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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 163
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 166

19 Marked and Mated

Ruby POV

When we arrive at the pack, Maverick goes to open Gwen’s door. I turn and catch sight of Brutus

coming through the trees. I love my grandfather’s wolf. Despite his size, he was always gentle with us

pups. We used to climb all over him and he would just lay there and let us. Maverick and Gwen come

to stand next to me. I hear Gwen gasp and I worry that seeing a wolf as large as Brutus will scare her.

I’m grateful when I don’t see fear on her face. “Gwen, it’s alright, that is Brutus. He is my grandfather

Archer’s wolf.” Brutus ducks behind the trees and a few seconds later my grandfather heads toward us.

When he reaches us, my grandfather wraps me in a hug before he turns to Maverick. “You must be my

granddaughter’s mate.” “Grandpa Archer, this is my mate Maverick and his mother Gwen.” “Welcome

to the Scarlett Rose pack” he says. “So, do you want to tell me what happened that landed you in a

human hospital.” I knew that they wouldn’t keep it from him, but I was hoping I could tell him myself. As

I tell him about the accident and about the break in at Maverick’s apartment, he growls a few times.

“Well, I’m glad to see that you’re all alright. I will gladly speak to the chief of police if you need me to.”

“No, we have it under control grandpa.” He leans down and kisses my forehead before he heads into

the pack house.

I lead Gwen and Maverick up to my parent’s office. My grandmother Sabrina is waiting with my parents.

She rushes over and wraps me in a hug. “Your mother told me what happened. I’m so happy that

Gemma was able to protect you. I would be driving to the human city and finding that b**ch if you were

seriously hurt.” I laugh and hug my grandmother again. She pulls back and smiles at Maverick and

Gwen. “Grandma, this is my mate Maverick and his mother Gwen.” I notice concern on my father’s

face. I know that sharing our secrets with humans is always a risk. If she ever told anyone, I would be

stripped of my title and the pack would be in jeopardy. I trust Gwen. I would never put the pack at risk,

but I understand my father’s concern. I tell them about what happened with Gwen being attacked and

my father growls. “Maverick and I brought her here to keep her safe.” My mother smiles at Maverick. “I

take it that means you have accepted the bond with Ruby.” “Yes, I have. I am still worried about being a

human and becoming an Alpha, but I’ll gladly do what it takes to be accepted by the pack.” My mother

and grandmother chuckle and Maverick looks confused.

“Maverick, my grandmother Sabrina and my mother are both humans. My mother is also a human

Alpha.” He smiles “that’s what you wanted to tell me before I upset you.” “What happened” my father

asks, and he looks angry. “Lake Solace, that is none of your business. Your daughter is very capable of

handling any issues she has with her mate.” “He hurts my daughter and he will find out exactly what’s

my business”, my father says under his breath. I know Maverick and Gwen didn’t hear him, but my

mother did. She shoots him a glare and I can’t help but chuckle. I tell them about everything that

happened after we left the hospital. Needless to say, my father was irate and my mother had to wrap

her arms around him to calm him down. Once my father was calm, my mother came back over and sat

next to Gwen. “I’m so glad you’re alright. Learning about wolves and mates must be a lot for you to

take in. I was born in the pack, so being around wolves is all I have ever known.” Gwen smiles and I’m

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glad that she will be here with Maverick. I hope having her here will make it easier for both of them

when we finally do mate and mark.

“Gwen actually told us about seeing one of our kind when she was a child”, I tell my parents. I look at

Gwen and she retells the story. I hear my grandmother gasp and I can see she is linking someone. A

few minutes pass and my grandfather walks into the office. “Gwen, this is my mate Archer” my

grandmother says. “We met outside but it’s nice to see you again Archer.” “My mate tells me that you

were saved by a wolf when you were a child” my grandfather says. “Yes, I probably wouldn’t be here if

it wasn’t for him.” My grandfather smiles and it hits me all at once. “It was Brutus wasn’t it” I say. My

grandfather nods and I cover my mouth with my hand. My grandfather saved my mate’s mother. A tear

rolls down Gwen’s cheek. She stands walking over and wrapping my grandfather in a hug. “Thank you”

she says. Maverick stands next and puts out his hand to my grandfather. He is pulled into a hug and I

hear him thank my grandfather for saving his mother. Everyone retakes their seat and Maverick takes

my hand in his.

“We have gotten a room ready on the Alpha floor for Gwen, but if you would like we can make more

permanent arrangements” my father says, and I can’t help the warmth that blooms in my chest. I had

planned to talk to him about making Gwen a pack member when we had time alone, but I guess I won’t

have to wait. “Gwen, Maverick will automatically become a pack member when we mark and mate, but

we would like you to become part of the pack also.” Maverick squeezes my hand and I can see unshed

tears in his eyes. “I would love to be part of the pack. What do I need to do?” I love that she didn’t even

have to think about what I just offered her. “We will discuss the ceremony tomorrow. It’s late and I’m

sure everyone is tired” my mother says. “Ruby, after you show Gwen to her room, we need to speak to

you and Maverick about something that happened to Jade”, my father says. My head whips in his

direction “is she alright?” “Your sister is fine.” “We can show Gwen to her room” my grandmother says.

I’m grateful because I need to know what the hell happened now. I have a knot in my stomach,

wondering what the hell could have happened to Jade.

Jade POV

My bedroom door opens and I shoot up, looking toward the door before I look in the crib. Princess, as I

have been calling her since I don’t know her name, is still fast asleep. Ruby follows my line of sight and

smiles. “Mom and dad told me what happened. Can you come into the hallway, so we don’t wake her?”

I nod and slide out of bed. I keep the door cracked so I can hear her if she starts to cry. “Are you alright

Jade”, Ruby asks. “Yes, I’m fine. I was in shock at first for obvious reasons, but I’m fine now. I worried

the hatchling wouldn’t do well being away from her family, but she has been fine.” “Dad wanted me to

let you know that the King of the Dragon Kingdom will be here in the morning.” “Did they find out who

she belongs to?” “Yes Jade, the little girl is the dragon king’s daughter.” “Holy sh*t, how the hell did this

happen? Why would a wolf have a royal hatchling? Was he angry?” My sister chuckles. “I’m not sure

about the answers to your questions, but hopefully we will have them once he arrives.”

“Are you going to be here to meet with him?” “Of course, my Alpha duties take priority over the office.” I

give her a look. “I wasn’t talking about the office. I thought you were supposed to meet with Archer and

his mate tomorrow about the attack.” “Sh*t after everything that happened tonight, I totally forgot. I’ll

ask Autumn to stay with them until after we meet with the dragon king.” I think back to earlier when

Autumn ran off. Ruby must notice my concern. “What’s wrong” she asks. I tell her about Autumn’s

behavior after we got back from dinner. She stops talking for a minute and when she looks back at me,

she looks worried. “She has a block up still. What the hell is going on with her”, Ruby says. “I don’t

know but I’m concerned about her, Ruby. I’ve never seen her act this way.” “We will figure out what’s

going on Jade. Autumn is like our sister and if she is upset about something she needs to talk to us so

we can help fix it.” I catch a scent and smile at my sister. “Is your mate downstairs?” Before she can

answer, the little one starts to cry. I head back into my room and pick her up. She immediately quiets

down as she snuggles into my chest. “It seems she likes you, Jade.” I smile because I like her too.

Zelda and I feel connected to this little girl. I hate the thought of her leaving, but I know she isn’t mine to


Maverick POV

When Ruby insisted we bring my mother to the pack I fell harder than I ever thought possible. I know

how crazy it is for me to say it, but I’m in love with this woman. I don’t really believe I knew what love

truly was until Ruby. I cared for Delilah, but it was nothing like I feel right now. I listen to Lake speak

about dragons and hatchlings. I can’t believe that the supernatural community can keep themselves a

secret from humans. After Ruby speaks with Jade, she leads me back to the floor from earlier. It truly is

amazing. “Maverick, I want you to feel comfortable. We can take this as slow as you want to. I would

like us to share a bed, but I can show you to a spare room if you’re not ready yet.” I step close so we

are practically touching. I lean down, pressing a kiss to her lips. It starts out soft before I deepen the

kiss. I lick the seam of her lips to gain entry and she gasps, giving me the opportunity to slide my

tongue against hers. She moans into my mouth and I can feel my c**k hardening just from a kiss.

I pull away when we are both breathless. I press my forehead against hers as we catch our breath. “I

want to make love to you and complete our bond, Ruby.” She pulls back and the smile on her face is

brilliant. I will never tire of staring into her beautiful green eyes. She takes my hand and leads me down

the hall to a set of double doors. She opens the door and the room is amazing. There is a huge bed in

the middle of the room. A sitting area with a huge floor to ceiling window that leads out to a balcony.

The room is decorated in warm colors. She leads me to a walk-in closet and I stop when I see that

there are both male and female clothes. She turns looking at me. “Maverick, these are your clothes. I

have never been with another man. I asked some of the omegas to bring you clothes until we get your

things from the apartment.” Did she just say she has never been touched by another man? I don’t know

why that turns me on so much. I’m not one of those men who expects women to stay pure while they

sleep with every woman they meet. I just love the thought of me being her one and only. I wish I could

give that to her, but I can’t take back my past.

Ruby POV

We walk back out of the closet and I show Maverick to the bathroom. “Do you want to go first?” He

smiles “I won’t be long.” As soon as he goes into the bathroom I head back into the closet. I open the

drawer that contains a vial with the marking potion. “I’m so excited to finally have our mate Ruby”,

Gemma says. “I am too Gemma.” Maverick clearing his throat startles me. I turn and Maverick is

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leaning against the door frame naked from the waist up. He is wearing black boxer briefs. His bare

chest has a smattering of hair. He looks like a Greek god. “If your done checking me out Ruby it’s your

turn to shower.” He looks at the vial in my hand. “What’s that” he asks, pointing at the vial. I smile “my

aunt made this for you. When you drink it you will be able to mark me. ” I brush my finger over the spot

that will soon have my mark. “I will bite down here and then our bond will be complete.” “Will it hurt?” “It

will in the beginning, but I’ve been told if it’s done during mating it is more pleasure than pain.” I kiss his

lips before I head to the bathroom.

When I walk out, I’m wearing my robe but nothing else. Maverick is lying on the bed in a black pair of

boxer briefs. He watches me as I walk toward the bed. I open my robe and drop it on the floor.

Maverick hisses and reaches out, pulling me onto the bed. “You are the most beautiful, sexy woman

and I’m lucky to have been chosen to be your mate.” His words send heat to my core. I’m on my back

and he never breaks eye contact with me as he moves down my body. “I want you to watch me as I lick

your p**sy.” He takes a long lick and I can’t help but arch my back. “Eyes on me Ruby” he says like a

command and it makes my core drip. I watch as he devours me and I feel like I’m ready to come apart.

“Maverick, I’m going to c*m.” “I want you to c*m all over my mouth baby” he says before he sucks my

cl*t into his mouth. I grab his hair and buck against him as the orgasm rips through me.

I don’t know when it happened but Maverick’s boxer briefs are gone. He climbs up my body and his

c**k is against my belly as he kisses me. I can taste my own juices on his lips. I reach down taking his

c**k into my hand. I begin to pump him up and down. His grunts let me know he is enjoying what I’m

doing. He pulls back “are you ready Ruby?” “Yes Maverick, please make me yours.” “It’s going to be

uncomfortable at first, but I promise it will get better” he says and I just nod. He lines himself up at my

entrance, rubbing the tip around my opening. “Maverick please” I plead. He pushes forward and after

the initial pain there is nothing but pleasure. “Ruby, I want to mark you now” he grunts out. I lead his

hand to my marking spot and as soon as he touches me his hand lights up. The orgasm from his mark

is like nothing I have ever felt before. He continues to pump and I feel Gemma at the surface. I

elongate my canines and pull his neck to me, marking him as mine. He thrusts a few more times before

he erupts. I can feel his warm c*m coating my walls, causing me another orgasm. Once we have both

come down, Maverick rolls off me and I lay with my head on his chest. I can feel the bond is complete

and I have never felt so whole. “Ruby” he says my name and I look up at him. “I love you” he says and

everything stops. Did he just say he loves me? I push up pressing my lips to his as I fight back tears. I

pull back “Maverick, I love you.” We fall into a peaceful sleep.

Luca POV

We arrive at the pack by nine. Sebastian is pacing in my mind. I’m sure he is as eager as I am to have

Luna back in our arms safe and sound. Sherman and Esme walk with me to the pack house. “King

Luca, I am Alpha Lake Solace and this is my mate, Alpha Gabriella Solace.” “This is my second in

command, Sherman and my cousin Esme.” “Our daughter will be here shortly with your hatchling if you

want to follow us to our office.” I nod and follow Lake and Gabriella. We reach the office and everyone

takes a seat. “I mean no disrespect, but can you please tell me exactly how my daughter came to be in

this pack so far from my kingdom?” “I hope you are not insinuating that any member of my pack had

something to do with kidnapping your daughter.” I’m just about to respond when the scent of oranges

and vanilla invades my nose. No, this can’t be happening. The door opens and my heart stops beating.