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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2332
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He gave Sole Wolf a look, and Sole Wolf inclined his head. Then, the latter took out a dagger and walked over to


Cesar stammered out, “W-What are you trying to do?”

Instead of responding to him, Sole Wolf shoved the dagger in his hand right into Cesar's mouth and scraped its


Cesar's gums were all cut off.

As such, he could no longer try to end his life by biting his tongue even if he wanted to.

Blood stained half of Cesar's face.

“Argh!” Cesar screamed.

Demon! They're demons! They've scrapped off my teeth and gums just to stop me from killing myself! Only

demons would think of an insane way like this!

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Zeke asked, “First question, why were you nurturing the Worm King and the Myriad Worm Formation? And why did

you try to control Dawn?”

Cesar's gums were scrapped off, so his words were not as comprehensible. “I nurtured the Worm King because... I

wanted to make it fight for me. I want to increase my battle prowess. You know that I can't physically fight. I'll lose

against many. That's why I was trying to use the Worm King to make up for that. As for controlling Dawn... I just

wanted to use her to threaten you just in case.”

Zeke shook his head. “It seems like you're still not an honest man. Sole Wolf, show him a little more nightmare so

that he'll stop thinking of us as idiots.”


Sole Wolf rubbed his hands before playing with his dagger, eager to mess with Cesar further.

“Boy, have you ever heard of this? One will use a knife to cut a cross on another person's scalp before pouring lead

into it. Liquid lead is heavy, and it'll keep sinking downward. By the time it reaches the foot, the entire body's skin

will peel off. Still, this isn't the main point. The main point is that the person will remain conscious the entire time.

They'll only die after the entire body's skin is peeled off.”

Hearing that, the hair on the back of Cesar's neck stood as goosebumps raised all over his body.

He's a psycho! They're all psychos! How can they come up with such a maniacal torture method?

The very thought of it was hair-raising, let alone the process of it. Cesar instantly lost all courage in him.

“Okay, okay! I'll tell you everything. I don't want Black Muraco Clan to end like this, so I was trying to restore it. To

restore Black Muraco Clan, I'd need the Progenitor and the Holy Maiden. I wanted to nurture the Worm King into

the Progenitor. As for Dawn... She has pure Dragon Bloodline, so she's the best candidate for the Holy Maiden.

Rebuilding Black Muraco Clan is a lengthy process, and I won't be able to do it myself. That's why I went to work

with Netherworld Daemonium—I was seeking their help.”

Zeke replied, “Tell me. What have you asked Netherworld to do for you?”

Cesar responded, “Daemonium helped me deal with the Dulliouds and returned my freedom to me. They then

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helped me gain control of Ghoul Cliff and created the right environment for me to nurture the Progenitor. Finally,

they agreed to help me conquer White Muraco Clan so that our people can return.”

Zeke probed, “Oh, so you're telling me that the Netherworld is helping you out for free? They must have ulterior

motives of their own, right?”

Cesar replied, “Of course. It's not as if they've never used me to do things for them.”

“Then what have you helped them with?”

“First of all, they've asked me to change the Dulliouds into spider men. Secondly, they wanted me to control the

people with the cursed parasitic worms and make them plant soybeans.”

Zeke arched a brow. “Why are they trying to plant soybeans? What's so special about those soybeans compared to

the normal ones?”

Cesar shook his head. “I don't know.”

Zeke shot a glare at him. “Lying again? Sole Wolf, it's time for torture.”

Cesar pleaded miserably, “I really don't know! I'm not lying to you! I'm but a pawn to the Netherworld, which makes

me replaceable. They won't tell me top secrets like those. I've also tried asking them about it, but I nearly enraged

them and lost my life. I swear everything I said is the truth. If I lie to you, I'll die a horrendous death!”