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My Three Darlings by Anonymous

Chapter 43
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Chapter 43

“Excuse me, Sir.” Jay’s expression was stony. “I respect your interest in this production. However, I

believe you should not affect our progress.” For some reason, Jay could feel the hostility this cold and

reserved man had towards him. It felt almost tangible. “Is that so?”

Beau looked up at him. His gaze was so domineering that it was almost suffocating.

“Yes, Sir!” Jay frowned and looked into the man’s dark, obsidian eyes. “You must not disturb us.” The fact

was that they could very well go through their lines while filming, but Jay had insisted to do it in the

conference room instead. He intended to make use of Eliza to gain more popularity. But if this man

decides to sit between them to separate them, there would not be any photographs taken of him being

close and intimate with Eliza! “It’s not necessary to sit next to each other to go through our lines.”

Eliza interrupted Jay. “We can get it done like this too.”

She looked past Beau and glanced at Jay. “We‘re just going through our lines and not actually acting, so

it doesn’t matter if we have distance between us.”

“That’s right!” The chief director wiped away the perspiration on his brows and quickly agreed with Eliza.

“It’s better to let this gentleman sit between the two of you. That way, he will be able to experience your

chemistry first-hand!” . Then, he gave Jay a wink. Although Jay was unhappy about it, there was nothing

else he could say. He just took out his phone and sent Madeleine a text message. I “We have no need of

the paparazzi anymore. Send them away. They won’t be getting any intimate photos today.” Very soon,

Madeleine replied. “What’s going on? “They have even got the articles on standby. What do you mean

they won’t be getting any intimate photos?” “A top gun came and messed everything up.” “Damn it!”

Madeleine put down her phone after replying to Jay’s message. “What’s wrong?” A woman who was

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with Madeleine in the cafe stirred her coffee gracefully as she asked airily. “Esme, I just got information

that we won’t be able to get any intimate photos of Eliza and Jay today.”

Madeleine sighed. “Jay said that someone messed things up.” “We’ll take things slow.” Esme continued

to stir her coffee leisurely. “As long as there’s interaction between Eliza and Jay, we will be able to get

what we need, sooner or later.” She was curious if Mr. Valentine would be able to accept Eliza being

entangled with her ex boyfriend time and time again. At that very moment, Beau was sitting between

Eliza and Jay, holding a copy of the script that the chief director had handed him. “The second female

lead is a character who lacks logical thinking and intelligence.”

Beau concluded after he went through the script. The chief director didn’t know what to say to that. He

took a deep breath and then looked at Beau with a face full of smiles. “So, are you…” Beau looked up

casually at Noah who had been standing quietly by the side. Noah coughed lightly and led the director

out the door. Instantly, there were only Eliza, Jay, and Beau left in the conference room. Jay crossed his

arms and leaned back in his chair haughtily with a sneer. “Well? Do you think you can alter the script? “I’ll

have you know, this production has 200 million dollars worth of investment involved. How much more are

you ready to put in that you think you can change the script as you wish?” Beau lowered his eyes and

flipped through the script gracefully, completely ignoring Jay. His nonchalant attitude infuriated Jay. With

gritted teeth, he glared at Beau and said, “You think I don’t know what you’re thinking? “You think that

she’ll form a good impression of you if you put yourself between us and not let the both of us interact?

“Or do you think that just by putting in a few million dollars, you can change the script at will? And at the

same time manipulate this actress beside you into sleeping with you? “Let me break this to you, she is

married, and her husband is someone you can’t afford to mess with!” As he flipped through the script,

Beau’s hand paused mid-air for a brief second. He turned his head and glanced at him. “Can you afford

to mess with him, then?” “Of course I’m afraid of him too.”

Jay smirked and chuckled triumphantly. “But I work with her. “We are romantically involved in this

production, so I can get all chummy with her for all of Krine to see!

“And even if her husband isn’t pleased with it, he has only himself to blame for marrying an actress. He

can’t blame me!” Beau kept quiet. Eliza also sat quietly by the side, listening to Jay’s words. She had a

bad feeling about this. In the background, Jay was still going on, “Furthermore, I have something on her!

“If her husband tries to harm me, I know something which will make him divorce her!” Beau frowned

slightly. “You have something on her?” “That’s right!”

Jay was completely lost in his flaunting and let his tongue loose. “If you must know, this woman was

involved in something shady five years ago…” “Jay Carr!” Just before he could blurt out everything that

had happened back then without a care in the world, Eliza immediately stopped him.

Jay came back to his senses. “I didn’t say what I wasn’t supposed to.” He pursed his lips flippantly. “What

are you getting so worked up over?” Eliza pursed her lips and stole a glance at Beau from the corner of

her eye. D He still had his eyes fixed on the script, flipping through the pages as if he didn’t hear them at


Eliza gradually calmed down. She gritted her teeth and glared at Jay. “You better learn to keep your

mouth shut if you don’t want the world to know that you’ve sponged off me in the past!” Jay probably

hadn’t expected her to say that, so he was stunned for a moment with his mouth wide open. He was

about to say something, but decided otherwise and shut his mouth. Not long after, Noah and the chief

director returned. A short-haired woman with glasses trailed in after them. The chief director smiled and

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pulled the woman over. “Sir, this is the scriptwriter of the film ‘Snowy Night’ “If you think any of the

characters need modification, just let her know!” Jay’s eyes widened. ‘The chief director had brought the

scriptwriter here… to change the script for this man?’ He pondered over what that meant. He turned to

look at Beau in shock. Jay had known the chief director of “Snowy Night” for many years. He wasn’t one

to bow to

anyone’s wishes! Someone had offered to invest 20 million dollars in one of his productions in the past,

just to play an insignificant role. But the director flat out rejected the offer. But this man could get the

director to change the script just like that? ‘Who on earth is he?’ Jay wondered. O Beau lifted his head

and said nonchalantly, “I’m not pleased with the plot for the second female lead.” The scriptwriter pushed

up her glasses in a serious manner and said, “Which part of it are you dissatisfied with?” “The romance

parts.” He threw the script on the table gracefully and said, “Cut all the romance scenes.” He turned his

head and glanced at Eliza. “Have her focus on her career. No romance.” “No way!” Jay was furious. “The

sole purpose to have a second female lead is to have some romance with the male lead!” He had trouble

making ends meet after exhausting all his savings trying to give Madeleine the fame she coveted. It was

fortunate for him that Esme was willing to sponsor him and Madeleine to make a comeback. Esme’s

condition for supporting them was simple. All she asked for was for Jay to be entangled with Eliza in the

public eye. But now, this man was about to remove all the romance between him and Eliza?! Beau

looked up at the scriptwriter and asked her, “Is that so?” His gaze was bone-chilling and dangerous. The

screenwriter took a step back out of fear. “I’ll- I’ll change it so that the male lead falls in love with the

female lead.” “No!” Jay slammed his hand on the table, face contorted with anger. “I object to changing

the script!” “Your objection is invalid.” ; The chief director gave him a sidelong glance. “Jay, who do you

think you are?“