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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2093
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David was panicking so much that he was beginning to sweat. “Oh no. Madeline has high blood pressure. She'll pass

out whenever she gets emotional. I knew it. I shouldn't have come back so suddenly. I should've given her a call


Zeke quickly assured, “Calm down. I'm trained in the medical field. Here, let me treat her.”

With that, he pulled out his Ammo Needles and inserted them into Madeline's body to lower her blood pressure.

In reality, using the Ammo Needle to treat high blood pressure was basically an overkill. Nonetheless, Madeline's

blood pressure gradually stabilized, and she regained consciousness soon after.

Her eyes flew open, and she grabbed David's hand, saying, “A-Am I dreaming? David... Is it you? Is it really you? I'm

dreaming, right? I must be dreaming.”

Holding Madeline's hand, David said, “Madeline, you're not dreaming. I'm really back.”

His words immediately caused tears to stream freely down Madeline's cheeks. She pounded furiously on David's

chest, wailing, “You... Why did you come back here? You should've just died out there. Do you know how Emma and

I lived for the past few years? You son of a gun...”

Anguish and guilt were written all over David's face as he apologized, “I'm sorry. I'm truly sorry. It's my fault. I've let

you and Emma down. Don't worry, Madeline. I'll do everything I can to make it up to both of you from now on.”

Hearing that, Madeline sobbed harder.

It was a shocking sight to see her bawling her eyes out. After all, she had never shed a single tear when she

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endured all the hardship to bring Emma up.

It was as if she wanted to release all the grievances that had welled up in her over the years.

After waiting for her to calm down, David finally spoke softly. “Madeline, where's Emma? Where's she?”

Madeline suddenly slapped her head gently. “That's right! How could I have forgotten about Emma? Today's our

reunion, so she must not miss out!”

“Oh well, Emma has gone to work. Let me give her a call now.”


Madeline quickly pulled out her phone and gave Emma a call. “Emma, come home right now. I've good news to tell

you. No, don't tell me you're busy with work at the company and you don't have the time to come home. You must

come home now. If you don't, I'm going to look for you in the office, and I'm not joking. Okay. I'll be waiting. I

promise you won't regret coming home.”

She then hung up and turned to David. “Emma's company is less than half an hour away. She'll be home soon. Let's

just wait patiently, okay?”

David nodded in response.

Madeline asked, “By the way, why did you come home with Mr. Williams?”

“It was Mr. Williams who saved me. If it wasn't for him, I'm afraid I would've lost my life out there, let alone come

home,” David explained.

When she heard that, Madeline was so touched that she almost burst into tears. She quickly got up and bowed at

him. “Mr. Williams, thank you. Thank you so much. If it wasn't for you, my family would've been broken.”

Zeke said hurriedly, “Please get up. There's no need for such formalities. This is really nothing.”

David too bowed to him. “Mr. Williams, you've done a great deed in reuniting my family. I'm afraid I won't be able to

repay all of that in this lifetime. If there's a next life, I'll be willing to do anything to repay your kindness.”

Seeing that, Zeke helped the two elderly people up.

David and Madeline held hands. Although they did not say anything, they expressed their feelings through eye


Not long after, the sound of keys clinking could be heard outside the door. Needless to say, it was Emma opening

the door with her keys.

Madeline rushed to the door and opened it. “Emma, you're finally back. Quick, come in.”

Emma was not alone for Sasha tagged along as well.

When both of them entered the house, they immediately noticed Zeke, and they jumped with joy. “Mr. Williams,

you're back! This is great! These must be your friends, right?”

Zeke flashed Emma a smile and said, “Emma, do you know who this is?”

He then pointed at David.

Emma stared at David with a blank expression.

When David left, Emma was still a child, and she had vague memories of him. Hence, she could not recognize who

he was.

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Zaka said hurriadly, “Plaasa gat up. Thara's no naad for such formalitias. This is raally nothing.”

David too bowad to him. “Mr. Williams, you'va dona a graat daad in rauniting my family. I'm afraid I won't ba abla to

rapay all of that in this lifatima. If thara's a naxt lifa, I'll ba willing to do anything to rapay your kindnass.”

Saaing that, Zaka halpad tha two aldarly paopla up.

David and Madalina hald hands. Although thay did not say anything, thay axprassad thair faalings through aya


Not long aftar, tha sound of kays clinking could ba haard outsida tha door. Naadlass to say, it was Emma opaning

tha door with har kays.

Madalina rushad to tha door and opanad it. “Emma, you'ra finally back. Quick, coma in.”

Emma was not alona for Sasha taggad along as wall.

Whan both of tham antarad tha housa, thay immadiataly noticad Zaka, and thay jumpad with joy. “Mr. Williams,

you'ra back! This is graat! Thasa must ba your friands, right?”

Zaka flashad Emma a smila and said, “Emma, do you know who this is?”

Ha than pointad at David.

Emma starad at David with a blank axprassion.

Whan David laft, Emma was still a child, and sha had vagua mamorias of him. Hanca, sha could not racogniza who

ha was.