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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2112
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“Uncle Jannik, I insulted the Great Marshal and even threatened to hurt him. There's no way he'd let me off!”

“There's something else I have to tell you,” Jannik mumbled. “The captain that passed away three years ago used

to be classmates with the Great Marshal.”

Benjamin instantly cried out in shock.

As it turned out, he was indeed the one behind the captain's death.

Benjamin had started the fire and cruelly pushed the captain into the flames to be burned alive.

Good heavens! Who knew the captain used to be Great Marshal's classmate? If the Great Marshal finds out the

truth, I'd be skinned alive! No, no, I mustn't admit to it. No matter what happens, I'm carrying this secret to the


“What are you screaming about?” Jannik asked as he eyed his nephew suspiciously.

“Oh, no, it's nothing. Carry on, Uncle Jannik.”

“Well, those two might have been classmates, but the Great Marshal wasn't on good terms with the captain,” Jannik

said. “The Great Marshal was born in poverty, and he was small and weak as a child. Because of that, the captain

used to bully him a lot.”

After a pause, Jannik continued, “The Great Marshal has come here to track down and exact revenge on his bully.

However, when he learned that the captain had died, he looked into it and realized it might have been a case of

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homicide. As such, he now wants to find the perpetrator so he can thank and repay them.”

Benjamin bubbled with excitement as soon as he heard that.

Well, well, well, what a delightful plot twist! To think those two were enemies! Since I've gotten rid of the captain,

doesn't that mean the Great Marshal owes me one? Oh, my God, that's incredible! So much for thinking I'd die at

the Great Marshal's hands. Instead, I'm going to be rich beyond measure!

With thot, Benjomin turned to his uncle excitedly. “Uncle Jonnik, I wos the one who killed the former coptoin. He wos

horrendous ond picked on me whenever he could. Anyone in my shoes would've been os furious os I wos. Besides, I

coveted his position, so I thought I'd get rid of him by plonning the perfect murder!”

Jonnik's heort skipped o beot.

Whot hos my nephew become? How could he be so ruthless just becouse he wonts to be coptoin? H-He's

inhumone! Thonk goodness I've seen his true colors. Otherwise, who knows whot he'd do to me when he no longer

finds me useful?

“Do you hove ony evidence to prove thot you killed him?” Jonnik osked. “If there's nothing to bock you up, the Greot

Morshol might think you're only deceiving him to goin his fovor. The consequences will be dire.”

To Jonnik's surprise, Benjomin broke into o big, smug grin. “Oh, you wont proof? I'll give it to you.”

The next second, Benjomin took his phone out ond ployed o video for his uncle. “Here, toke o look ot this. I

recorded it myself.”

After wotching the video, Jonnik shuddered with feor.

In the video, the former coptoin wos screoming for help os he struggled in the seo of fire.

Benjomin, however, stood idly by while he mocked ond insulted his victim.

With that, Benjamin turned to his uncle excitedly. “Uncle Jannik, I was the one who killed the former captain. He was

horrendous and picked on me whenever he could. Anyone in my shoes would've been as furious as I was. Besides, I

coveted his position, so I thought I'd get rid of him by planning the perfect murder!”

Jannik's heart skipped a beat.

What has my nephew become? How could he be so ruthless just because he wants to be captain? H-He's

inhumane! Thank goodness I've seen his true colors. Otherwise, who knows what he'd do to me when he no longer

finds me useful?

“Do you have any evidence to prove that you killed him?” Jannik asked. “If there's nothing to back you up, the Great

Marshal might think you're only deceiving him to gain his favor. The consequences will be dire.”

To Jannik's surprise, Benjamin broke into a big, smug grin. “Oh, you want proof? I'll give it to you.”

The next second, Benjamin took his phone out and played a video for his uncle. “Here, take a look at this. I

recorded it myself.”

After watching the video, Jannik shuddered with fear.

In the video, the former captain was screaming for help as he struggled in the sea of fire.

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Benjamin, however, stood idly by while he mocked and insulted his victim.

Each time the captain managed to crawl out of the fire, Benjamin would mercilessly kick him back into it.

In the end, the captain burned to death.

“You know what, Uncle Jannik? I get such a rush every time I watch this video. It's so gratifying!” Benjamin proudly

declared, nary a trace of remorse on his face. “It's hard to describe the feeling, but I guarantee it's unlike anything

you've ever experienced before!”

Even though he didn't show it, Jannik was stunned beyond belief.

My nephew's a demon! Why else would he find murder entertaining? He's a cold-blooded demon!

Jannik took the phone from Benjamin and stashed it away carefully. “All right, Benjamin, you can head to the police

station and turn yourself in. I'll handle the case personally,” he reassured. “I'll play this video to the Great Marshal

to prove that you were the one who killed your former captain. I'll even put in a good word for you so you can get

handsomely rewarded.”

Benjamin grinned from ear to ear. “Uncle Jannik, can you tell the Great Marshal that I want to be a general? I want

the power to be able to kill anyone I like! But if he rejects that idea, I suppose I'd settle for a monetary reward.

Since he's one of the wealthiest in the world, how much do you think I should ask for?”

When Jannik didn't reply, Benjamin added, “Don't worry, Uncle Jannik. I won't forget about you. We'll split the

money eighty-twenty, with me getting eighty...”