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In the Alpha’s Arms

Chapter 20
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Sense of Sound

Cold water from the outside hose rushed into Cole’s eyes and mouth, the force of the water feeling like it was

stripping his skin. Alex turned up the intensity. He growled and raged forward, but Alex pushed him back once


“You need to calm the fuck down Alpha before you hurt her...”

Alex turned up the pressure until Cole was close to screaming. His wolf howled and raged inside his head,

desperate to get to his mate and mark her. It was so similar to the day be shifted and caught her scent. His wolf

wouldn't be swayed, no matter how hard he tried to explain why they couldn't have


Even then, he'd needed Alex to help him because he couldn't control his wolf. And now they were at it again,

Alex desperately trying to break the heat that was clawing his insides. His mate was fertile, and she smelled...

like he should rip her clothes into pieces and press himself as deeply as he could. Alex sprayed his face again,

“Get your mind out of the gutter!”

But even that stinging hadn't been enough to squelch the white-hot hunger in his veins, Lita was sending hins

over the edge. The subtle pull of the mate bond and her human scent smelling like heaven were bad. He could

keep his wolf calm through that, though.

But her new intensified scent that sent his body straight to hell? He wasn’t handling that well at all. He knew he

needed to pull away from her in the hallway, but the way her ovulation’s scent worked its way down into his

baser self left him wanting to sink his teeth into every part of her.

He was shaking from head to toe with need. His wolf was tearing to get out and bite down on Lita. Especially

where he'd already tenderized the area. This desperate desire to claim her forced him into a half-shifted state,

just like seeing her unconscious at the apartment building. He was so close to the edge he could taste it. Cole

thought about the way his fingertips just barely grazed the soft flesh between her legs. He growled once more.

“You're still thinking about it, Alpha!” Alex yelled, spraying him again in the face, “That's the opposite of calming

the fuck down!” Soaking down to his bones and shivering, Cole's heat finally dissipated. Cole dropped to his

knees as the sensation of ravaging her passed out of him.


e you Enally good

finally good?” Alex turned off the hose and knelt beside Cole, eyeing his body for more signs that he was in

between a shift.

Cole panted, still unable to speak, but he nodded as he caught his breath. He placed his palms on the ground

and breathed deeply, hunching himself over on all fours. Then he suddenly jumped up and raced to the side of

the building, Alex hot on his heels, thinking he was running back to Lita. But Instead, Cole upturned the entire

contents of his stomach into the grass,

“Jesus, Alpha,” Alex patted his back as he wretched up his breakfast, “Are you sure you'll be able to handle

having her here? It's just... I'm worried about what this is doing to you. Having a mate here who you haven't

rejected and won't accept. It just seems like it’s tearing you up from the inside...”

Cole coughed and steadied himself against the wall, leaning his head onto the cool concrete, “I'm going to reject

her... just not right now. Not until she’s healed. | hear rejection causes pain... and | don’t want to cause her


Alex nodded, though he didn’t agree. Keeping them bonded, in this constant state of ebb and flow, would cause

her more pain in the end. Cole was only thinking of himself and what he could withstand. Not about Lita and

what it would do to her heart if she were to becattached to him first.... Getting rejected when there's no

tto form a bond hurts. Getting rejected when you're in love with the person destroys. He'd seen it firsthand

in his birth pack. Alex shuddered, he never wanted to see that again.

But there was nothing he could do to dissuade his Alpha when his mind was made up. And he hoped Lita

wouldn't becattached. He'd just have to be extra vigilant over the man whenever he was near her. Perhaps

they shouldn't ever be alone until the rejection was complete. And poor Lita had to be as confused as they came,

wrapped up in Cole's wild emotions, not knowing why her body was suddenly boiling and unsettled.

Is the good? He linked to Stace but go

but got no reply. Hello?! is she okay? he linked again.

She’s physically fine, Aler. It's a lot easier to cale a human down than I'm sure it was to get Cole back from the

edge... But we have a problem... Send one of the others to watch Alpha, | need you up here... thurry.

Her mother’s voice grated on Lita’s already frayed nerves. Answering the phone had to be top tier on the list of

stupidest things she'd done that week. Right behind, biting Brian's lip. That was definitely number one. Shit,

making out with Cole was up there too because now, she couldn't get him out of her head. And in the hallway,

he’d been so close to grazing her core. She closed her eyes and took a calming breath. Lita needed to rein it in.

“Hel-lo?! Can you hear me, little girl?” Diane screeched. Her mother could be such a harpy when she wasn’t

getting her way. AnytLita didn’t say or do something she'd asked, her eyes would turn dark and hard. And

then Lita would do exactly as she had been told, not really understanding why.

“Y-yes I'm here, | hear you, mm...” Lita sighed, sinking into the edge of the bed. Her body felt flushed and full of

static. She messed to fina

Sense of Sound

temple and felt her pulse throbbing against her head. There was something about her mother’s voice right now

that was giving her a migraine. She could feel it blocking all the cogs in her mind from tuming.

“Brian cto visit his family this weekend and colorsurprised to find out someone trashed his apartment

and cleaned out yours?”

“Really?” Lita shook her head, trying to brush off the sensation.

“So you know nothing about it? Did something happen between you?”

“You KNOW something happened... mom... you've KNOWN things happen with B

Brian and it’s never seemed to phase you. What do you wantto say

Lita wanted to yell, but the words fell flat as she said them, her mind swirling and making her dizzy. Stace

watched her from the corner of the room, confusion written on her face. Everything seemed to slow down around

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her to the point that she could hear her own heart beating, isolating nut all the sounds but her heart and her

mother’s tense breathing. She felt powerless. The sound of her mother’s voice was slowing down her brain.

“Who do you think you're talking to? Listen toand listen well, daughter. | just spoke with Brian and | don’t

know what you're playing at by finding another Alpha. Hell, | don’t even know how you knew what a fucking


Your break is officially over!”

Lita’s whole body seized up. Her mother’s voice sounded foreign, thick and heavy all of a sudden. The sound

filled her to the brim. The sound was all she could hear. It wrapped her body like a vice grip and all she could do

was obey. Those words had to be obeyed. No matter what. She didn’t even understand what an Alpha was or

why her mother had said it, but the need to do as she was told suddenly swallowed the confusion her felt up.

She nodded her head yes as the shiver roped down her spine like ice crawling over her skin. She couldn't do

anything, she wasn’t in control.

“Lita, | need to hear you say it, SAY IT!"

*| will chright this instant and smooth things over with Brian,” Lita droned. She couldn't even recognize

her own voice as she spoke. It was like all of her train functions were dimming. The entire rooms seemed to

vanish around her until only the door was really visible. Lita didn’t know what was happening to her, but she

knew it was familiar. It had happened before, this absolute loss of control.


“Good girl, there's a flight that leaves for New York in an hour. Be on it. I'll see you when you get here, her

mother clipped, hanging up the pho

Those words seemed to do something involuntary to her body. She could only think of doing as her mother had

asked. Lita stood, making her way to the bedroom door.

“Whoa, whoa, what the hell, Lita? Where are you going?!” Stace jumped up, grabbing her arm as soon as her off

like nothing. Lita tried to continue forward anyway, moving as if she didn’t even notice Stace. She was burning to

the touch, and that wasn’t good. Stace could hear Alex trying to link her, but she was still trying to figure out

what was wrong with Lita. She linked for him to chelp with as Lita reached the door. But the girl shrugged

Lita’s situation. She wasn’t really sure what to call it.

Aside from that woman being a terrible mother, she couldn't think of any reason Lita would have to listen to her

command. From the corner of the room, Stace struggled not to react to the conversation, but it had been hard to

listen to. How could she be so callous with her own child? As far as Stace could tell, going back to these people

seemed like the last thing Lita would want to do. It wasn’t making sense. Stace had overheard their comersation

but nothing was amiss, unless it was something she couldn’t hear... something only Lita could... But that was

impossible, Stace shook her head, the odds were too slim.

Sure, her mother was foaming at the mouth, mad with her, but it had seemed like Lita just said whatever was

necessary to smooth things over for the moment. Stace hadn’t considered for a moment that she would actually

obey. But then here she was, actually trying to leave, Stace couldn't make it make sense. Alex needed to hurry.

Something was definitely off.

“Lita! Tellwhat's wrong?! Stace jerked her hard, trying to snap Lita out of her daze.

*#1-1 will chright this instant and smooth things over with Bilan, Lita repented in a hollow sound, her

feet carrying her forward into the hallway.

my god... there's just no way... t's not possible... Alex hurry.......!"

Lita was on autopilot, moving from the bedroom to the hallway, then from the hallway to the stairs. She could

hear something distant in the background. Something that sounded like yelling, maybe a woman? But her mind

couldn't receive the information She desperately wanted to stop, to make sense of what was happening to her,

but she couldn't. One step at a time, she found herself at the bottom of the staircase, every inch of the floor

blurred out around the front door,

Her body moved on its own, though it seemed to push through extrresistance. Something had hold of her

arm and was tugging hard in the opposite direction. Again, sounds seemed to well up behind her, but she euldn’t

make it out. Her head was underwater, swimming in the ma

Sense of Sound

of her orden. Go home. Make up with Brian, Go hone. Make up with Brian. She reached the door finally, pushing

it open against the resistance.

Lita saw bodies moving in front of her now, just outside the open front door, but she couldn't make them out.

Were they men? Were they women? The strange sounds seemed to grow around her like a crescendo. Were they

talking to her? Were they yelling at her? Did it matter what they were saying? Her body stopped moving, the

resistance proving to be too great to move. Her body thrashed wildly, trying to loosen the binding that held her

back. She wiggled her wrist and tugged hard, but it was bound not by fabric or metal, but by more skin.

She puzzled at why there was someone else’s skin touching her skin. Then the sparks began winding up her

wrist and over her arm. It was electricity, wild and exhilarating as it climbed up her shoulders. She wanted to

turn and embrace the pull that was a sweet torture. Swelling across her chest, the sensation made her suck in

air. Then there was a sound. A clear voice cutting through the crescendo of noise around her.

“Lita, STOP!” And her body stilled, sinking forward against a body. An incredibly warm body. That rough depth of

sound seemed to wind its way into her mind. Stop. Stop. Stop. It lulled her like a tide, pushing her back to shore.

It wasn’t like the grating sound of her mother’s voice. It was smooth and languid, caressing her like a kiss.

*Lita, cout of it!” she slowly felt sensations return to her head. The sounds grew louder and cleared into

voices, though they were still Indiscriminate. Her vision defoged, leaving her finally able to see the bodies and

faces around her. Cale. His dark eyes pierced through hers like he was searching inside of her. Her whole body

felt hot and sticky as she slumped harder into him. He supported her body as she slid down to the ground.

“What the fuck was that?” Lita whispered, her voice finally coming back to her.

“I like to know that too,” he growled, “What happened on the phone? Tellevery detail...

“I upset my mother, you know? She was yelling and askingwhat happened with Brian. But it wasn’t what she

said that was weird, it was her

“Her voice?” Cole asked, sharing a strained look with the others. Now clear in her mind again, Lita realized

everyone surrounded her: Stace, Alex, Andres, Brody and Mark. She could even see Jaz standing off to the side,

looking over in cancer.

“It's hard to explain. It's like the second | heard her voice, | got a headache. A terrible one. And the more she

talked, the more it felt like my mind shutting down. | mouldn’t do anything to stop it. | didn’t have any control.”

Cole’s jaw snapped shut, clearly upset at what she was saying, “And then she said | needed to chright

away and make up with Brian. She toldthere was a flight leaving soon, and | needed to be on it. I-I couldn't

say no. | couldn’t do anything but listen... what the hell is going on?”

“Who's Brian?” Cole asked, avoiding her question with another question.

“He’s my ex.” Lita turned her eyes down. “The one who's apartment you trashed... the one who...” She didn’t

continue, running her hand up and down her arm. It was still too embarrassing for so many people to know. It

had been her deepest secret for the longest tand now, in a handful of days, it was out in the open with all of

them. She was wearing the proof all over her body. She wanted to crawl under the covers and never cout.

Cole grabbed her chin and turned her back to him, “The one who hurt you?” His eyes were red. Clearly red. This

was not an illusion or a trick of the light. His eyes had been dark brown, almost black a moment ago, but now,

they were red. Blood red. She stiffened

“Lita...I'm going to ask you an important question and you really need to answer it honestly,


She nodded.

“Have you ever heard of an Alpha tone?”

you're playing at by finding

Lita shook her head, “but my mom said something about an Alpha... hold on... letthink. She said... ‘l don’t

know what you'r another Alpha. Hell, I don’t even know how you knew what a fucking Alpha was... what does

that mean?”

“She’s right, | overheard it as well,” Stace insisted.

“Another-Alpha? That means that piece of shit is an Alpha as well... but how could she know that | was one?

What would give that information away? You think they had cameras inside?

“Must’ve had cameras,” Andres pondered, “And they ran facial recognition. That means they know exactly wh

bought this land anonymously...”

who you are. Guess it’s a p

a good thing you

“Hell, that means they're elite tier... probably had security systems in place for a breach...” Cole grumbled, “And

he’s from the east coast?” That question he directed to Lita.

Sense of Sound

She nodded, “We both are. Our families are close. My brother hated him though... | hate him now, too.”


“And your parents want you to mate with him?”

“Mate?” she snorted, “They wantto marry him. Insisting on it, even though they know what his

extracurricular activities are... The only saving grace | had was the contract.”

“Contract?” he eyed her, but no matter how intense the gaze, she wouldn't speak on it further.

“Fine, we'll talk about that later.”

“I'm sorry... but am | missing something?” Lita searched everyone's faces, “Brian's an Alpha? You're an Alpha?”

She pointed to Cole, “But what's ant Alpha? A bodybuilder? A fighter?” She pretended not to be thinking about

wolves or packs.

He sighed, “I'm going to explain everything, 1 promise, but first, | have to ask you one more question and | need

you to tellthe truth, okay? Nothing bad will happen... Do you believe me? Do you believe | would never let

anything or anyone hurt you?”

He studied her face until he was sure she believed him, “Lita, | need you to tell me... what's your fa

family name?”

Lita’s Love for the Alpha


“I-1 can’t...” Lila’s heart raced, “I-l don’t...” One. Two. Three Four Five. She needed to calm down. Lita could feel

the hot prickles of sweat on the back of her neck, anger growing in her. Why did she always feel this way?

“Yes you can,” Cole insisted, helping her up to her feet, “You need to tellso | can keep you safe, okay?” She

wanted to lash out, hit him, scratch him, scream. Her throat tightened, which only meant one thing: she needed

her medication. Her emotions were getting the best of her. But she didn’t know where her pills were

Taking deep breaths and holding them for five seconds, Lita tried to slow her heart rate. She shook her head, no,

she couldn't tell them. She shouldn't tell them. It went against everything she kept telling herself this whole

time. Telling them about her family, and therefore James, was opening too many doors that needed to stay

closed. She'd admitted too much already.

And in exchange, they just kept

asking for more information, not

explaining what anything meant. Did

they mean Alpha like a pack system?

Like Cole was their leader? But then,

Q q )

it didn't make sense because here


mother asny alaadek was She? But

ifisha 0 an Alpha tone, something

she could use against Lita that would

override her sense, then she had to

be an Alpha right? How else had her

mother controlled her like that? Could

Brian do it too? Lita thought about

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

q f .

how many times he'd taken the fight

out of her, made her completely

submissive no matter how hot her


anger had burned. She'd never

q "wr

understood why she didn't fight back.

Lita swore she was a coward.

Someone who could only fight when

: : ) . )

it didn't matter. But what if he'd been

bending her will like Diane? The

content is on novelenglish.net! Read

the latest chapter there!

The group began talking, posing different possibilities for where Lita was from. Listing reasons why her mother

would use an Alpha tone and what that meant for Lita.

“Just wait, everybody calm down, just...” Lita said, stumbling to her feet until she pushed away from the group,

Cole reluctantly released her waist as she turned her back on them to clear her mind. “Givea second,


There was too much going on inside her body. She felt desperate, cornered as her palms began to sweat.

Comered by the group’s questions, cornered because her mother knew what happened, which meant Brian

knew. She shivered, what if he got his hands on her again?

I : ) .

Well, if you're not going to tell us

» «

your name,” Brody growled, “Maybe

you can at least explain this photo |

f ”

found in your SUV?" He pulled the,

folded Ree QuEaf fis jeket pocket

ahdflatt@ned it open against his

ON, a q

chest. Lita’s heart immediately froze.

Now she was really cornered. The

. )

choice to tell the truth wasn't even

her own anymore. Like always, her

choice had been stolen from her. Had

anything really changed if she was

still being bullied into everything

other people wanted from her? The

content is on novelenglish.net! Read

the latest chapter there!

I .

Why do you have a picture of all of

” :

us?” Stace asked, grabbing the photo

q . . «

from Brody and flipping it over, “Oh

q ‘

my god. This EES copy 11)

LATA his nright

here... on the first day we opened the

gym. Lita turned back to her friend,

watching the immense sadness that

took over her face. And Lita felt it too.

The loss that never seemed to

lessen. Her big brother dying while

trying to protect her. The content is

on novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

“Are you actually stype of sick psycho fan?!” she said harshly, tears in her eyes like she was genuinely hurt

by James’ photo. The two were obviously close. Had they been together? The way Stace pranced about around

the other men, it had never occurred to Lita that Stace might have had something more with James.

“ANSWER ME?!” Stace yelled.

“C'mon Stace, calm down,” Cole stood between the two women, putting his hands up though Lita could see his

muscles bunching with tension. “I'm sure she has a good reason...” He didn’t sound sure at all.

“NO! Just ‘cause she’s your mate doesn’t mean she’s innocent! How else does she have this?!”

He growled harshly, “Stace!” It was more like a sharp bark, one that sent chills down Lita’s spine,

Lita’s panicked mind knew she needed to clear things up, but she wasn’t sure it would help. It could even make it «

worse. James always wanted her to stand up for henell. And she tried, she really did, but the last tshe