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My Wife Is An All-Around Expert by Elton Joe

Chapter 101
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Chapter 101

“Where did you get this letter from?” Violet’s voice was filled with suppressed anger.

The photo Henry sent to Violet was a thick, yellowed envelope. On the envelope was written, “To


Violet knew that this was her mother Martha’s handwriting. Furthermore, Martha had never written a

letter to Violet during her lifetime.

Now that Violet saw this yellowed envelope, it could only mean that Martha had left her a letter when

she passed away.

Unfortunately, this letter was taken away by Henry.

This letter was now in Henry’s hands!

Violet was extremely furious. She did not expect Henry to be so shameless

as to take away the letter her mother gave her.

Through the phone, Henry could hear Violet’s suppressed anger and clear panting.

Henry pursed his lips nonchalantly. “Where do you think I got it?”

“This is a letter from my mother!” Violet said confidently.

“Yeah, it’s a letter from your mom, but so what? Blame her for being. foolish and sending this letter to

you on her deathbed! Otherwise, this letter wouldn’t have fallen into my hands!” Henry had no intention

of deceiving Violet about the origin of the letter.

“You’re shameless. How can you do this? You’re invading my privacy!” Violet was so angry that her

hands were trembling. She could not believe. that this person was her father.

Henry chuckled and was not angry. “You’re angry just like that. You’re a young woman after all!”

“Return the letter to me!” Violet’s voice was extremely stiff.

Henry sneered “Return it to you? Of course, I can, but you have to get Veronica o Foreverie jewelry”

“Impole Videt refused without hesitation

Henry’s voice turned cold. “Since it’s impossible. I’ll burn this letter. You can forget about knowing

what’s written in this letter for the rest of your lifer

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Visler’s expression was extremely gloomy “You’ve violated my privacy. Aren’t you afraid that I’ll sue


Henry didn’t care at all. “If you want to sue me, go ahead. Violet, do you really think I’ll be afraid? Let

me put it this way. If you dare to sue me, I’ll definitely burn the letter before I go to court

“You might not know, but this letter contains the biggest secret of your mother’s life. Before she died,

she wanted to tell you, but she didn’t have the courage to tell you herself. She could only let you know

in this way! However, she never expected this letter to fall into my hands!”

Violet had never felt so aggrieved before. She was extremely angry, but she could not vent it.

Violet admitted that she was very afraid that Henry would destroy the


In this life, the person who treated Violet the best was her mother, Martha. Violet loved Martha very


Martha was dead, but the letter left for Violet had fallen into Henry’s hands. This was unacceptable to


Violet suppressed her anger. “Dad, other than this condition, can you change it?”

According to Patrick’s personality, he would not agree to Veronica entering Foreverie Jewelry!

However, Henry’s attitude was exceptionally unyielding, “Impossible! Violet, I hope you can convince

Patrick to let Veronica enter Foreverie.

Chapter 101

Jewelry and give this to Veronica as a wedding gift before Veronica gets married. I don’t care what

method you use, but I only care about the outcome. I’ll give you the letter only after Veronica gets into

Foreverie Jewelry!”

With that. Henry hung up without giving Violet a chance to speak.

Violet stared at the phone, her eyes red with anger.

Violet really wanted to know what was written in the letter Martha had left

for her!

Violet had a feeling that this letter must be very important because it seemed that Henry’s attitude

toward her had changed not long after her mother’s death.

At night, Patrick did not return to Hersey Court.

However, Violet was too preoccupied to pay attention.

Logically speaking, after what happened last night, there should be some awkwardness between Violet

and Patrick.

However, Violet had encountered too many things today and had no time to think about anything else.

Monday was a workday.

Violet had a sleepless night, and her dark circles were particularly pronounced.

Megan had just started work today. After filling out her onboarding

information, she came to find Violet and was almost startled when she saw how exhausted Violet

looked. “Violet, are you okay?”

Violet shook her head. “I’m fine!”

Megan frowned. “You don’t look fine at all!”

Violet did not want to talk about the letter. She looked at Megan’s worried face and told her about the

swapping of the design draft.

Chapter 101

Megan was furious. “Who’s so wicked!”

Violet shook her head. “I don’t know! Don’t be angry. Mr. Hersey is investigating! I believe there will be

results soon!”

As soon as Violet finished speaking, she saw Nelson coming to the Design Department.

Nelson looked at Violet. “Ms. Webb, please come out with me!”

Violet nodded and told Megan to return to the Information Technology Department first. She stood up

and walked out.

Megan glanced at the director’s office of the Design Department and left. reluctantly.

The people in the Design Department did not know what was going on. They looked at each other.

Beside Joanna, Yvonne’s eyes darkened. Could something go wrong?

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Violet and Nelson walked out of the Design Department and entered a

small conference room next door.

The receptionist, Laurie, was restless inside.

Violet immediately understood that Nelson wanted her to confront Lauri face to face.

Violet said in a low voice, “Mr. Massy, is this related to Laurie?”

Nelson shook his head. “I don’t know. That surveillance video was hacked. Mr. Hersey said it should be

done by someone in the company who swapped your design draft.”

Violet’s face darkened as she walked forward.

Before Violet could speak, Laurie looked like she was about to cry. “Ms. Webb, it really has nothing to

do with me. I went to the toilet at that time. I didn’t know what was going on at all. Mr. Massy said that

the surveillance video was broken, and someone must have secretly swapped the design draft, but I

didn’t know it at all. After I came back from the toilet, I mailed.

Chapter 101

the design draftl”

This was an excuse that Lauric had long thought of.

After all, Laurie had gone to the toilet and the surveillance video had been hacked. Without any real

evidence, no one dared to say that she was the one who did it.

Lauric looked flustered on the surface, but she was actually very calm.

After hearing Lauric’s words, Violet turned around and looked at Nelson. “Mr. Massy, can’t the

surveillance video be recovered?”

Nelson was a little helpless. He sought the assistance of a technician to t and recover the surveillance

video, but their technical abilities were limited.

Nelson shook his head. “The people from the Information Technology Department tried to recover the

surveillance video yesterday, but they failed!”

Violet’s eyes flashed. “Go find Megan! She should be able to recover it!”
