always present for pick-up and drop-off. The unique insignia on the

license plate signified it was an Smith family car. Upon seeing this, regardless of how congested the

traffic was, everyone made way for it.

Eileen stepped out of the car, and the surprise was evident on the faces of those around her.

Everyone at Petalburg High School knew that Eileen was close with the Smith family’s illegitimate son.

However, what they didn’t know was that Eileen also had connections with the heir of the Smith family.

This meant that the CEO of Smith Corporation was personally driving Eileen to school, signifying that

Eileen was part of the Smith family.

Just for this reason alone, no one dared to offend her.

Facing the gazes of everyone around her, Eileen felt extremely uncomfortable.

“I’m off to school now.”

Jasper nodded, “All right. I’ll pick you up after class tonight.”


Eileen still had evening self-study, which would end around the same time he finished work. Jasper

was coming to pick her up, and Eileen had no way to refuse.

Seeing the same scene, Yvette was not surprised either. She just felt a lump in her heart.

Because of what happened last time, Jasper feared Eileen might sever ties with him due to her


Hence, in the Friedman household, she was given a warning.

She merely taught Elm, the ungrateful one, a lesson on Jasper’s behalf.

Her mother urged her to mend her relationship with Jasper. The last time she could have a good

conversation with him was all thanks to Eileen.

Because of Elm, she and Eileen had already fallen out.

At that moment, Yvette didn’t know how to start a conversation with Eileen.

“Eric, will Eileen return after going to the Smith residence?” Yvette asked.




Frieseves were as deep as the blackest night. This isn’t something you should worry about. Godoclass.

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Don’t be late.”

“I understand. Eric.”

As Eileen passed by the corridor of Class Six. Elm was still wearing his short sleeves, one hand in his

pocket, full of spirit and rebellious charm. He casually slung his backpack over lus shoulder. He raised

his chin high as if he didn’t care about anyone else.

It had been a few days since they last met, but he hadn’t changed at all, still appearing carefree and


He walked over. At that moment. Elm cast a glance at Eileen as he brushed past her, paying her no


“Elm!” Eileen halted her steps, turning around.

Elm came to a halt.

“Where’s the report card?” Eileen inquired.

Vera and Yvette just happened to pass by.

Impatiently, Elm slung his backpack over his shoulder, pulling out a piece of paper and shoving it into

the arms of the classmate next to him. His lackey, with a grin on his face, handed the report card to


Eileen looked at Elm with suspicion, and then her gaze fell back on the report card. Her eyebrows

twitched. Out of six subjects, his highest score was in mathematics. But the math paper was out of one

hundred and fifty, with a passing score of ninety-two, and he only scored sixty-seven. All his other

subject scores were even lower than sixty-seven.

She had been tutoring him for nearly a month, yet during this time, he hadn’t passed a single subject.

What on earth has he been doing all these days? Eileen was so angry that she didn’t know what to


The lackey chuckled and said, “Ms. Eileen, Elm did pretty well on his exam. He’s moved up seven or

eight places in class. He’s improving! He’s improving!”

Isn’t he aiming to go to Hulbury University? With these scores, even getting into a decent second-tier

university would be challenging. Eileen felt as if she had raised a son, pouring her heart and soul. into

him, only for him to turn out unsuccessful.

Eileen handed back the report card, her voice deepening. “Elm, don’t forget what you promised me!”



de this rate, even if all my time is wasted on him, it would be pointless Fileen left and returned to the


“Elm, it seems like she’s angry. Her complexion doesn’t look too good. Didn’t you do quite well on your

test? You scored higher than me,” the lackey said.

All of the lackey’s scores were in single digits, and the total of the scores was a two-digit number.

Eileen arrived at the classroom as usual, and nothing was different.

Aside from the Olympiad Math Class, the one who took her place was Vera.

That was indeed a headache for her. After all the effort she had put in, it all ended amounting to


The pace of Class One was swift, and all the content in the textbook was covered.

At that time, everyone was in the review stage.


in vain.

Eileen had been absent for so many days, not attending school. She needed to catch up on everything

she had missed.

At the same time, what troubled her the most was Elm.

Vera had been in the class for quite some time by then, but with the pace of learning in the class, there

was simply no time to idle.

The final class of the morning ended at noon.

During the lunch break, Vera took the opportunity to find Eileen. “Eileen, let’s go eat together!”

Eileen glanced up at her. “I need to wait a bit longer. You go ahead!”

Vera tilted her head, noticing what Eileen was doing. “Study plan? What’s this?”

Eileen explained, “It’s for Elm. His grades aren’t very satisfactory. Since I’ve said I would tutor him, I

can’t just give up halfway.”

“Is that so? All right, then! I’ll be going first! I have a class later!”

Eileen responded with a hum.

She was making a study plan to give him a goal so that he knew what he needed to do.

After finishing her task, Eileen headed to Class Six.


The weather was somewhat gloomy that day, with a gentle, continuous rain falling.

Upon entering, she saw him face down on the table.

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The classroom was already empty.

Eileen stepped forward, patting his shoulder. “Elin, come with me to the library.”

Elm woke up and brushed off her hand. “Stop bothering me.”

He sounded like he was in a bad mood.

Eileen took a seat on a stool beside him and reached out to touch his forehead. “You don’t have a


“Elm, has something happened recently? Didn’t you say you wanted to get into Hulbury University? If

you continue to slack off like this, you won’t even have a chance to set foot in Hulbury University!”

Ehn was jolted awake by her loud voice. He propped his head up with his hand, ran his fingers through

his hair, and turned to face her.

Eileen noticed the red veins in the Blakes of his eyes.

He furrowed his brows slightly, stood up, and kicked the table in frustration. “If I can’t pass the exam,

then I won’t go. Stop bothering me.”

Elm left with his hands in his pockets.


He walked away without looking back.

What is going on with him? Eileen, feeling uneasy, followed him. She saw him climbing the stairs, but

she had no idea where he was headed.

Eventually, they reached the rooftop on the twelfth floor.

Leaning against the doorframe, Elm held a cigarette in his hand. “You’re really persistent, aren’t you?

Why won’t you leave me alone?”

Eileen stepped onto the last step, pulling out a blue transparent fruit candy from her school. uniform

pocket. “You’ve started smoking at such a young age. Have you forgotten what the doctor said? No

smoking, no drinking, or you might suffer from kidney problems in the future. I wonder what’s happened

to you. Everyone has their own hidden worries. After eating this candy, you might feel a little more

cheerful. I’ll take what you just said ast something said in the heat of the moment. After school today,

we have a three-hour class at



one testet spot in the library

Eileen didn: Inger any longer. Instead, she tuned around and descended the stairs


Suddenly, a voice came from belind Is the Smith residence fun?”

Do you really want to know? Then make sure to one. I’ll tell you the answer” She slightly turned her

head catching a glimpse of his figure from the corner of her eye.

After school, Eileen went to the library