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My Heart only Beats for You

Chapter 1647
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Yesseca got into Kylin's car.

"Good morning, Yesseca," Kylin smiled as he greeted her.

Yesseca smiled back. "Good morning." "Did you sleep well last night?" Kylin noticed the dark circles around Yesseca's eyes.

Yesseca didn't answer him. "Let's go. I'm already running late." Kylin didn't say anything else as he started the car.

When they arrived at the entrance of the mall, Yesseca didn't get out of the car right away. She looked at Kylin and said, "Kylin, don't cto pickup later. You don't need to pickup tomorrow either. I'll call you in a couple of days. I have something to tell you," Kylin was surprised.

The look of surprise in his eyes then slowly drifted away.

Kylin replied quietly, "Well, I'll be waiting for your call," Yesseca nodded. "I'll use my new phone to call you then." This so-called new phone was none other than the one she left at home. She finally accepted her folly and stomached the hard truth that Lothar couldn't send her a text message ever again. "Alright." Kylin nodded in agreement.

Yesseca walked into the mall.

She didn't sleep last night. She was up all night thinking about Tremaine.

Although her mind was still muddled, at least it had started to clear up a little.

Yesseca knew that Kylin fancied her.

However, when she was with Kylin, she never felt flustered and overwhelmed.

But yesterday, after realizing that Tremaine loved her, she began to panic. She had turned into a dull goose, just as Tremaine said she would.

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All of this caused Yesseca to cto a singular conclusion.

She loved Tremaine back.

She didn't know whether the relationship between her and Tremaine would work out, but regardless, so long as she was sure that she loved Tremaine back, she didn't want to keep leading Kylin on. Yesseca decided to take these two days to think it through.

If she was sure that Tremaine loved her and that she felt the sfor him, she would break the news to Kylin. She would tell Kylin to stop picking her up every morning and that it would be impossible for them to be together. Yesseca's mind drifted in and out of focus constantly.

She was so lost in thought that she was very slow to notice several customers who asked her for help. There were two burning questions that lingered within Yesseca's mind.

Did Tremaine love her? Did she love Tremaine? She thought so, at first. Tremaine loved her and she loved him too. However, the more she thought about it, the more uncertain she became. Her brain was a mess. She even picked a flower and started plucking its petals.

"He loves me, he lovesnot, he loves me, he lovesnot." The last petal on the flower ended with He loves me'.

Yesseca's face felt hot as she blushed.

Did Tremaine really love her? Or was she just imagining it? No, she had to be sure.

Yesseca plucked another flower. This time, it ended with 'He lovesnot'.

Yesseca felt dejected.

Did Tremaine not love her? Why did she feel that he did? If he didn't love her, why was he so jealous at the restaurant that day? Why was he so nice to her last night? Yesseca grabbed another flower.

After stime, the trash can was full of petals. Yesseca still didn't find a conclusive answer as she ended up with a different conclusion with each flower she plucked.

Yesseca was at a complete loss when a female colleague approached her.

This female colleague used to be friends with Enaryln. However, after Kylin stood up for Yesseca in public, she decided to stand with Yesseca. She would often cto chat with Yesseca whenever she had freetime.

This time, she cto gossip about Enaryln.

She lowered her voice and said, "Enaryln has been dressing up very provocatively for the past few days So long as any man who looks rich pays her even the slightest bit of attention, she can't wait to stick her entire body onto him. Tsk tsk..." Yesseca didn't care about Enaryln and had nothing to say about her.

The female colleague grew bored after not getting a response from Yesseca.

"Well, I'll be heading off then." She took out a handful of candy from her pocket and said, "My sister travelled to Thailand recently. Have sof this candy she brought home," She placed the candy on the counter and was about to leave.

"Wait." Yesseca suddenly called out to her.

Her colleague turned around and asked, "What's up, Yesseca? Yesseca's eyelashes trembled. "How do you know if you really love someone?" Her female colleague was stunned.

After a while, she smiled and said, "I'd end up blushing and feeling embarrassed when I see that person. I'd get so nervous that I wouldn't be able to do anything about it," Yesseca felt that every word coming out of her colleague's mouth was like a bullet, piercing through her heart and soul.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" Every word felt like a bullet that was directed at the bullseye of her heart.

The bullets didn't hurt her at all, they just made her go numb.

Her female colleague's response perfectly described how she felt about Tremaine the other night.

Her face blushed red and her heart was racing. She felt embarrassed and nervous.

"How do you know if a man loves you?" Yesseca's throat felt dry.

"He'd be very nice and considerate towards you." Her colleague paused and asked, "Yesseca, don't you have a rich boyfriend? I don't actually know if you do," Yesseca cried out in surprise.

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Her colleague's heart skipped a beat.

Did something happen between Yesseca and that man? That must be why she asked her all those questions.

She truly wanted to be friends with

Yesseca, so she didn't forget to warn carefulThere her, "However, Yesseca, rich men are fickle. You have to be careful There are countless women waiting to hook up with them. So if you have a rich boyfriend, don't get into any arguments with him, or you will be cheated on," Yesseca held her breath. "Do all rich men do this? Just how many women does one man have? Three? Four?"

The female colleague quickly clarified, "That's not what I meant. It was just a figure of f speech. Your boyfriend looks very devoted, so you can rest easy..." After that, her female colleague continued to chat about other things, but Yesseca didn't pay attention to her. The only thing she heard from her was that all rick men were all fickle and that they were many women after them.

Yesseca's mind went blank.

Was Tremaine the same? Was he only nice to her, or was he the swith other women? Yesseca couldn't understand this.

She had never been in love before and was unfamiliar with all these complicated feelings as an adult.

Yesseca then took out her phone and surfed the web for answers.

The results of her search shocked her.

There were several articles on the en offe intethat said that rich men often dated several women at the stime. Their love was fake and they would ruthlessly abandon you once they had their fun with you. Yesseca was stunned.

Was Tremaine doing the sthing? She didn't think so. She had never seen him talking to other women. He seemed very distant to everyone around him.

All these articles online might not even be true.

Her brother-in-law, Matthew, was rich, but he was very devoted to her sister.

Yesseca switched off her phone and placed it aside.